Kiss女成功的3大元素! [溝女]

Do you know women decide how good sex she can have with you based on how good a kisser you are?

And do you know that if you don’t want to get FZed, you must go for the kiss ASAP in the first/second meetup?

If you understand getting rejected at your first kiss attempt is BETTER than never knowing the truth and wasting time on a girl who isn’t interested sexually in you,

then below are the 3 most components you need to know on how to kiss a girl successfully.

#1 You must build sexual tension before you kiss her

The best kiss always happen when you have built enough nervous anticipation before the kiss.

So you’ll want to increase T through your vibe & start getting physical with her.  

E.g. Instead of laughing when you tease her, only smirk because laughing defuses those nervous tension moment.

E.g. Start touching her hair, her waist and slowly do triangular gazing on her face

These subcommunication build her anticipation so that your first kiss won’t seem weird.

#2 DO NOT kiss her when you say goodbye!

Most men think the best time to kiss a girl is at the end of the meetup,

but the truth is that women are more open to kisses when there is a mix of predictability and unpredictability.

That means the right timing is seldom at the end of the date, when the energy level/tension is the lowest.

Instead, it is often in the middle when you have built enough tension that she FEELS NERVOUS enough, BUT just not too sure if you’re going to escalate more.

Those are the best timing that she can’t really expect it but kinda want it.

#3 Always leave her wanting more

In your kisses, NEVER be the creepy guy who keeps kissing and tries to french kiss her 10 mins lol

Once you have first kiss her, you should enjoy those moments for just a few seconds, and then pull back. This often makes her wanting more (whether in the next few secs or the next date)

If you can follow the above 3 guidelines, your kisses will be better than 80% of the guys out there and she will want to see you again a lot more!


Hey bro, are you worried that you don’t know how to handle girls shit test to you? Are you concerned that you choose the wrong attitude to hit back?

Well, if you are caught up in shittest, you shouldn’t.

Because just like a girl throwing tennis ball to you, shit tests are great opportunities for you to hit that shit and elevate your value/attractiveness in the girl’s eyes!

#1 So what are shit tests really? Simply put, they are when a girl accuses you of sth or subtly insults you.

E.g. “Aww, 我頭先係咪hurt到你呀?』『你簡直係一個玩家食家!』『我唔會同你上床囉…』『我有男朋友㗎喇…』『我哋可唔可以淨係做朋友呀?』『幫我攞住個袋一陣呀。』

There are hundreds/thousands ways girls can suddenly shittest you, especially during the initial attraction stage when she is just not too sure if you are a weak supplicative beta guy OR a real alpha dominant man.

#2 Now, how do you know when you fail ST?

Well, when she sees you 口窒窒 struggling to respond, get embarrassed/upset, or when you immediately try to defend yourself…then you fail ST.

E.g. When you’re flirting with her, she looks at you and says “我哋今晚唔會上床㗎啦”… and you were surprised, 跟住好7地同佢講 “下你講咩呀?我淨係想同你傾計㗎咋喎,我諗住同你上床喎。”

Then her attraction level will drop at least 2 pts.

#3 So, how should we respond? I want to teach you a simple formula that can handle most tests: 認同誇大法

E.g. “我哋今晚唔會上床㗎啦”

–> “係呀,梗係唔會啦。你淨係會喺梳化上面攬住我跟住睇鐵達尼號。”

E.g. “你係咪用緊咩溝女skill落我度呀?”

–> “哦,梗係啦,啱啱出個招好勁㗎;我一出招嘅話,通常啲女仔就會即刻下跪ai我做佢男朋友架啦”

E.g. 你問佢攞電話,佢同你講『好呀,我哋可以做friend嘅』

–> 『梗係啦,之後你就可以晚晚聽我訴苦,我出trip嘅時候你就可以車我去機場,我出去蒲嘅時候你就可以幫我一齊溝女…但係辛苦你喇,因為我知道你將會暗戀我,希望我某日會揀番你 lol』

When you can 認同 + 誇大 whatever shit test she gives you, her attraction level towards you will at least raise 2 pts from a normal 5/6 to ⅞.

So let’s fall in love with shit tests, and be excited when you spot them!

If you want to learn another dozens ways to handle ST,

you’re welcome to email our support team for a full training I have created before. Have fun shit testing!


Hey bro, do you feel sorry for girls who miss out the opportunities to get GREAT QUALITY GUYS they have around them, just because they never date their guy friends?

Well, if you feel like that, I gonna be honest with you: It is YOUR damn fault to ever end up in the sexless FZ.

#1 This might be the last time we talk about FZ, but if you ever think the power is in a girl’s hand that “she put you in FZ”or “she made a bad choice”,

you are just being a victim who pretends to have zero responsibility for ending up in such shitty situation.

you are just being a victim who pretends to have zero responsibility for ending up in such shitty situation.

#2 I want you to remember this truth forever: Whether or not you are going to be friends with a girl is 100% up to you.

Why? It’s because it is a man’s job to initiate a sexual move, and if you just sit there waiting for her to give you super obvious signal, then 99.9% of the time you will end up as “friends”.

Why again? Because you decided to be a pussy who doesn’t make a goddamn move!

#3 Let me analyze why a guy is FZed in most cases…it always flows like this:

A girl kind of likes him, and she is curious if he likes her too
-> However, he is too afraid to fvck up things so he doesn’t make a move
-> Then, the girl conclude that “he doesn’t want me, he just wants to be friends” OR  “He is too chicken to express his sexuality.”

Such lack of confidence is what ultimately turns women off and forces them to fvck other guys.

#4 So how can you prevent yourself from being FZed from now on?

It’s simple. If you are attracted to a woman, during the first (at most second) meetup, you MUST escalate the vibe so that she can feels your sexual desire.

Sometimes girls might not attracted to you, sometimes they aren’t ready for an attractive lover.

That’s fvcking okay because you know you have more options than her.

#5 Then NOW, you have a decision to make: Do I want to be a platonic friends with this person or not?

If yes, you FZ her and keep it neutral. If not, you wish her the best and say goodbye. It is that simple!

#6 The point is: YOU have the ultimate authority to decide, YOU are the only one who choose to be friends with girls, YOU decide if you withdraw her opportunity to fvck you.

Don’t tell me that you get FZed again, OR complain to me that girls are stupid to NOT being able to see “great guys” besides her,

…because that only tells me that you are too chicken to let her feel your unapologetic sexual desire!


Do you know that there is a moment during a conversation where women will decide whether YOU are the insecure beta loser, OR the rare alpha guy with true confidence?

Well, if you feel that talking to girls is HARD because you can’t think of enough topics to talk about, the trick I am teaching you will solve your pain forever.

#1 Let me explain: Usually, it is a masculine man’s job to start conversations and give the initial push to talk as long as possible.

However, after a period of time, whether it’s 2-3 mins or 10+ mins, there will appear a critical moment that decides whether YOU or the girl wins the frame of interaction.

This moment is when the topic/conversation is about to die down, and you two can feel that the dead air is happening.

#2 Most guys in such situation will fvck up because they feel pressured to keep talking sth funny/interesting to avoid losing her interest, so they try harder to impress her just to make her STAY longer.

However, if you do that, the underlying subcommunication is that “You are lower status than the girl, so you need to keep performing in order to keep your Queen’s interest”.

Thus, even if you can muster something great to say, a girl subconsciously conclude that you are NOT a truly confident man she wants to sleep with.  

#3 But you gotta understand: A conversation is supposed to be a joint effort.

You have already taken the responsibility to get started, but once there’s a vacuum period dead air, it is the girl’s responsibility to carry it forward if she feels like to.

So instead of putting all the pressure on yourself OR thinking “what is the right thing to say next”,

a confident man will NOT care if the conversation can continue UNLESS she is also interested to do, thus he will create opportunities to force her to contribute at least equally.  

#4 So what you need to do in such dead air situation is to shut the fvck up, smile and look at her face with a “well, I’m waiting for you to say more interesting thing if you want me” look,  and let her fill the silence gap.

Sometimes that pause will end in few seconds, but sometimes longer and you can definitely feel a crazy TENSION building up between you two.

#5 Most of the time, if your eye contact +body language +style are on point, women will fill the silence if they want you.

If not, maybe you can take a look around, take a sip of your drink, and starts to appear losing interest in her.

#6 After all, you won’t be interested in girls who don’t make an effort in talking to you, will you?

Most men don’t have the confidence to look at her calmly in silence, most men don’t dare to give women some chance to chase him.

But if you can handle that tension, if you are confident enough to create space, you will stand out immediately and girls can’t help but to chase you. 🙂


Hey bro, what is your favorite look that you get from a girl?

Well, apart from that “sexy fvck me harder” orgasmic eye contact,  you might be missing out a look that should make you excited. And that look is when she is looking away.

I don’t mean when she looks away uncomfortably because you are too creepy or weird… What I mean is when she is looking away in a shy way because you caught her “checking you out”.

Why? It is because when she shyly looks away, it means your appearance/look has given her some “attraction feeling” that stirs her emotions.

(This is just like when a girl catches you checking her out, and you shyly look away)

Assuming this happens, does that mean the girl wants to flirt with you? Well, sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn’t.

