點樣戒掉任何上癮的習慣?4部曲!【成功人生/吸引力/個人力量】[MAN Talk 055]

上癮 = 你無法自制地不斷做某樣嘢,而呢樣嘢過量消耗你嘅精神能量/集中力,令你變得平庸,無法獲得非凡嘅理想生活


任何令你『花勁多時間沉迷 + 無咗佢唔得會想死』嘅嘢,都喺你嘅癮。



#1 你要學識善用痛苦同快感嘅心理機制,而唔係被痛苦同快感嘅感受去支配你!





#2 要知道 + 斬斷一啲會觸發你毒癮嘅嘢





#3 你要製造令你舒服有快感嘅新活動,去取代原本嘅毒癮

我個人會建議你做一啲改變身體嘅活動,因為幾乎任何上癮,都可以透過physical activities去將你抽離開你脆弱嘅大腦mind,改為集中去強化自己嘅身體body。



#4 最重要嘅,控制你嘅環境





你唔斬斷某啲關係,或者大大降低同佢哋個接觸頻密度,然後level up你身邊嘅人嘅話,你就會滯留喺現時嘅位置,永遠都唔會進步。

#5 以上就係戒除任何毒癮嘅4條原則,嚴重嘅話當然你可能要搵醫生或者治療師幫手啦。




歡迎你去我哋嘅官網www.manthefvckup.com查詢點樣加入我哋最強嘅The Kings Club 皇者俱樂部啦。






#1 首先第一個我想各位巴打明白嘅重點就係:去到終極關頭嘅時候,無人喺可以保護或者關心到你;就算有幾多有心嘅同路人都好,去到臨界點嘅時候,你生唔生存到,最後都只能夠依靠你自己。

記住: No one can give a fvck about you MORE than you can for yourself. 







#2 第二個我想各位年青巴打帶走嘅重點就係:當你下決心每日征服自己physical嘅一面嘅時候,下一步就係要征服自己對兩性遊戲嘅認知,學識男女各自嘅不同動機。





好多呢啲強勢Beta男都係極不穩定嘅計時炸彈,去到某一點就會爆煲,就好似現實鐵甲人Elon Musk 或者亞馬遜創辦人 Jeff Bezos 兩個事業強人,最後都係因為『女人』而搞到自己情緒極痛苦抑鬱,同埋因為離婚而冇咗幾百億身家!


#3 最後第三樣我想各位年青巴打帶走嘅重點就係:喺呢個年代你喺無咁嘅luxury去做一個平庸或者所謂『樣樣ok唔太差嘅中產』,因為你想生存或者享受到自由嘅話,你無最大嘅財富同影響力喺無人會理你嘅意見!







咁所以巴打,男人條命就喺永遠唔可以鬆懈,永遠都需要進步level up自己各方面,從而藉此希望可以生存到,保護到你自己,你嘅資產,同埋你愛嘅身邊嘅人。

我相信你可以深切地feel到世界有幾fvcked up,你亦都感受到情勢有幾嚴峻…



如果巴打你有興趣MTFU內部嚟緊嘅新動向,你可以腥電郵去support@manthefvckup.com 查詢我哋Insider內部兄弟幫嘅課程睇下幫唔幫唔到你。


如何打開自己而不受傷害? [男女感情/人生智慧]

We know that being vulnerable requires emotional courage, because letting ppl come close and see your flawed imperfect self is scary and can hurt you if you choose a wrong person to do so.

How do we protect ourselves while doing that?

#1 First thing to remember: We don’t NEED everyone to see the deepest, realest part of you.

Not everyone DESERVES to see that deep truth, and not everyone is INTERESTED to explore you.

So while we are being real, we give people freedom to go as deep as they want and freedom to stop at certain level.  

When you come from a place of total self-acceptance and self-love, we WON”T need others to validate us that“Oh, you really are flawed but I accept you”.

#2 You have to be choosy as who you slowly allow to enter your heart.

From your interactions with them, you need to see if they are a trustworthy, non-judgemental, patient, compassionate, kind-hearted person who has your best interest at their heart.

If they are supportive to your growth with open heart, then these people has earned their right to receive your invitation to go deep.

If they shame you for being/doing certain things, they are NOT safe people to open up.

#3 This applies to every kind of relationship – bf/gf, friendships, or you seek help from therapist or personal coaching.

The purpose of these “vulnerability sessions” is to help you heal from your emotional wounds in the past,

to let go of the toxic shame that controls you, and to reintegrate your disowned selves back to your personality.

So if you need help to open up, if you are scared about certain fears but you don’t know why,

if you have difficulties connecting with women, you are welcome to send an email to support@manthefvck.com to book a coaching session with me,

OR join our community MTFU Insider to learn and grow together as an integrated healthy male so that you become more attractive, powerful and confident human being.

It is safe, loving, compassionate evn where you will receive support in your journey.

為何父母有幾好都會fvck up我地?【男女感情/情感治療/個人成長】

Hey brother/sister, do you know that no matter how good/bad your childhood was, it is going to affect your love & relationship life?


No matter whether your parents took care of you OR never took care of you, our childhood experience WILL influence what kinds of partners we attract in a romantic relationship.


#1 Why? It’s because as a child, we are helpless and ego-centric.


On one hand, we crave love & attention from our primary caretakers;


On the other hand, our naive self believe that every +ve/-ve reactions from others MUST be because of you.


If they treat you good, you think “Me = Good”.


If they treat you bad/negligent, you think “Me = bad”and something is wrong with you.


#2 Do you know why EVERY human being is fvcked up by their parents?


It’s because even though you have the BEST parents in the world, they are gonna do sth unconscious that make you conclude that you are NOT good enough.


E.g. Daddy comes home, you want to play with him, he said too tired and go watch TV, YOU conclude that you are NOT lovable.


E.g. You broke a vase, mum gave you a quick angry look and said you are so naughty to do that, you conclude YOU = BAD = NOT lovable  


So little innocent acts from our caretakers will easily make kids conclude that they are NOT good enough.


#3 What do kids do then?


Because of fear of abandonment, we develop a series of survival mechanism.


Maybe we tried to achieve good grades to get our parents attention…

Maybe we withdrew as a hermit and play computer games alone to avoid rejection…

Maybe we intentionally behaved badly just to get their attention…


No matter how we adapt, we start to force our identity to behave in certain ways in order to get love and approval.


And that’s how we develop extreme good boys/extreme bad boys traits to survive in childhood.


How about you brother?


Which strategy did you use?


Can you see how such identity shaping will affect what kind of women you attract?


Feel free to share your story and we’ll start to see why we behave in certain ways today as an adult.

Like and Share this video if you think it’s valuable to others, if you want to dive deeper in this topic, let me know.


Are you aware that our biggest enemy is always ourselves?


And one common mistake we all do is to CRITICIZE ourselves too harshly that eventually hurts our self-esteem.


So let me ask you: Do you love yourself? Can you extend your kindness and love towards your ownself?


If you crave happiness, connection, emotional strength and love in the world, you gotta stop being an asshole to yourself and love yourself more FULLY everyday.


#1 Meet the basic needs of yourself first


E.g. Full night sleep, eat nutritious food, train your body at least 3 times a week


If you overload your body with crap, your life is crap!


#2 Don’t ignore your emotions


Everytime we ignore our certain emotions and just “deal with life”, that ignored emotions will always come back STRONGER to make you pay attention to it.


E.g. Ignored stress -> anxiety ->panic attacks.

Ignored frustration-> anger-> rage.

Ignored sadness -> numbness ->depression.


Listen to your body and what your emotions are telling you.


They are signals on things you should or shouldn’t do MORE!


#3 Observe how you critize others

How you treat others externally often reflects how you treat yourself internally.

If you judge others harshly, you also judge yourself harshly when you feel bad.


So learn how to treat people with KINDNESS.

We don’t always know what others are going through.

Instead of judging so quickly, step back and be curious WHY they behave in certain ways.

That’s a little known way that helps you love yourself as well.


https://youtu.be/k-wkDiL3OfADo you want to feel that RAW, STRONG, POWERFUL WARRIOR-like masculine energy running through your body every day so that you get crush your work or double your attractiveness as a MAN?


Here are 3 exercises that help you feel DRIVEN, FOCUSED, sexually AROUSED and become a badass king of life.


#1 High Intensity Workout


Lifting heavy weights or doing any forms of exercises that challenges your body to EXPLODE for a short period of time will BOOST your T-level and give you an endorphin high.


Compound exercises (squats, deadlifts, pullups) = great way to boost your fitness, sex drive and self confidence


#2 Fight!


Men should always have the ability to fight and defend his tribe. Our T is both a sex and aggression hormone that can be used for GOOD.


Even if you don’t have any martial arts training…when you want to feel like a man again, try shadow boxing at home.


Imagine attackers are coming to your home to kill your parents, rape your girlfriend and torture your kids, then you do whatever it takes to punch/ kick /elbow /knee to defend your family!


#3 Have Men-Only Time


Spending time with other men (without women) can inspire each other’s masculine energy. That’s why gangs have been a social phenomenon for centuries.


If you feel that your masculine energy needs some boost, if you want more drive, purpose and direction… then you MUST hangout with other men regularly.


And that’s why I have created MTFU Insider, a men-only club to give you all the mindsets, skillsets and action steps to become the attractive MAN you desire to be.


Also, we hangout every 2 weeks so that each member has the opportunity to interact with me and get personal feedback about their path.


However, this tribe is not for everyone, especially not for dabblers.


So if you are interested to know more OR want to see if you qualify to join, feel free to email us at support@manthefvckup.com to get more info.



Have you ever first kiss a girl after intense attraction & arousal, you left and find her next day, only to find that she is NO LONGER interested in you?


Well, there’s a reason.


Kisses are actually taste tests for our bodies to figure out if the person you are kissing is a strong genetic fit with your DNA.


A study by Oxford University researchers found that kissing helps in assessing potential mates through taste/smell, picking up on biological cues for compatibility, genetic fitness or general health.


Initial attraction may include facial, body and social cues.


Then assessments become more and more intimate as we go deeper into the courtship stages, and this is where kissing comes in.”


Other findings included:


* In short relationships, survey participants said kissing was most important before sex, less so during sex, was less important again after sex and was least important at other times.


In committed relationships, where forming and maintain a lasting bond is an important goal, kissing was equally important before sex and at times not-related to sex.


* In a companion paper in the journal Human Nature, the researchers report that women’s attitudes to romantic kissing also depend on where in their menstrual cycle and their relationship they are.


Women valued kissing most at initial stages of a relationship when they were in the part of their cycle when they are most likely to conceive.


=> Previous studies have shown that hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle can change a woman’s preferences for a potential mate. When chances of conceiving are highest, women seem to prefer men who display supposed signals of underlying genetic fitness, such as masculinized faces, facial symmetry, social dominance, and genetic compatibility. (ALPHA MALE!)  


It appears that kissing a romantic potential partner at this time helps women assess the genetic quality of a potential mate, the researchers say.


Let’s be honest guys, if you are addicted to ejaculating with porn, you are fvcked and you are doomed to be a fvcking loser.


Understand: Your sexual energy/drive is your most precious & powerful form of energy that you can use to do great things.


You EITHER submit to the fvcking porn OR you harness that drive to make your life legendary.


Your sex energy is what makes you a productive, driven & attractive man.

So here’s how to overcome such addiction: