[溝女問題] 唔好溝死一條女的真正原因!你ready好長遠男女關係?


Man 神,我依加终于明白点解你教我地唔好媾死一条女。因为我地真系唔知下一秒会发生滴咩事,尼一秒条女可以好爱你,可能下一秒就唔再爱你。


=》No that’s not the reason. You don’t invest NOT because you are scared that you will be fucked over by bad girls, and decide to close your heart.


The reasons of NOT overinvesting in one girl in the beginning are multifold:


– When you first meet a new girl and you are overvaluing on her, that tells both your subconscious mind and the girl that you operate at a scarcity level.


Your life lack women, so you are so scared of losing this only chance. When you have such mentality, your behaviors are NEEDY as fuck, and that’s NOT attractive as a man to a woman.

It’s easy for guys to overvalue a girl by just one glance.


So many boys have ZERO standards in choosing girls and they only care about their looks and whether that girl can make them LOOK GOOD in front of their friends.


So if you invest in her heavily too quickly, you are putting her in pedestal, and you will be in chasing mode just like every beta male loser.

– You aren’t objective if you only see 1 girl.


There are TRULY MANY options of high quality single women out there.


When you see only one girl at the beginning, you are having a myopic view of what is available in the marketplace.


Your decision will be shortsighted and blindfolded and you are likely to make a bad decision – whether the girl is truly good or not.


系唔同既阶段,我地所要既也都唔同,所以我地唔应该拿尼一秒既也去套用系下一秒既也。 爱情能唔能长久,真系唔到我地去控制,你教我地要终于自己先只系王道,女仔尼家也,真系唔可以放系第一位,他只是生命既点缀,唔系全部。




=> Yes, we cannot CONTROL whether a relationship will work in the long term. And yes, staying true to your path and not letting other people disturb you from your mission is important.


But that doesn’t mean you can LEARN to magnify/extend the passion and love within a relationship with women.


Do not use your path as an excuse to stay as a fuckboy, growing up as a man and learning to develop man-woman relationships (which will trigger you emotionally the most) is a journey MOST PEOPLE fail.


Attracting women is easy, being a fuck up hooking up is easy,


developing a long term relationship that is PASSIONATE, FUN, UNPREDICTABLE, where both parties understand each other deeply, where both are RELATE to each other, and HELP EACH OTHER GROW, is 100X harder!


Learn the reasons why, learn the psychology behind, and RISE ABOVE that challenge, instead of escaping from it.

[溝女QnA] 拍拖一年半,我變得clingy害怕分手,點算?




問題係拍拖耐左,女朋友放假會成日搵佢嘅朋友,而我就返part time所以同佢見面少左。我會好掛住佢,想成日whatsapp佢,甚至令佢覺得煩。我覺得自己開始變得clingy,我知道拍拖耐左要比私人空間對方,但控制唔到自己想搵佢嘅衝動。


我知道自己有好大嘅insecurity,害怕分手。另一方面,我好愛佢,想搵佢多d黎維繫感情。呢個dilemma令我內心爭扎好耐,希望Man神可以比d意見我,Tks! Marco



#1 Yes Marco, you are right, when you become clingy, you will suffocate the relationship and your emotional neediness will repel her away.


Why neediness kill attraction?

Because it implies you have scared mating opportunity, that you are WEAK and UNRELIABLE as a man to get things you want.


As I said last time, Neediness comes from our need for something outside of ourselves to complete us. How independent are you?


How much neediness do you have towards other people? How lonely are you? How many people do you need others to complete your life?


The outcome of getting rid of neediness is a process of thinking critically and deeply about your Values and Principles, Boundaries, and Investing in yourself first, having a clear passionate purposeful life.  

Then neediness fall off naturally, and then you learn flirting skills


Teaching needy guys with flirting skills, is like giving psychopaths guns, it hurts everyone!


#2 Right now, you said you LOVE her and want the relationship to work.


That’s good, but understand that the “love” you are describing is very likely not “love”, but a need for her to validate that you are worthy of receiving love.


So Marco brother, you know what a feminine woman wants?


The feminine wants to relax and lean on something strong; desires reassurance, stability, protection, attention; yearns to be filled


The masculine stands tall and strong like a mountain; provides reassurance and protection; finds fulfillment in himself.


Non-Neediness displays a lack of…


– Deference 恭敬從命- Approval seeking – Desperation and Begging


To fix your neediness in the short term,


– Eliminate the mental garbage from pop media, news, TV programs, most PUA material, and most status quo influences


– Fix your physiology, Diet, Fitness


But in the long term, you MUST figure out what your LIFE PURPOSE is.


A man’s purpose will be his guiding light through the challenges of life and love (David Deida), apart from women.


Self-fulfillment comes from finding those things that bring you pleasure and excelling in them.


Find your Purpose that contributes beyond yourself, be fully engaged with it,


then not only will you become the most attractive version of yourself, but also you’ll become the dream quality guy that high quality women want.

[溝女QnA] 過左咩位先叫needy?真正情緒控制是什麼?


Man 神  岩岩睇完你講解 嘅Q&A 片 覺得你用射箭去比喻真係好好


1a. 我想問  其實 對人 同 對事    嘅做法係咪唔同??

正如你所講對事物 目標 業績工作呢啲,只少你不斷行動 就會有進步  改變 ! !

就愈黎愈近你嘅目標 結果


但對人,我不停tryhard,不斷去行動 推進 又好似就有啲格硬黎  係人際關係上。

例如我唔鍾意人遲到 已讀不回 講野冇禮貌 唔識尊重人 呢啲。

如果我唔忍受,而我地應該着重自己控制到嘅事,例如 控制自己嘅思想 情緒 行動


1b. 但問題係,雖然我地唔可以去控制人,但我地可以用行動去影響人。

咁應該選擇同佢講??   我應該作出行動嗎??

用自己 嘅 情緒 行動 嘗試去影響佢  改變他人。


I have already answered these for you in the previous Q&A. One thing I will add, remember: Seek to understand before you seek to be understood.


When you’re able to do that, people will more receptive to LISTEN to you.


1c. Man神 可唔可以再講多少少關於needy


Needy 係咪 唔係淨係對人嘅感情需求 認同??

對事 例如 我對某件事嘅 結果 好執着都算係needy?

但係點釐定 我嘅做法係needy???

我要做到過左咩位 先叫needy?


Go watch my video: 點解咁多男人咁依賴 + 如何消滅自己的Neediness!


In short, neediness means you are EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED to certain people/things that you NEED them to happen in order to feel that you are worthy.  It means that you can’t be INDEPENDENT physically, emotionally and live your life.


Neediness comes from our need for something outside of ourselves to complete us. How independent are you? How much neediness do you have towards other people? How lonely are you? How many people do you need others to complete your life?


Whenever you attach your happiness to certain EXTERNAL things that you can’t control, you are begging for suffering.


  1. Man 神 我想知 如果面對 例如:朋友嘅已讀不回,,或者拒絕,或者面對失敗

我第一下反應 嘅情緒 係唔開心  咁有冇問題??


但之後我可以改變自己嘅諗法, 重新詮釋成件事,向好嘅方面諗,情緒 心情變返 正常 穩定。

但係成件事上面,我開頭第一個下反應 情緒 係唔開心 咁樣算唔算控制唔到 情緒?


As I said, NO emotions are bad.


情緒控制/ being a man doesn’t mean you repress your feelings OR close your heart and NOT feeling the juices of life!


A mature masculine man is someone who OPENS his hearts to FEEL EVERYTHING, whether it’s painful or joyful, whether you think it’s good/bad.


Emotion = Phenomenology 現象 + Judgement/Thought/Belief/Interpretation 詮釋


E.g. You see a dog, it suddenly barks you, your heart raise , you think it wants to attack you, so you feel dangerous and unsafe.


E.g. You see a dog, it suddenly barks you, your heart raise , but you know that’s Charlie, so you feel happy.


You can’t control what’s happening, but you can control how you CHOOSE to interpret that thing.


When you change your interpretation, you change the emotion without needing to change the 現象.


Don’t filter your thoughts or feelings, put them out there honestly. Say whatever the fuck you’re feeling, then there’s no GAME.


So from what you said, I think you will understand what I just said.


#1 You probably understand that when you chat with girls,


you DON”T want to enter into interview mode where you ask her a TON of questions.


But sometimes, you may encounter a situation where instead of flirting, bantering, connecting,


some girls may ask you TOO many personal questions TOO early and you feel like you are being interrogated.


If that happens, what should you do?


#2 When you FEEL that this girl is interviewing you and qualifying you as a candidate, and you start to get annoying … you can playfully say:


『Well Katie, 多謝你邀請我上嚟你個節目。』


-> You are implying she is interviewing you, and if she is smart, she will understand what you mean.


But if she still continues, you can strengthen your friend and say:




-> When you are that blatant, it’s rare she won’t get it and stop.