However, after a few seconds, sometimes girls might muster her courage and try to sneak peek you again to feel that attraction, which I call “the looking back look”. And THIS is the critical moment.

If your head is looking down thinking you are rejected, then you are screwed.

If her eyes meet yours, but this time you get nervous and look away, you fail.

However, if she looks back at you, and you now know that you have caused emotional tension in her already and her looking-back means she is attracted to you, you should definitely give her a smile and then go say hi.

Of course you can just smile and walk away, because you both have enjoyed a beautiful man-woman attraction moment.

But if you want an almost-guaranteed success approach, THIS “get caught by you, shyly look away, but look back at you the 2nd time” look is the ultimate invitation from a girl who wants to you approach her.  

The Q is, are you going to do it? 😉


When you become good with women, one of the common shit tests you will hear is that she says you are a player/ 你溝成日溝女架?

The sad thing is that many guys don’t know how to respond to this Q properly and lose the chance to get with the girl. So today, let’s solve this problem once and for all. Firstly, we need to understand WHY women say this do you.  

#1 There are 2 reasons why women accuses you as a player:

– She believes that you a lot of women like you, they want to chase you and you have a lot of options.  => Which means this girl actually find you charming and attractive.

– She feels insecure about herself because she is scared that you don’t actually like her, she is afraid that you just charm and flirt with every woman you can, and  she isn’t special at all.

#2 Now that you understand the psychology behind, how do we respond? Well, it’s easy because you are viewing that as a compliment.

So you can first say “哈哈,多謝你覺得我咁有魅力喎。”

Then, you should address her insecurity and increase her self-confidence “其實你唔駛咁睇小自己啊,好似你咁『聰明/上進/有腦/玩得/性感/有heart』嘅女仔,呢個年代都好珍貴嘅…”

#3 After you have addressed these two issues, you can add a third component if you want depending on her response.

E.g. If she keeps probing you as a player, you can say “哈哈 係呀,我仲未搵到一個合適嘅女仔,你呢?點解你要咁性感又要單身,你唔好玩弄我嘅感情啦好無?:p”

If you respond in such a playful sexy way, I guarantee you her attraction level is going to 10X and she will desire you even more.

At the end of the day, as long as you genuinely like her apart from she being pretty, as long as you are trying to know the REAL her and you appreciate that,

everything in seduction will become more natural and easy when you are not just 為咗溝女而溝女!


We have talked a lot about escalation the past 2 days, and now you should understand that you can do it verbally, physically or through the VIBE you create.

However, before you do any technical aspects of escalation, do you know there is ONE thing you must first “do” in order to make things work?

#1 Well, that ONE thing is you being comfortable to FEEL your genuine sexual desire for her.

The best escalation always starts from the genuine sexual desire that you FEEL inside you.

If deep down in your heart, you can’t FEEL that SEXUAL ENERGY and you just do all the physical/verbal technique, things will feel 不一致/不誠實/虛偽  to her.

#2 One mistake most guys make is to try to REPRESS that sexual energy around her. If you do that because of shame, women can feel the awkwardness and think you are creepy…  just like a nerd secretly watching AV at home and admiring his Goddess. lol

Another common mistake is that you keep giving off sexual energy to her WITHOUT OBSERVING whether she is receptive to that. If you makes her feel too uncomfortable, you become creepy like a rapist too.

#3 The point is that once a girl is attracted to you, you have to slowly dial up your sexual energy when she is nearby.

And as we said before, the first step is to FEEL THAT sexual energy inside you.

When you can feel it, then use your eye contact, slower facial expression, deeper vocal tonality to express it while be aware of her receptiveness towards your sexual energy.

If she’s loving it, continue to do that. If she is stepping back, you should take a step back, wait for a few mins, and try again later.

If you can do everything I said here and from the previous videos, escalation shall never be a problem for you again!


Hey bro, have you tried to get sexual with a girl but she finds your behaviors creepy or even offensive?

Or are you too good that girls call you player and they are hesitant about your intention and start to back off a bit because you come off too strong?

#1 If your escalation fails, it often means that you’re doing it at the wrong time. It’s because if you escalate randomly, women may conclude that you probably do these moves to every girl with minimum attractiveness, and she may label you as 狗公。

So even if she is attracted to you, if you show sexual interest no matter what she does/says, she will feel that you just want to fuck any hot-enough girl who accepts your offer.

#2 So how do you solve this dilemma of “you must escalate” but “you don’t want her to label you as  a creepy 狗公”?

Well, it’s easy. All you need to do is to only escalate/show more sexual desire when her ACTIONS/BEHAVIORS show her uniqueness/personality as a human being.

