
If you have ever been FZed, you know how painful it is.

You are always with her, observing her, admiring her BUT she just never sees you as a sexual guy she wants to fuck or get together with.


Today, let’s explore the 5 common reasons WHY you are in this no sex zone and end up being an emotional tampon for her.


#1 Because you are operating as her little FAN!


What does fan do? They closely monitor every single move their idol do, and always following their 一舉一動。


If you are secretly observe her social media activity, liking her stuff, commenting her stuff, DMing her stuff, can you see WHY you are putting yourself in the FZ by being 1 of the 1000s admirer in her fan club that she is never going to fuck?


#2 Because you are like a fucking 招財貓!What does a 招財貓 do?It fucking nods its head!


If you agree with whatever the fuck she says, if you pretend you LIKE everything she likes/does, if you NEVER express your real raw personality that might offend her, can you see WHY she just can’t feel attraction to you?


#3 Because you are predictable as fuck like a boring movie!


No one wants to watch a movie if they already know the storyline, climax & ending.  


So if you are so scared of “making the wrong move” and just do “whatever that please her”,  you have to understand that your behaviors are so predictable that she is BORED by you.


And in a girl’s dictionary, boring = legs closed & dry = FZ you!


#4 Because you are buying her gifts like a fucking father.


You think a sudden gift is a romantic surprise? You think showing how 關心/細心 you are and rewarding her even though she did no shit to earn it is attractive?

Well, kindness is NEVER going to make her wet, otherwise girls will want to fuck the Buddha!


#5 Because you try to be a 白馬王子去拯救佢!


I know it’s deep in a man’s psychology to protect women.


But if you do these “saving acts” hoping she will see you as a 紳士勇士, if you always ready to listen to her problems,


if you jump on every opportunity to SAVE HER, I guarantee you will become a nice gay friend she THANKS but never feel the arousal to fuck.


So are you now in the FZ?


Great, it’s because YOU have put yourself in such submissive role as a friend, YOU purposefully hide your sexual desire,


YOU overvaluing her interests/opinions/ideas/problems/self-esteem while undervaluing your value as a man.


So tell me: Who is to blame when you find yourself in a FZ?


Hey brother, do you think you are a 正直有道德嘅好人? If yes, do you find yourself compelled to say yes and always help others (guys/girls) when they ask?


If yes, you have a nice guy disease because you don’t know how to set boundaries and say no.


#1 Whether it’s people asking you to help them because they know you are free in the weekend…


OR people seeking your advice because they know you are good at sth…


OR a girl wanting sex now but you just don’t feel like fucking her…


If you don’t learn to say no when you don’t want to do sth, if you don’t set boundaries for yourself, you will end up being torn apart by life, making everyone happy, but end up making yourself the most miserable people in life.


#2 Maybe you say, “But I am worried that if I say no, they won’t like me!”


Well, one, we can’t control ppl’s reactions or thoughts,  and it’s everyone’s responsibility to take ownership of their emotions…

Second, if saying no once or twice ruins the r/p, maybe such r/p isn’t strong/important enough.


So understand: people who are meant to be in your life will stay, those who aren’t won’t.  


If you don’t set boundaries for yourself, you are a weak spineless beta bitch who will NEVER be respected/desired/loved.


#3 So stop saying yes to social activities that  you don’t want to go.

Stop staying in a bad first date when you don’t like the girl in front of you.

Stop fucking fat ugly chicks you don’t genuinely like or find sexually desirable.


If things are not a fuck yes, then it is a hell no. And you better utilize your most valuable asset i.e. time/attention on doing things that you genuinely love!


Further Resource: <When I Say No, I Feel Guilty>, to be touched in MTFU Insider

令感情腐爛的3大原因…極度小心! [男女拍拖]

I know you feel happy, excited and sweet when you enter a r/p…

I know you think FINALLY you have found “the one” and you will forever be loved and accepted by this woman…


But do you know even if you both fucked each other well, the more expectations you bring into a r/p the more you two will fuck up the r/p?


Here are a few common expectations that you bring into a r/p that slowly KILL a r/p:


#1 “I expect you to love me in a way I want without me saying it.”


Wake the fuck up bro. If you don’t express your desires & secret wishes to her, she won’t be able to mindread you, fulfill your needs, or suck your dick.


STOP withholding your needs and learn to communicate honestly what you want in the r/p. If you feel scared, learn to be vulnerable and say “Hey, I want to ask you sth but I feel scared coz I worry what you think about me. Can you be open-minded and don’t judge me if I share my thoughts with you?”

#2 “I expect she loves me unconditionally coz I love her unconditionally”


It is very romantic to have such thought and I am not arguing that it can’t be possible. Yet, in almost all cases, healthy intimate r/ps start from conditional love. You just can’t expect unconditional love like your parents might have given you in the past.


So stop treating women like queen, stop letting her abusing you emotionally/ physically/ financially…and then back-rationalize that “you really love her”.


Because the truth is your self-esteem is so low that you NEED a psychologically fucked up woman to give you tiny pathetic attention to validate your worth as a man.


Does this hurt? Yes, because that’s the truth that cracks your naive fantasy.


#3 “I expect “true love” requires zero hard work and we’ll just live happily ever after.”


Can you see how fucked up your mind is by Disney/Hollywood romantic movies? I don’t blame you… coz most of us are force-fed with these lies.


The truth is no matter how compatible/loving you two are, relationships require a fuck ton of work and effort! You change, she changes, the relationship changes. Stop falling into the masculine trap thinking “one day everything will be over and I can finally relax.”


No, you can NEVER relax because if you 順其自然, your relationship is going to fall apart because life is either growth or death.


So just like everything else, you have to be conscious, put in the work required in a relationship in order to enjoy the fruits of it.


If you aren’t ready, that’s totally okay and you should pursue other things in life first.


Before you attract any women in your life, you need to have a good foundation as an attractive male.


Women are like icing on a cake, she can’t be your focus on your life, thus you need to have 3 CORE PIECES before you can bring her in.


3 Ways to be an attractive male while single:


#1 Spend time with friends that UPLIFT you, not pulling you down.


GOOD friends are those help you EXPAND your true self and potential, encourage your growth, even if they don’t have the same belief systems.


BAD friends are those who keep doing things that KEEP YOU SMALL, you feel collapsed and judged, and they discourage you from pursuing your path.


So make it a priority to hang out with these inspiring friends every month. Bros are best because there’s no sexual interest between you all.


#2 Meet Your Emotional Needs First


If you want to get a girl because you are unhappy, incomplete, boring, lonely, you are going to FVCK UP both of you. Shit life + shit life = shittiest life


Just like parents should put oxygen masks on themselves before helping their kids, you should save yourself before you attempt save the world/women.


So you must have fun, enjoy your life, take care of yourself and make yourself happy & fulfilling first IF you want a healthy relationship with women!


#3 Heal Your Emotional Wounds From Childhood


We all have emotional wounds from our childhood. If you don’t go back to explore these unconcious patterns, they are going to fvck up your next r/p because intimacy triggers our emotions the most.


So if you have r/p problems with your parents e.g. hatred, enmeshment (neediness with them), parents suffocating you…etc.

the family issues WILL pass on to the next generation with your woman!


Explore these with your trusted coach, therapist or men’s’ group where you are in a safe environment to discuss these deep personal issues.


Have you ever labelled certain women as “pure, innocent, gwai, clean” while others as “bitch, sluts, snakes, chicken”?


If you have, that’s normal because this slut-shaming has been happening for CENTURIES, and it is pathetic that certain countries are STILL operating in such fvcked up mode and women are stoned to death…


However, do you know why if you slut-shame, or if you hold a DOUBLE STANDARDS, it actually hurts YOUR ABILITY to attract women and sex life?


#1 Reason: Most girls you meet probably have this FEAR of being labelled as chicken, so most are forced by society to repress her natural sexual urge and PRETEND to be a sexless lady for better “healthy”image.


So women have developed an ABILITY to notice any sexual uncomfortability/ shame from you whenever she does/says/slightly mentions sth about sex.


#2 If she notices that you have NEGATIVE association with sex, she is NOT going to feel safe to open her sexual side with you.


On the other hand, if you can create a safe environment/space for her to be open with ZERO judgement, she will feel accepted and want to explore sexuality with you – whether verbally or physically.


#3 So the lesson is: Sex is natural, sex is what makes us alive, women love sex as much as men do, and it’s totally OKAY to accept sex yourself and then accept HER sexuality.


Stop labelling women as either slut or clean, SHAME is a toxic weapon that many societies/cultures/government/religious organizations try to control you.  


Fvck that sh!t, embrace your sexulity, and be a sexual being who ACCEPTS our nature!


Women are sex objects, men are success objects, that’s what the society deems as valuable in a human being.  


So if you are a successful wealthy man, how do you know if she likes you or your external materials?


#1 Stop your inclination to PROVIDE for her


I understand, we as men feel a natural need to 照顧女人, but if you use such tool to ATTRACT women or to prove your self-worth to her, you are gonna attract GOLD DIGGERS.


Alpha male is a state of mind, you don’t fvcking need to buy her cars, pay her rent, pay her tuition in order to attract her.


If you do that, that’s a beta male strategy just like those in power abuse their power e.g. 經理人公司搞女模

You’ll never attract those who geneinuely likes you.


#2 When you date, don’t spend extravagantly!


If you flash money for dates, you are just setting an expectation that YOU are gonna pay for every shit the girl wants.  


Those who show off wealth to get girls only means they have NOTHING ELSE that worth a girl’s attention.


Instead, focus on having FUN in casual environments. If she doesn’t want to go, she isn’t interested in you yet.


#3 When bill comes, does she expects you to pay in full every time?


If she goes to toilet everytime bill arrives OR if she doesn’t at least willing to offer to pay for the date, be careful!


#4 Observe how she presents herself.


Is wearing luxury brands important to her?

Does she possess materials that tries to impress other people?

Does she base her self-worth on stuff she owns OR her character & personality traits?

Be careful for girls who only love luxuries.


=> Of course money/power give you more access to high quality women,


but when you meet them, you must be vigilant about whether they are attracted to YOU as a person, or YOUR STUFF that helps her show off to others.


I get it, you are TOO BUSY to have a girlfriend OR you think intimacy & relationships are obstacles that affect your money-making goals.


But if you are an ambitious entrepreneur, a high level CEO, a badass business titan who dominate the industry, you shouldn’t not understand the power of investing in a relationship.


I know, we don’t NEED a woman to be happy while we build our wealth, but do you know why being open to bringing women in actually HELPS your career?


Reason #1 Masculine man NEEDS to cultivate their feminine energy to be an integrated powerful human being, one way is to deeply connect with women.


Feminine energy RECHARGES us, so a quality woman who is not only sexy but also intelligent + kind-hearted can definitely make you feel less stressful and alive again!


#2 Successful men need support at the background


I know you want t don’t want to seem needy; but in my own experience & what I see in many successful friends, a quality partner can support us in multiple ways (mentally, emotionally, sexually) that helps us grow our business.


Wrong r/p waste your time, but right relationships MULTIPLIES the results you can get.


#3 I know you want to feel important in the world, but do you know the longest study in human history by Harvard concludes that it is the QUALITY of relationships that make us most happy and live longest?


I have multiple successful private coaching clients who are industry leaders, they seem strong Alphas from the outside, but do you know what they secretly fear and want?


They want women who can can understand them, listen to their fears when they share themselves vulnerably in a world of sharks, and feel loved as who they are.


Q is: Do you want that Mr. Millionaire? Mr. Future Billionaire?


If you are the kind of guy who “falls in love” too quickly, you gotta be careful because you can easily waste time/energy/effort/heartfelt feelings on some TOXIC people you shouldn’t touch.


One of the best ways to build healthy relationships is to understand the WARNING SIGNS of bad candidates, here are some:


#1 If she talks about her ex too NEGATIVELY, she still carries an emotional baggage.


It means she isn’t emotionally ready for a new r/p and you shouldn’t sacrifice your well-being to try to be nice and fix her.