#3 Now you may ask me: If asking too much Qs too early aren’t good, what should you two do?


Easy. You can GUESS sth about her and make STATEMENT.


E.g. If you want to ask her what she does, and you feel like she is quite caring, you can say“Ng… 點解咁有趣,我感覺你好似喺一個護士或者醫生喎。”


#4 Of course, you can use questions sometimes.


The point is, when you carefully OBSERVE her, you will find a TON of materials to talk about whether you use Qs or STATEMENTS.

[溝女] 可謂cheating?男女竟有不同定義!?

Hey brother or even some sisters, there’s something FUN I want to do with you today.


#1 And that is to you, what behaviors will be considered as cheating?


I am asking because men and women sometimes have DIFFERENT LINES to cross to be called “cheating”.


E.g. One female friend of mine told me that she is NOT cheating when she was in the club, touching with other guys,


using her boobs to press on other men, and sometimes even KISSING is “just for fun, and nothing serious”, is NOT cheating. lol




Many young girls consider their bf holding hands with another girl is cheating.


#2 So let me ask you: Assuming you have an exclusive relationship (bf/gf, married),  what do you consider as cheating? Comment below and let me know.


To assist you in your thinking, here are some examples:


Vaginal intercourse, oral intercourse, anal intercourse,


kissing, just touching your intimate parts, cuddling, 攬住瞓,


getting emotionally close, sleeping in the same bed, holding hands, going out as friends 1-2-1.


So whether you are bro or sis, COMMENT below and let me know. That will be a special interesting fun experiment.


Look forward to seeing your comment.

[溝女] 點解狗公會比起『好男人』食更多女?…

[溝女] 點解狗公會比起『好男人』食更多女?…


#2 So the Q is: “How do you escalate sexually with a girl you haven’t slept with yet?” OR even better: Why DOGS can fvck more than good men?


Remember:  嘗試引導囡囡上床 >>>>>> 唔去嘗試 at all


#3 Because when you WAIT TOO LONG, and you don’t escalate with a girl, she may think:


– “Maybe he didn’t like me.”


– “Hmm. This guy didn’t try to sleep with me. I feel that he is interested in me, but maybe he’s scared of his own sexual desire?”


-“You know, I’m a busy career girl. I don’t have time to be going out with men who are scared to make a move.”


And then you LOSE her.


#4 Understand: Women are sexual beings too, they are at least or even more hornier than men at certain times.


Almost every woman you meet in life will think “Ah… is this guy hot?” BEFORE “Ah, can this guy be my kid’s father?”


#5 So if you have ZERO skills about sexual escalation but you want to increase your sexual attractiveness, here a few tips:


– OWN your sexual desires, be shameless about it, embrace it, because that’s a totally NORMAL thing as a human being who are evolutionarized to FVCK.


– If you aren’t good at seduction but you know that there are critical moments that you are NOT SURE if you should escalate, DO IT.


It’s better to fuck up like a man, than back up like a little boy.


At least you learn sth.


– Does it mean you MUST be a 狗公 in order to be a sexually attractive man, and have girls to love you? FUCK NO!


There are a balance between 狗公 and an extreme nice guy, and that is to become a masculine man who both has a caveman side and a classy side.


But when you are experimenting the sweet spot at the beginning,


be prepared you need to LEAN TOWARDS the 狗公 side more because almost all guys who want to learn seduction is too nice/fear/shameful about their sexuality.


Stop that sexual shame, be a sexual man and you’ll instantly be more HOT in girls’ eyes.

[溝女QnAx3] 好耐冇見的女同學唔再show我,點算?


Man神 我中意左學校一個女仔,之前都幾好傾,亦都有少少普通身體接觸,但後尾佢整親放左好耐(2個月左右)病假。


e排都佢返返泥都有傾下一兩句,我前幾日搵到佢fb同ig add左佢。但佢有update都吳accept我,仲有fb今日將某d相private左。




#1 Well, there must be a REASON why she doesn’t want to accept your IG, or PRIVATE her fb photos.


Very obviously, she doesn’t want you to see her stuff because she still hasn’t trusted you enough yet.


Not sure what you have done before, but probably not something great.


You can’t persuade her to change her mind now. All you can do is to REFLECT on your behaviors on where you have become needy/desperate/creepy in the past. Learn from your mistakes, and stop all these chasing.



Hi man神 其實我一直有睇開你既youtube channel.


最返有個問題好困擾我, 因為我前排識左一個女仔. 學校臨完sem識, 好遲先主動approach佢. 出過一次街睇戲, 但之後我想再約佢又話唔得閒, 話要7月先得wor.


跟住我嬲嬲地whatsapp左d說話佢聽, 佢又嬲左, 仲話都想認識我呢個新朋友, 被friendzoned埋..


唉! 而家斷斷續續仲有whatsapp.. 但我自己覺得機會不大, 應否繼續? 再約佢? 猛追返等佢知我真係對佢有興趣? 跪求解答! 唔該你! - M



#1 What the fuck did you tell her in Whatsapp? You pretend to be a fake Alpha 『狠狠調教佢』話佢懶高竇吊高來賣?OR you keep demanding her to find time to go out with you ASAP? lol


#2 Well you have screwed up, not just because you’re being passive aggressive when a girl doesn’t want to see you as quickly, but because you said “應否繼續 再約佢? 猛追返等佢知我真係對佢有興趣?


What the fuck is that? Bro, haven’t you watched my videos before?


I don’t even want to explain 追女仔 means, if you are a good student, you will now go and WATCH ALL of my videos in the past and immerse yourself with my teachings.


They are free, so you have no excuses not to learn. It’s up to you now, if you want to know what to do next, go watch more videos.


man神,我想問下我而家想追一個好有個性, 好自我同埋好獨立既女仔,我可以點做?同埋我唔識點打開話題,求教。-S



Mr. S, based on what I have just said now, what mistakes do you think you have made?


To all of my bros, this channel is MTFU, and that means you MTFU, take responsibility for your own life, and do your research when you discover great stuff from me.


Stop asking me the same questions because most likely, I have already answered them in the past.

Research in my playlist and immerse yourself in these free learning. Done.

[溝女QnA] 女朋友床照被Ex威脅!點算!?


Hi Manson 你啲片越來越到肉 希望之後個啲可以更好 加油


件事係咁嘅 我條囡(已經符合Manthefvckup嘅準則放心)XD


Anyway,佢俾佢個Ex煩住曬,係咁話要番8000蚊,話咩之前用黎氹佢嘅禮物錢,我心諗又一個Beta male,分左手仲搞埋黎啲野。






個ex仲要有佢啲肉體照威脅佢,話唔俾8000蚊就send曬俾伯母,仲要見 我Send左就一定GG,個Ex有一堆電話號碼 block唔曬。


我地應該點做?同佢傾?定同警察叔叔講?囡又唔想搞大件事 有咩解決方案 ?


Thx Man 希望早啲睇到 – P



#1 Don’t use my standards and values to choose girls.


Although you do want a committed, responsible, independent,  compassionate, empathetic, mature girl with a growth mindset to have a successful long term relationship , YOU gotta decide what you want.


#2 Well, don’t just blame the guy for being a weak beta male who’s trying to get $$ back to “save some face” in order to feel better about himself.


Yes, he has an extreme low self esteem, and he is doing these ugly stuff because he feels hurt.


BUT, a deeper problem is that very likely, the girlfriend you now have is very likely to be at the same caliber.


Otherwise, she would have the SUBSTANCE, SELF ESTEEM and WISDOM to know what kind of guys to be close with.


So bro, although she’s your gf now, I urge you to SCREEN CAREFULLY whether she truly fulfills the high quality traits I mentioned before.


Otherwise, it’s NOT the right relationship to enter into.


#3 As regards the 8000蚊 shit, and the crazy 伯母 who hits her daughter (WTF!?!?), there’s a few options you can choose:


– Continue to ignore that hurt animal, continue to block the numbers with patience, but this may lead him to do even crazier things.


– Give him $8000 directly, but he may use the pics as a means to further get more $$


– (Requires a lot of courage and maturity) Your girlfriend invites him out for a drink to talk about this issue.



Because Right now, this guy is deeply hurt, he is doing stupid things to get the attention from a LOVE he has lost, although on the outside he is angry and rude.


However, if your girlfriend can get him out, and have the self-control to LISTEN to his fears, pains, hurt and concerns,


WITHOUT trying to argue or explain herself, and if needed APOLOGIZE to him that she might have done something wrong too in the relationship that leads to a breakup…


….that tough guy WILL melt like a baby, feels that HE IS UNDERSTOOD and HEARD, and if he can MTFU, he will be reasonable and not further damage the relationship.


I know This is HARD to do, it requires a lot of courage, empathy, and emotional maturity,


but this is the BEST thing for both parties to HEAL from the mistakes they have made in the past.