


Q: 話說我係一個啱啱入職既part time, 今日舖頭gathering完後,我同個已經有boyfriend靚女同事搭車返歸,佢問我有冇追緊女仔。



==> Needy behavior.

You want to vomit your history to her & get her to know you BECAUSE you want to earn her VALIDATION, LOVE and ACCEPTANCE!







但當對住有feel,靚女就會緊張,然後失控,我真係好想克服尼個問題!以後遇到緊張既情況下應該點放鬆?同埋可以點解決尼個問題? – Andy


Being nervous is not a problem, being not in control is.


#1 Nervous = Excitement = Same biological response (Adrenaline)

#2 You’re idealizing her, you want her to LIKE you, which is NOT an attractive male attitude.

#3 Deep Breathing = activate parasympathetic nervous system = CALM you down!

[溝女測驗] 呢位巴打犯咗幾多錯!?


Q: (請不要透露名字)我識左一個女仔大約2星期,佢失戀冇耐,佢約過我一次出街,之後我就被佢嗰種氣質吸引,








請問有咩方法追佢? – W


How many mistakes can you find in the above story? Comment and let me know!





Q:  我想問野,我係網上識左個女仔,同佢由app傾到wts,傾既內容咩都有啲,




我諗住傾都唔錯會約到,點知又fail,不過佢既回覆係”好似好好玩 🤯


但我星期日要執行里同準備旅行啲野😢” ,


我主動已經約過兩次都係唔成功,我想知點可以令佢同我升溫,同我唔知佢係咪真係對我無好感或興趣,但好多朋友睇過都覺得係有啲啲? – Wind


#1 Too much rapport, no sexual spark of sexual tension

#2 Over Communication

#3 Too platonic in all interactions

#4 Can’t save it because you’ve ruined the 1st face-to-face hang out





Q: Hi Man神,我係Dee,長話短說,最近工作壓力大,精神攰令自己冇心情同人傾偈,唔太想向人提供價值,感覺被吸走能量而不斷抱怨






#1 Life Experience

#2 Train your body & mind for strength, protect your mindset everyday


Oh Man,原來領袖係要開放對每個人都要對話交流,我仲好似「活在自己世界中」,只跟有興趣的人說話,難怪我在團體的受歡迎程度唔太高



Man神多謝你用心解答我的問題 – Dee


#1 The more strangers you talk to, the higher chance you will be successful

#2 Attractive Social Mindset is always:

– Have FUN for yourself first

– Bring that FUN and positive emotions to others

– See who’s OPEN to connect with and see if they meet your STANDARDS (i.e. You QUALIFY them).



Do you know why so many good men got cheated by their GF/wives?

Do you want to understand why sometimes women could suddenly leave a relationship without explanation to you?


The reason you get cheated is because as a man, you’re NOT providing one of the most precious (yet FREE) thing all feminine women want: Presence


If you are NOT being present when you’re with a woman, (人在心不在) women will feel NOT understood, which shuts down her intimacy with you.


In other words, if you aren’t spending QUALITY TIME with her when you 2 are together, you 2 will lose that connection women crave.


And if time goes by and she can’t enjoy these quality time, women will try to find it elsewhere.

And elsewhere = from another man


Eventually, she will leave you or even BETRAY you at critical moments.


That is why sometimes women would rather have Q.T. with a lower quality guy, than no Q.T. with a good, high quality man.


So how do you maximize the QUALITY whenever you spend time with women, here are 2 easy strategies:


#1 Eye Contact

– Most relationships suck because nowadays suckers pay attention more to their phone than their partner.

– A simple fix: Stop using your fucking phone when hanging out.!

Look into her eyes when she’s saying sth and when YOU’re saying something.

At the same time, FEEL what she is feeling and LISTEN without judgement.

– When you are NOT caught up in your mind and using your PRESENCE to FEEL her, that’s a masculine attractive way that turns on her feminine side.


#2 Focus on making dates MORE FUN

– Cut all unnecessary grey zones where you two are together but doing different things, maximize having more FUN together and enjoying yourself in these activities.

– Many couples become complacent after tgt. They become too SERIOUS about small stuff.

– But when you guys hang out, you should always drop all the baggages and just have some light playful silly FUN.

– Too much pressure/seriousness always kill a relationship that was once started because of the FUN, PLAYFUL, CAREFREE nature where good emotions are created.



