獵食者如何玩弄你為獵物?求生不得求死不能![FBI教你危險人物 Ep.024]

By now you should understand that 獵食者為咗滿足變態慾望,佢會不擇手段將你嘅生命搞到翻天覆地,摧毀你嘅夢想與願望,因為可能你就係擋住佢嘅障礙物。


If you happen to feel 唔舒服 in front of certain ppl,可能係因為你身體發出警告訊號,話你知面前有一個侵略性嘅獵食者,令你不自主地發抖,毛骨悚然,甚至出現反胃嘅感覺。

If you feel that, you are lucky and you should BE SUPER ALERT about that person, so that you could avoid a hazardous disaster!

Rmb:唔好假設社會上每個人都係善良美麗,唔好忽略你直覺發出嘅任何警號,因為人類嘅intuition好多時會有智慧地引導你離開危險嘅領域,so pay attention。



Now,if you have to have any sorts of r/p with 獵食者, you have to understand that 獵食者與獵物(你!),係無平等可言。

因為獵食者專門取得別人信賴與滋長,好似寄生蟲一樣附係你身上吸乾你嘅血,滿足自己所有需求,然後消滅寄主,so any relationships with 獵食者 can be lethal.

Even if they have kids, they would either be absent/abuse them/harm them, OR they will train children to steal/cheat/lie/fight/break rules.

So by now, you probably know what 獵食者 are like. Where will we meet these 獵食者? Well, they are everywhere in our society.

E.g. women who are alone are easy targets -> those who got beaten up and robbed by some PK 南亞裔人

E.g. sexully rape children -> MJ, BBC TV host of children show Jimmy Savile

E.g. some are corporate predators -> 2008 financial meltdown, 獵食者製造高風險貸款,進行對沖交易,。

E.g. 希特拉,史太林,薩達姆等等極權政體,以酷刑毒氣等殘暴屠殺人民。

-》 領導人嘅使命:無所不用其極地繼續掌握大權。



You must be vigilant to OBSERVE if the person’s behaviors is TOXIC, irresponsible and intrusive. It’s your responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.

獵食者的194個人格關鍵字![FBI教你危險人物 Ep.023]

Abnormal, abusive, aggressive, aimless, amoral, ammal, antisocial, arrogant, articulate, bad, badass, bad boy, barbaric, bastard,  beast, beguiling, belittling, belligerent, bewildering, biker, black widow, boorish, bullshitter, bully,

calculating, callous, charismatic, charming, cheat, cheater, clever, cold, cold blooded, con, con artist, con man, conniving, contemptuous, controlling, corrupt, corrupting, creep, creepy, criminal, crude, cruel, cunning,

dangerous, deceitful, deceptive, degenerate, delinquent, demeaning, depraved, deranged,  destructive, devilish, dick, discomforting, discordant, disgusting, dishonest, disingenuous, disruptive, domineering, egocentric, electrifying, empty, evil, exploitive,

fire setter, forger, fraud, gangster, gigolo, glib, Godless, grandiose, grifter, guiltless, hasty, heartless, hellish, horrible,  hostile, hustler, immoral, imposter, impulsive, incompatible, inconsiderate, incorrigible, indecent, indifferent, infidelity, inhuman, inhumane,  insane, insatiable, insensitive, insincerity, intense, interesting, intimidating, irresponsible, irritable, irritating,

killer, kleptomaniac, larcenous, lawbreaker, lecherous, leech, liar, loveless, Machiavellian, malevolent, manipulative, mean, mercurial, mesmerizing, mobster, monster, moody, mortifying, narcissistic, nomadic, notorious, noxious, nuisance, odd, parasite, parasitic, pedophile, perverted, picky, pimp, player, possessive, predator, predatory, prick, prickly, promiscuous, puppeteer

quick, rapist, risk-taker, robber, rubbish, rude, ruinous, sadist, sadistic, sarcastic, savage, scary, seducer, seductive, seductress, self-centered, selfish, shallow, shifty, shit, sleazy, smooth, superficial, swindler, tactless, temperamental, thief, thrill-seeker, thug, toxic, twisted, two-faced, tyrant,

uncaring, undependable, unfeeling, unfettered, uninvolved, unreliable, unscrupulous, unsympathetic, untrustworthy, vandal, vile, vindictive, violent, volatile, vulgar, wicked, wild, witty.


Bro, you probably know that the natural progression of a male-female relationship is that SEX FIRST and then MAYBE a relationship right?

But do you know why you should never wait for a girl who tells you that “she needs more time to feel comfortable to have sex with you” OR “she needs a relationship first before sex can happen”?

Well the uncomfortable answer is:

Real genuine sexual desire is NEVER something 2 people negotiate with their logical brains.

If sex is something you negotiate with your gf/wife, it will become an OBLIGATION for her to do it for you and it will NOT be something natural/impulsive/uncontrollable LUST that she just can’t help but to fvck you.

Real sexual desire is a natural chemical reaction that occurs naturally between you and her.

If a woman wants to fvck you, you would have known that within the first 5 minutes of seeing her in person.

Of course I am not saying you can’t influence her perception of your sexual attractiveness, but you just have to understand that you need to present yourself as the right guy to bring that sexual lustful nature inside her.

I always tell my students that if you are still NOT fvcking her after 3 dates, OR if you’re thinking what kinds of tricks you can use on her to convince her to fvck you,

then the chance of SHE wanting you sexually is extremely SLIM.

You are very likely to waste time giving attention to her in dates 4-6 and you probably should have invested the same amount of time/energy on new girls.

Don’t wait TOO LONG without trying to get sexual and bang her, otherwise you’re just friendzoning yourself.  

Of course there are always special cases why she doesn’t fvck you at that moment e.g. she has a bf, you’re being too beta, she has a super devoted religious person, she was raped b4 etc.

She tells you “she isn’t comfortable yet?”, well, think about this:

If she meets GD/TOP/Chris Hemsworth/Jason Momoa/Tom Cruise/Robert Downey JR , would she tell them to wait for a month before he is allowed to bang her?

Don’t be naive. When you’re the right kind of guy, women will bend her “usual rules” for you and make an exceptional case.

If she doesn’t, leave her, keep leveling up yourself, sex yourself up and become THAT kind of guy.

If you want more foundations about female psychology, apart from booking a coaching call with me or joining our premium Insider brotherhood,

you’re welcome to visit www.manthefvckup.com/7dayfreecourse to enjoy the free training I’ve prepared for you.

Look forward to your comments and see you in the next video.


Bro, you probably have heard/read a super old school books called <The Game> and you definitely know those pickup guys like Mystery and Neil Strauss.

Because of them, so many men thought that they had discovered a get-girls GOLD MINE and thought that by mastering PUA and becoming a PUA profession, they can get every woman they can dream of.

However, maybe you don’t know that Neil Strauss wrote a book called <The Truth> in 2015 and he mentioned how he himself and Mystery respectively nearly committed suicide after they had attracted a BAD woman into their lives, especially when they thought “she is the one.”

Without getting too much into the history, I want you to understand the truths about pickup and PUAs, which is a topic I seldom address.

That is, yes, PUA CAN be effective tools to get you women, there are skills of communication that make you stand out as a man to attract women.

HOWEVER, the dangers of relying on PUA techniques without an actual improvement of your personal attractiveness,

is that #1 you get women who are attracted to your PUA stuff, NOT you as a person.

#2 PUA does NOT teach you to screen out BAD, emotionally manipulative, OR psychologically damaged women WHO can cause serious detriments in your well-being AND this is how PUA Masters like Mystery/Neil Strauss NEARLY killed themselves.

Understand: Having PUA skills to get girls DOES NOT MEAN you are automatically an Alpha.

SO MANY PUA dudes know how to get girls, fvck girls but they don’t fucking know how to keep girls who are HEALTHY to them in the long term happiness.

Why? Because PUA skills are like a sword. It is a neutral tool to cut.

But if the person using the sword is a beta/motherfvcker/ sucker/crazy maniac, the sword is going to HURT people including killing himself.

If you don’t understand the bigger picture e.g. why female behave certain ways, why we have certain psychology, how society is conditioning you as a beta etc.

YOU at your core, is still a beta even if you have learnt some new tools.

The point is: You have to TRAIN and BECOME the right man first in order to know how to use your sword for good.

If you just learn PUA without actually becoming a stronger, more psychologically healthy, more emotionally mature & confident MAN,

you are just becoming another stupid unstable kid thinking he can use a sword to kill real soldiers in the battlefield.

you are just becoming another stupid unstable kid thinking he can use a sword to kill real soldiers in the battlefield.

Can you think of any guys you know who are proud of his PUA skills but is a nasty dickhead in person?

Like this video and comment below and let me know 😉


Have you wondered what EVERY women want in this world?

In the past 10 years when social media had become the norm, can you observe what is the ONE COMMON THING females all do when they have access to such power?

No, it’s NOT money, it’s NOT love, it’s NOT sex.

What every women want – including your mum, your sisters, your “pure good cute” classmate, your female colleagues, the half-celebrity on TV, your 3-years girlfriend, or your 30 years wife – …

What ALL women want is MORE MALE ATTENTION.