#2 She is 斤斤計較 of the contributions you two make.  

E.g. If she did nice things for you BUT blames you for not returning favors, OR if she is always calculating who contributes more, that’s a bad person to keep around with.


#3 She uses sex/intimacy to control you.

E.g. If you make dinner/buy me a bag/help me do this do that, then we’ll have sex/we’ll kiss. -> That’s fvcking manipulative!


#4 She is physically abusive

If she tries to hit you seriously or throw things at you, she is a crazy problematic girl that you can’t fix, LEAVE  ASAP!


#5 She never apologizes

People who can’t apologize for their wrongdoings implies that they have 玻璃心 and are emotionally volatile. Be careful!


#6 She suffocates you OR guilt you into spending more time with her

Girls who are low self-esteem feels insecure to give you space in a relationship. If she refuses to give you some autonomy, end the r/p.


#7 She wants to micromanage your life
If she tries to control every little thing of what you do or what you don’t do, she is someone who can’t maintain healthy boundaries.


If she can’t trust your ability to make decisions, you won’t have a great r/p with her.


=> These principles applies to both men/women, if you have a partner, you should honestly evalue if she is truly compatible to you => long term happiness


Have you encountered this problem: You helped your gf/wife do all the cleaning and stuff, you are a good bf/husband and people say she is such a 幸福 woman, but secretly you two are just NOT having great sex at home?


Well, that is a very typical problem in modern relationships and that’s why most couples are NOT truly satisfied. But do you know why this happen?


#1 Reason: Sexual Polarity what creates PASSION, LUST and intense desire that you can’t wait to fvck him/her.


When you two become too close, too similar, too common…


depolarization occurs and he become more feminine + she becomes more masculine UNTIL you two become NEUTRAL.


Neutral = feel like close companion, good friend, caring & sweet, comfortable


#2 However, if you want GREAT EROTIC 色情 SEX like lovers, you two MUST have highly polarized relationship where he operates in his MASCULINE domain while she operates in her FEMININE domain.


Instead of becoming so ALIKE, you two maintain the DIFFERENCES. Instead of always being stable and certain, you need to inject unpredictability, surprises, emotional TENSION.


#3 So if you feel very intimate with each other but lacks passion, you as a man need to be more masculine again.


Let her know that you need some space for yourself, work out hard to boost your T, increase variety of what you two normally do, connect with other men-only groups…


When you regain your masculine energy and be more polarized, you two will have sexual desire for each other again.


Hey bro, do you rmb when we were younger, we were thinking about having our first kiss with a girl you secretly liked for a long time, and that day finally came when you got her out, she surprisingly responded positively, and you two kissed, and you felt like the happiest man in your life?


OR when you grew up, you had skills and had no problem getting girls, you could kiss or even close a girl the same night, BUT after sex, you felt that everything is TOO FAST and you felt that you’re missing out sth special?


#1 Why is that? It’s because our bodies have 2 typs of pleasure systems.


Anticipatory PS 期待性= you imagine yourself having sth you want (sex, money, travelling, group of frds, good food).


ANTICIPATION makes us excited about life for a long time. That’s why it’s good to set daily/monthly/yearly goals.


Consummatory PS 消耗性= you GET what you want. Dopamine hits quickly, but it’s shorter and that high passes quickly.


#2 The same applies to sex, love and relationships.


If you want emotional fulfillment, long term happiness and avoid having BAD relationships, then you shouldn’t have rush sex, rush love, rush relationships.


#3 Am I saying you shouldn’t have SEX with a girl ASAP?


No. You should definitely NOT wait for 10 dates before you sleep with her because too much familiarity/comfort  is what kills sexual tension. (i.e. FZ)


But maybe you should find a sweet spot (i.e. 3-5 meetup times), having enough mysteriousness but also enough comfort before you sleep with her.

And if consider a LTR, maybe you should give yourself 4-6 months to OBSERVE & ANALYZE this woman’s behaviors apart from her words/sexy side to decide if she is a good candidate to develop deeper relationships with apart from sex.


Balancing this is an art. So have FUN experiencing the pleasures in both short and long term and you’ll know what you really want.