Q: 比我介紹一下,我今年dse畢業,成績普通,只係炒咗一科中文,所以入唔到u。


有一位女仔,佢細我一年,幾靚,同一間小學,但我地唔同級,本身大家關係好疏離,後來大家上咗唔同既中學,我中四降班,所以同個女仔同一時間考Dse ,



=> Stop having so much negative association with sex.


Attractive men are HOT GUYS who enjoy sex with women, NOT a fvckless sexless monk.


The word “safe” does not mean girls don’t want sex or just platonic relationships.




我比咗signal佢,話我係非常專一嘅,而人生目標我都清楚曬,當我下定決心同個女仔whatsapp,佢都會回下d emoji果d,



=> Of course she doesn’t understand.


Because she thinks you are just a platonic sexless harmless gay nice sheep who is afraid to express your natural desires as a sexual human being!!!







=> over overinvestment will make you justify your behaviors, back-rationalize that you “really really love her”


= she doesn’t need to do shit to earn your respect or attention.


= lack of attraction


=> Your choice to continue as a friend, (since she can’t feel any sexual tension)


OR cut this unsatisfying relationship and move on for a few years.




Everyone knows that EXERCISE can improve your health physically, mentally and emotionally,


but do you know that certain exercises can also improve your sex drive and performance?


Below we’ll talk about what these exercises are, why they help boost your sex drive, and how you can reap the max. benefits from them.


#1 Running

-> Release endorphins, Runner’s high, feel euphoric


-> If you can get a girl to run with you, you 2 will attribute that high to each other, and thus lead to more passion in the bedroom


#2 Strength Training

-> Lifting heavy weights will boost your T. And more T = more sex drive


-> Also, when you have more muscles and STRENGTH, you can perform a lot more positions than being a weak skinny dude


#3 Stretching

-> Increase flexibility & blood flow, also increase awareness of your body, which means you can FEEL your body and sexual urges more strongly


#4 Yoga

-> This is sth I’m incorporating MORE in my life apart from strength training


-> I’ll say that almost ALL guys/girls who are great at sex DO YOGA.

-> Because practicing yoga give you more flexibility, body awareness, clam mind, core strength, stamina. Also helps RELAX your shoulders, hips, back which are main muscles for sex.


#5 Meditation

-> Although meditation isn’t a physical exercise, it trains your mental focus and emotional awareness.


-> Low Libido is NOT just a physical problem, many guys can’t get hard/lose sex drive because they are IN their fucking HEAD and THINKING TOO MUCH.


-> Thus, spend 15-20 mins a day meditating will GROUND you back into your body and increase your awareness of sex drive.


Hello man sir 近排睇左好多集你既channel 有啲野唔明白

最近識到個女仔, 出黎見過幾次, 幾岩傾, 開始大家flirt each other

大家住外國, 條女返香港一個月

之後我有個fd又想溝依條女(我去到後期先知), 依家條女就兩個都唔㨂

有咩可以做定係究竟應唔應該該approach 佢





You know me, I don’t use pickup lines to attract or flirt with women and I don’t recommend using them to start conversations.


However, sometimes I naturally repeat those lines that work so well that they have ingrained in my flirting.


So I want to share this secret line I use to attract girls.

WARNING: After I share, it probably won’t work for TOO long because otherwise thousands of girls will hear this tmr lol


Also, remember that lines are the LEAST important thing to focus on.

-> I can teach you exactly what to say, why to say it,


BUT how to put yourself in the correct mindset to come up with things to say is the most important.


So here’s how you do it:


Next time an attractive woman give you compliment, or start to give you a lot of attention, or smile/laugh a lot at what you say…


-> PAUSE, then look at her and say “Wait …. is that how you normally kau jai?”


I guarantee this girl will be speechless and ask what you said, and be instantly attracted to you because you’re “funny” in women’s language.


Why it works?

-> When a woman say this to you, you feel shy because she saw through the truth. Same to women even when she’s being interested in you.


Other scenarios:


A girl asks you for help – time, direction, borrow sth –


“Wait…is that how you flirt with guys?”


You’re welcome 😉




Do you want to know the best positions for deeper penetration so that your girl feel truly satisfied?


Most men just go for the same missionary or doggy style, but if you want deeper penetrations, there are many positions you might try.


If you want to learn more, like this video, comment below and let me know!