Although all people, both men and women, enjoy attention for specific reasons, what makes females females is their CONSTANT CRAVE for male attention.


It’s because the ability to GET ATTENTION is a survival mechanism deep in a woman’s psyche.

If you’ve gone through 7-day-free-course, you will know a lot about why women do certain crazy things. (Get in if you haven’t)

But you need to understand: Women compete with each other via psychological means while men compete with others through physical fights.

So in girls’ world, they need to use a lot of psychological means to form their little girls-only support groups, and they constantly 排斥 those who they don’t like and bad mouth others.

Who is the female leader who determines how the group goes?

Well, it’s almost always the most popular girl who can get most ATTENTION from others inside + outside the group, and 99% of the case is the girl who is judged as “hot, pretty, sexy” by guys.

Therefore, the hotter the girl + the more socially popular she becomes… the more influence she can accumulates in society. Thus, ability to get attention is ALWAYS what women need/want/desire.

Bro, now that you understand there’s this invisible battle females are participating, and the FUNDAMENTAL NEED that every chick has, can you see why any hot women can easily manipulate most beta men to do what they wish?

Can you see why so many chicks are happy to keep briefly talking with you, but never allows you to sexually escalate, and keep you as an orbiter?

And most importantly, are you smart enough to understand HOW you can combat that war against you, and NOT put yourself in a sexless friend zone and waste all your time/energy/money/effort in someone who’s only using you?

Like this video and comment below because I wanna know your answers, what you’ve learnt and how you would resist that.

If you need more help, apart from booking a coaching call with me or joining our premium Insider brotherhood,

you’re welcome to visit www.manthefvckup.com/7dayfreecourse to enjoy the free training I’ve prepared for you.

Look forward to your comments and see you in the next video.

小心!獵食者的4大特徵![FBI教你危險人物 Ep.022]

#1 獵食者不斷犯案,只是無人知下一個受害者是誰

The reason they are hard to detect is because they can be 聰明成功,交遊廣闊,有社會地位,沉靜迷人,深居簡出 just like a normal human being.

But they can also be 精於計算操弄,積極掠奪。E.g. designing crime/ follow victim and rob/rape her/ create financial scheme to scam ppl

每次你聽到某人不停觸犯法律,連續性侵犯/設計騙財局 = 獵食者

So they are experts to 犯法,背棄信義,掠奪唔屬於自己嘅嘢,令他人受苦/重傷/謀殺,騙取別人信任,and they will never 改過自新。

Why are not they discovered,逍遙法外? Coz 行事低調,極少被舉發/注意;而且很多人也不知面對著獵食者,that’s why reading this book is super important.

In short, 獵食者共同點:獵捕別人辛勞付出嘅成果,自己從不付出,陷他人與險境,無情輕率地玩弄別人信任,誰都不關心,就算親人也一樣。

#2 欠缺同情心,毫無悔意,無良心

Search BTK serial killer Dennis Rader,你會發現他形容點樣殺人嘅細節時,佢嘅用詞語氣,都有『情感平淡』嘅傾向,thye are just TOO COLD and UNEMOTIONAL.

Why?Because 獵食者無法感受正常的情緒波動,不明白他人的痛苦,佢哋嘅世界喺冇『同情』,所以情緒十分淡薄。



E.g. 2008年奧地利禁室亂倫案,費茲 Josef Fritzl監禁自己的女兒在地下室長達二十四年,並與她生下七個孩子。


#3 冷酷,無情,精算,控制


So 獵食者 are good at words and lies. 一般人用語言溝通,獵食者用語言去操控,強迫,恐嚇,欺瞞別人;善於討好說服,誘惑懇求別人,甚至透過道歉扮晒知錯,等法律社會比『改過自身』嘅機會,然後再繼續行騙。

Why 獵食者 keep doing these horrible stuff?

Because it’s not just to 操控玩弄別人,it’s about 獵食者認為自己有神一樣嘅執行力,可以決定別人生死嘅上癮快感。

#4 索求無度,毫無自制,欠缺自省


E.g. AIDS guy who actively infected other 17 women with no remorse



So to conclude: NEVER expect 獵食者 to reflect on themselves, they WON’T change for the better and you should AVOID being in contact with them asap.

第四大危險人物:獵食者![FBI教你危險人物 Ep.021]

Bro, have you been starred by sb and you felt that the person was extra calm, not blinking, and you felt like he/she is like a cold-blooded reptilian?

Or have you seen a picture of sb and you felt 不寒而慄 even though that is just a photograph?

If you have, congrats. Because it’s your brain and body instinctively recognize that this person is NOT normal, and yes this person is a 獵食者。

Your subconscious brain is warning you that you are facing a PURE EVIL, and this person is NOT a normal criminal .

What is a 獵食者?

Well, everyone of us have or WILL encounter 獵食者 because there are MILLIONS of them out there. 獵食者對法律制裁毫不在意,就算造成他人痛苦都毫無反應,屢次犯案,causes MOST HARM out of Big 4 dangerous personalities.

獵食者嘅唯一目標:乾乾淨淨地吸乾你嘅一齊,將你完全剝削,會造出一系列普通人難以想像嘅惡行 e.g. 掠奪搶劫,強姦殺人,虧空公款。






就算你僥倖避過一劫死裡逃生,你嘅心理上都受到重創 e.g. 失去對人嘅信任信心,質疑自我價值,失去尊嚴 etc.

信任獵食者 = 獵食者最鍾意的人性弱點,因為獵食者100%不受良心約束/conscience,眼中沒有情感連結/emotional attachments,無道德,無法無天。

獵食者衡量成功嘅標準 = 如何成功地利用到你。


單從你的行路姿勢或外表,獵食者已經知道誰是容易落手的目標:熱心指路的路人,背負重物的購物者,輕易信陌生人的小孩,行捷徑聽著headphone的孤身年青女子,天真嘅老夫婦,願意隨便開門的家庭主婦 etc.

In short, 所有強姦犯,連環殺手,戀童癖嘅人,偷屋企公司錢嘅人,恐嚇員工嘅老闆,欺負老實人嘅惡霸,貪腐嘅官員,販賣人口嘅黑社會,打劫偷錢嘅強盜,大屠殺嘅國家領袖,全部都係不同程度嘅獵食者。



They are just hidden everywhere,安全與否不在於地點,而是獵食者是否在附近潛伏緊你。



So that’s the general overview of 獵食者, we’ll come back for their big 4 characteristics tomorrow.

For now, rmb: 獵食者是冷酷無情,無視你嘅利益地確定你嘅下場;就算你睇唔到佢,佢都絕對會注意到獵物。



Bro, have you ever had some dudes criticizing you for “learning sexual dynamics” and said you should stop trying so hard and “just be yourself”?

Or have you tried to explain to your buddies why their way of handling women is WRONG, is leading them into a painful wrong path, BUT only to find that they defend by saying that “their girls are different”?

Well, a very sad truth is that: No matter how great MTFU becomes, there will ALWAYS have a bunch of unsavable BETAs who deeply trusts that “being a nice gentleman” is how you attract girls,

OR “patiently befriend a girl and she will fall in love with you someday”,

OR “There’s always a pure innocent good girl waiting for him somewhere in the world, it’s just a matter of time to meet her and get married”.

Yes, these are the so called 白馬王子Beta男, whose “get girl strategy” is to always side with women, protect their reputation, and try to ATTACK guys whom women are attracted to but complaining about,

IN THE HOPES THAT women somehow see “how understanding/caring/attentive he is” and will eventually choose to want him.

Do you know why these 白馬王子Beta男 are so invested in doing that?

It is because they have emotionally invested SO MUCH in the fake “assumed way of how female works” that thinking otherwise will HURT their ego.

Meaning: Their identity/behaviors have been built AROUND the belief of “always putting female first” that doing something opposite WILL makes them feel that “that’s not how life supposed to work”.

He then doesn’t even recognize the world he used to believe living in.

That is why 白馬王子Beta男 must defend his wrong beta mindset, must defend the girls who are complaining the Alphas, must repeat the same old mistakes until PAINFUL ENOUGH to wake him the fvck up.

So brother, when you’re transforming yourself into a new Alpha mindset, you will definitely encounter resistance from other majority of Betas.

They are like crabs in a barrel. As you leave the shit life inside and experience freedom outside,

they will use every way to pull you back down the hole and tell you “Just be yourself, she is just stupid not to see how good you are.”

Well, it feels comforting, but if you don’t want to settle to a random 5,6 woman who happens to fvck you when you’re drunk, don’t listen to their advice!

點維繫Long D異地戀?別墮進愛情騙局!【兩性智慧】

I know a lot of you will not like what I say, but sorry not sorry, long distance relationship is NOT a real relationship at all.

Why? Simple.

It’s because there is NO REAL benefits you get from each other apart from texting and facetiming someone just like an old-school pen friend.

I am NOT saying such emotional connection doesn’t feel warm-hearted or sometimes happy, BUT a men-women intimate relationship DOES NOT EXIST if there’s NO SEX involved!

When you have a long d, you (especially men) will start to automatically ASSUME responsibility,

ASSUME that you must be LOYAL to this person for months and years, HOPING THAT one day when she comes back, you two still have the same romantic feeling.

The truth is: You are projecting an idealized image into reality, committing to a person and IGNORING all the real possibilities in front of you.

You don’t go out have fun with your bros because you said you gotta wait for your girl to Facetime you,

you don’t talk to other girls in your school/work/bars/clubs because you think you’re a FAITHFUL good guy who doesn’t cheat,

You don’t even ENJOY LIFE because you think you want to WAIT for the girl to have fun LATER.

In short, you just SACRIFICE YEARS of your life to keep a “soulmate true love” half the planet away, wasting each other’s life even if you guys are sincere and promise to be faithful to each other.

It is even worse than being FZed!

Because you’re accepting all responsibilities of being exclusive with a virtual girl BUT you never get sex or intimacy in person, you don’t even get to see her in life!

So ask yourself: How much opportunities have you limited yourself from experiencing just because of this INVISIBLE pen friend?

How many millions of case studies have you heard that even though the couple meets again, the girl tells you “Sorry, I just don’t have the same feeling like before” and eventually break up?

How many secret stories have you heard that while you think she is also sticking to the promises, you later find out that she actually fvcked another guy 3 months later after she left and has already had a 2-years new relationship!?

If you tell me that “No, actually we meet every 3-6 months for the past 3 years”, well… tell me honestly:

how have you been forbidding yourself from experiencing whatever opportunities – education /work/ sexual/ fun/ family/ personal growth – because you’re committing to an uncertainty?  

Is it worth is to CHANGE how you live life just because you HOPE one relationship will happen as you wish in the FUTURE?

Your choice.


Bros, we’ve talked a TON about how not to fall into the friend zone and why once women see you as “frd”, it’s almost impossible for her to want to fvck you.

So the best way to get out of FZ, is always NOT putting yourself into the FZ from Day 1 and stop lying that “you only want to be frds with her”.

However, do you know why WOMEN LOVE to have male friends to surround them even though she will never be sexually interested in them?

#1 Yes, you’ve watched MTFU for a while and you’ve grown smart… It’s because females CRAVE ATTENTION like bees crave honey…

the more attention they get personally or from society, the more self-worth and happy she feels about herself.

That is exactly why when women tell you “to let’s just be friends OR i am not ready for a relationship OR I haven’t gotten over my ex OR I love you as my older brother”,

that is an attempt to offer you a useless sexless friendship where you’ll continue to pay attention/care about her WHILE she doesn’t do shit in return for you (i.e. never give you sex that you want).

#2 So bro, NEVER try to prove yourself to be a perfect BF material in order to prove that you are “good enough” to take care of her…hoping that one day she will happily fvck you.

No, this will NOT happen. Don’t be an emotionally supportive Beta who listens to her complaints about the Alpha she craves to fvck.

If you still think “we should be friends first, then we will transition to bg/gf lover relationship”, I guarantee you will be single for the rest of your life.  

#3 Why?

It’s because if you attended our 7-day free course,

you know that attraction requires TENSION, and the feeling of tension is a bit uncomfortable and nervous, and such feeling is necessary for intimacy to happen.

If everything is familiar, comfortable, friendly, warm, that feeling is NOT seduction and she won’t feel the urge to have sex with you.

#4 Now that you understand the real purpose of friendship in women’s eyes,

do you know why men and women CANNOT be real friends, OR can’t be as friend as their same sex?

Yes, you’re right again. It’s because it doesn’t fvcking make sense.

One, let’s be honest here, men don’t make friends with ugly chicks. So all chicks men try to befriend are those he tries to fvck.

if you think that by staying friends with her, you can fvck her one day? I’ve already explained why that doesn’t work, so stop fvcking waste your time doing stupid impossible shit.

Two, male-friends are way better than female-friends.

You can talk in a rational way that makes sense, you both like what guys like to do/play, you both can open up to talk deep dirty shit and you don’t need to worry “if I will make a bad impression on this girl”,

and most importantly, a good bro can be a trustworthy soldier that you can fight with, he helps you kick ass in life instead of worrying to save a defenseless bitch.

Three, assume that a girl tries to FZ you but you reject the offer and walk away. This implies that you are confident and have enough options to fvck that friendship offer.

You know she’s using you to gain attention but you refused. This tells the girl that you are actually a valuable PRIZE that other women want, and you don’t give a fvck about her decision. Because of such action, this girl might doubt her decision or even wants you back one day.

So ask yourself now: Do I suck with women because I have too few female friends?

OR because I have too few male friends but too many female friends who are wasting your time and never fvck you?

Comment below and let me know!