
Whether you are a man or woman, have you heard of these phrases “Men are liars, men are so stupid, men only want sex?”


Here are 3 common myths women have about men, and if you don’t get rid of them, you will never be aware of men’s struggles in his cultural conditioning and see his pain, and he will never feel you understand him.


And for men, if you find that these 3 myths resonate with you, leave a comment below and let me know.

Full Episode Here:


A lot of guys, even if they are in a relationship, don’t know the proper way to turn a girl into his girlfriend.


#1 Many times, No.1 mistake a guy make is to LOGICALLY CONVINCE a girl who may not anything serious or just wants a casual relationship, to have a proper serious bf/gf relationship with him.


Rule #1 Never bring up that you want a relationship with her because you are giving away ALL the power.


The girl can do whatever she wants, and you become her little bitch.


#2 The game is always the same: You and the girl are sexually aroused by each other, have some connection and comfort, then you two sleep with each other multiple times.


Then you continue sleeping with her, showing her that you like her as a person, you like hanging out with her,


but WITHOUT saying the words “I love you”or trying to confirm your bf/gf relationship status.


#3 Slowly increase the frequency you two are seeing each other.


See her 1-2 times a week are good, but NOT 3 times/week MAX.


Too much attention at this stage is still not suitable, you still need to give her SPACE, breathe alone and WONDER about you!


#4 If you follow these steps correctly, girls will almost 100% ask you

“What are we? Where is this going? What am I to you? What is this relationship?”


She wants to hear if she is your girlfriend, let her lead this conversation on her own pace,


and now you can decide if you want that based on her past behaviors (e.g. sex, personality, lifestyle, goals etc.)


#5 NEVER push for a relationship until you get SEX with her.


Don’t buy into the excuse that “I need a relationship first before I have a sex with a guy.”


If you hear that from a girl, it only means you are doing sth wrong in the seduction process and she isn’t feeling aroused by you and want to fuck you!

溝女傾偈時,你係咪扮緊小丑!? 【溝女錯誤】

One of the biggest mistake men make during conversation is acting like a stupid clown.

You may think “Let me do this to keep her entertained!

Let me brag about my success and status so that she knows I am the deal!

Let me keep joking around so that she laughs continously!”


But reality is, this is the quickest way to lose a woman. Why?


That’s what we’re gonna discuss today.


(Plus some goodies about HOW to be a great conversationalist with women as a MAN)


Full Episode Here:


Brother, do you define yourself as an introverted person? Or worse still, do you always say you are too 怕醜 to meet women?


If you do, I have a good news and bad news for you:

Good news = Introverted is okay, women don’t just want extraverted guys

Bad news = You need to get rid of your shyness


#1 What’s the difference?

Introverted = A person mostly concerned with his own thoughts/feelings, instead of external things. They gain energy by spending time with themselves.


Shy = Being reserved, nervous, 細膽 in the presence of other people


So shyness is the lack of comfort with other people -> weakness

But introversion is just a preference of how you spend time -> NOT weakness, it’s a strength in many writers/producers/leaders


#2 So how do you be more extroverted & outgoing when you feel nervous?


Simple exercise to develop extroverted muscle: When you leave your house and walk, do a mental note of the things you see.


E.g. How many 7-11/OK can you find along the way? Taxi? Suited up?


When you do this, you’re forcing yourself to look outside yourself and thus training your brain to think in a more extroverted way.


#3 Advanced Exercise: When you speak, incorporate the phrase
“I love/Iike …… + [observation based on 5 senses]


e.g. the music in this bar … + [reason] e.g. because Maroon 5 is really my favorite band!”


It sounds silly, but the point is this forces you to get out of your head to find sth in the environment! (+ being positive, talk about things you enjoy)


Try this everyday for 1 week and see how more extroverted you become!


How do you know if a girl is worth your time & effort to embark on a relationship?

If you like what a woman tells you about what she wants in her future, should you stay in the relationship to WAIT for that ideal day to come?

Today we’ll explore whether we should OR should NOT embark on /stay in a relationship, plus the IDEAL women you should be looking for.

Full episode here: