[溝女Q&A] 安排社交活動時,一定要囡囡鍾意?


Manson!  我有問題!








我係唔係姐係要be active去搞一啲follow人地其他女仔feel interested嘅活動?








It maybe naive but that’s my question

Thx, Alex




In the long term, you do want to find people with similar interests, hobbies, mindsets and passions.


That’s a more sustainable social group because neither of you are accommodating oneself to do stuff you don’t like.


Compatibility is an important element if you’re looking for something long term, especially a girlfriend.


However, in the short term where you’re training your social skills,


it’s okay to do both to allow yourself meet more new people and discover what kind of personality/character you like or not.


After a while, you’ll feel what resonates with YOU the most and have more clarity what you truly want.



P.S. Sometimes we may slowly find interest in stuff we used NOT to like.


To me, I used to HATE singing K because I didn’t like my voice.


But now, I LOVE it because I started to know how to project my voice better, and girls complimented on my singing and fun attitude lol