When girls feel that you actually like her as an unique individual, instead of feeling that “she is just one of the girls you attempt to fuck”, then she will feel more comfortable with your sexual escalation.

#3 E.g. When a girl is being rude/impolite/cold/allof, and you still try to ESCALATE and show your sexual desire, that only means you just want to fuck any girls you can.

However, if a girl shares a funny story about herself, if she does favors for you without you asking, if she dresses sexy for you during dates, then it is a good timing to escalate.

#4 Simply said, you should only sexually escalate on girls who TRULY DESERVE it.  When your standard of women is higher than “she is hot, she has pussy, so I must fuck”, then your sexual escalation will be much more effective and women will react more positively to you.


Hey bro, do you find escalation scary? Do you find it hard to use words or physical touch to escalate on a girl and you just can’t find the balance on when you should do those things?

While various degrees of physical contact are crucial, many men forget that there is another way to escalate: 將感覺/氣氛升溫.

#1 將感覺/氣氛升溫 means you don’t have to worry about using words to compliment girls OR using touch to escalate on her.

Instead, you shift the TONE of the interactions from social/friendly/fun to more seductive/nervous.

#2 E.g. 誘惑嘅氣氛 can be sth like you’re starting to SLOW everything down (blink, words, the way you move your hand/body), and then you hold a slow gaze at her for a few seconds, smirk for a second,  and then looking away.

E.g You slowly move closer to her, talk more slowly calmly quietly beside her ears, and sometimes shut up and bask in that silence.

#3 So 將感覺/氣氛升溫 means you are creating sexual tension at the ENERGETIC LEVEL, instead of the language/physical touch level, and that is also a very powerful way to seduce.

If the girl is also interested in you, she will want you to release that non-verbal tension later. One way you can do is to start touching her hand or sideways because this first touch can create strong physical connection.

#4 Anyway, what I shared above is some more advanced skill you can use to attract girls.

When you know how to escalate with your eye contact, silence, proximity and the VIBE you’re creating, sometimes you really don’t need to SAY or DO anything to get girls horny.

If you want to learn more exactly how to do so, feel free to send an email to to ask more details about our MTFU Insider program,

where I constantly create new trainings to teach our advanced bros on similar attraction/escalation topics. So if you’re interested in improving your social/dating/sex/relationship life, feel free to email us and let us know.

溝女點解一定要以退為進?(+點樣做?) [溝女]

Hey bro, if you have been learning from MTFU for a while, you know the importance of creating sexual tension and why push pull works every time.

But do you know the one simple trick that will always boost a girl’s attraction towards you?

This trick is so-called the takeaway, which means 你係對弈期間後退自己,令女人有種衝動想去追你,which is also called 以退為進.

#1 Typical examples are like:
– Not finding her as often or not at all for a few days especially after an intense period of closeness/connection

– Wanting LESS to see her in person than you did at the beginning (especially when you’ve created an impression that you are interested in her)

– Being a little bit cold/distant than normal

– Being LESS enthusiastic/excited/certain about her than before

#2 Why do we need to 以退為進 in order to attract girls? There are few reasons:

You have to give her the gift of wondering about you.

If you don’t create space/time for girls to think about you, to mentally picture the “good times” with you when you are not around, her desire for you will always drop and she can’t help but to seek that feeling from other guys.

You are giving her a rare chance/challenge to win you over.

No girls want a man that is easy to get, it’s not FUN for her at all.
So your takeaway tells her that you’re losing interest, and it’s natural for her to try harder to get you back, which gives you more power in r/p.

– These vacuum space makes her genuinely WANT to see you again.
Most guys are just too available and girls hate that. So they will never cherish your presence and treat you like a beta shit who carries her bag.

But if a girl can’t be certain when/if she can see you again, she will strongly desire to see you when you become available.

#3 Of course brother, the above are the psychological reasons why you must 以退為進 to get girls, and why they work.

But I want you to have the ability to see that you don’t have to purposefully use the tactics to get girls … because when you are a naturally attractive male, when you are genuinely busy high value guy who is enjoying his life and building his dream…  

you will naturally NOT have time/interest to be an emotional tampon and listen to her bullshit like a friendzoned gay friend.

So you can use 以退為進 as a technique, but a better way is to create a lifestyle where you genuinely need to PULL AWAY because of your life priorities, instead of just playing psychological games with her.

If you want more advanced materials on this topic,  feel free to send an email to to ask more details about our MTFU Insider program, which is a private community where you not only get new trainings every month, but you’ll get direct coaching from me every 2 weeks to ask me any Qs you want in your dating/sex/social/career life.

If you’re interested, let us know.