
Not sure if you notice, I have not done 溝女Q&A series for almost 7 months because I was so busy in helping my private clients and students in MTFU Insider.

We had a lot of fun in our trainings, our coaching calls and FB interactions. And I love to see how they are crushing in their love life and professional life.

So if you want such 360 degrees support and live interaction with me, you should join our elite Insider family.

Anyway, I’ve decided to do some charity work and answer a few short easy Qs or 1 quality Q per week – whether I got it in YT, IG or emails.

These answer I give you will NOT be as detailed/intimate/comprehensive as those I do for Insiders. But if you like this kind help, LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to support MTFU.

If you want to send Qs to me, make them as SHORT as possible (50-100 words) for me to read.


Hi Man神, 我叫HY, 最近係Youtube發現你既channel,覺得你既哲學好岩,溝女的確係一門學問,而且需要技巧.


覺得同女仔溝通難左,自己本身講野唔太叻, 見到陌生人都有d怕羞…最近就有個難題, 希望Man神可以解答:

事緣除夕個晚跟左個fd去K party玩同倒數, 我淨係識個fd同佢女友, 其他都係再搭上搭唔認識, 所以我超級緊張..==

係party入面有個女仔俾佢吸引住, 都係個種啦 個樣唔差 斯文有禮型, 但好玩得投入 一齊飲酒猜杖玩, 我亦順利拎左佢電話,  不過我自知個晚表現麻麻 唔夠fun吸引唔到佢 傾既話題偏悶 更加冇問及佢既興趣…

問題就黎啦…….之後有嘗試whatsapp佢 佢都係例牌既hea答...試過send d可愛貓貓相 希望製造下話題 點知原來佢dislike cat….及後我都冇搵佢 唔想係甘send野俾佢chur住佢

Man神, 有咩方法可以同佢係whatsapp有多d交流? 我有唸過搞一大班人行山/踩單車,順便邀請個女仔 甘又得唔得呢? 同埋最重要既係, 我自身方面可以有咩進步? Thank you so much!! - HY


#1 You spend too much whatsapp time on talking useless shit. These rapport based chit chat won’t get you laid.

Always aim for progression in every contact you have with girls. In this case, after getting her laugh or positive response 1-2 times, get her to a quick coffee date.

#2 Your improvement in dating is to drastically MEET MORE GIRLS. I bet you don’t meet girls regularly. So you must increase the volume, whether via online, day/night game, or meeting girls via social activities you enjoy.

Until you do that, you will always operate in scarcity mindset like now, and fixating on one girl trying to get her only. No, you need a lot more experience with girls before you know what to choose and look for, even if you want a relationship.


HI MAN神. 有樣野想請教你,我想拎個新女同事電話. 因為我地24號就上完TRAINING,之後就去不同地方工作,無乜機會見番面.所以打算黎緊就行動. TRAINING果陣我坐佢附近,哩段時間都有同佢交流下上堂既內客.休息果陣都幾個同事圍內吹下水甘.

我想問點樣拎佢contact先唔會覺得唐突? 我留意到佢有抄notes既習慣, 我打算問佢借notes著手.例如借黎番去抄? 聽日還比你,留個whatsapp? 睇唔明可以問下你.  定係貼張有whatsapp紙仔入佢本notes等佢加好呢? 謝謝man神指教 – Alex H


#1 I don’t recommend gaming female colleagues, it’s a mess and anything that happens between you 2 can fuck up your career.

#2 Assuming you have another chance to meet girls in some events in future, don’t act what you did. Right now, you’re obviously shameful with your sexual intent on her, that’s why you feel the need to “secretly get her #” super indirectly and “slowly attract her”. But that’s like a beta pussy who is scared to fuck girls.

So if you intend to get girls’ #, you should first spark attraction by playfully teasing her/challenging her and build some tension. If she responds positively/negatively, good, you’re doing it right. Then have minimal chit chat to “know who she is” to see if there’s qualities you like about her.

#3 If yes, compliment on that and then say well “I like how open-minded you are, most people are like sheeps, too group-thinking. Anyway, we should grab a coffee sometime and chat more. You use whatsapp?”

Mostly she says yes, and then you say “Great, what’s the number?” Then you type her phone in. OR you can do it other ways.

These mechanics of how to do is NOT that important, the point is you should always aim for progression when you give her attention. Otherwise, you’re getting friendzoned.

2 Replies to “點攞contact?攞完wtsapp囡囡無反應?【溝女Q&A】”

  1. Man神,
    因為睇唔明…用Google 都翻釋完都未必get 到個重點。thanks.

    1. 你可以打完問題之後,腥去support@manthefvckup.com,我會透過一星期一次嘅溝女Q&A順著回答返巴打問題。
