
Bro, if you have been learning from MTFU’s videos/trainings, you are someone who actively seeks CHANGE in your life because you are NOT satisfied with certain aspects of your life i.e. mostly dating.

However, in this active growth path, have you heard people (family, guy friends or women) around you telling to “just be yourself” and you’ll attract the girls who like the real you?  

On the surface, JBY is a very attractive idea, because it SOUNDS like you’re just being real and you have no problems that needs to solve.

However, the truth is that JBY is a VERY DANGEROUS idea that can fuck up your life. Why?

Because it implies the idea that “you just need to be patient, WAIT, and eventually you will meet sb who loves you.”

It implies that you DON’T have to actively ACTION to get what you want, it implies women/dating are sth that automatically FALL ONTO your lap, it implies you have ZERO responsibility on your sex/love life because God has already a romantic plan for you.

So doing NOTHING about it and you’ll get your dream girl. How Disney & romantic is that?

Some ppl may argue that if you are not JBY, you are being a faker, you try hard to be sb you are not, you are wearing masks. These all sound legit right?

Well, think about these questions bro:

#1 WHO has the ultimate authority to decide who you are? Who decides whether it is a “real you” or a “fake you”? Who has the right to decide whether your personal change is genuine or not?

#2 When you’re changing your appearance/style/behaviors/circles of friends/ attitudes towards women/mindset about dating, sex and relationships, do you think there’s a conflict of interests where you might make others feel uncomfortable?

Do you think your change will doubt other ppl’s personal belief system about certain things? If yes, what do you think is the easiest way to handle that for most people? To self-reflect deeply & challenge oneself, OR to doubt the changer’s intention/sincerity and persuade him to STAY THE SAME?

#3 Transformation by default is change.

It’s about doing something you normally don’t do, thinking in a way you never did, learning to be comfortable with sth you normally aren’t, and expanding your personality/capabilities you normally don’t have.

So what does JBY really mean? Who determines who you are and who you slowly become? Who judges if this version of you is real or the previous version of you is real?

OR you are ALWAYS being FAKE since you’re born because right now you are NOT thinking/behaving/acting like a baby? Should you just go back and be like that?

I know I asked you a lot of Qs today, but if you get logic behind the true meaning of JBY, you will now understand what those who tell you to JBY is actually doing to your FUTURE.

If your current SELF isn’t doing well in dating/sex/relationship and you need more help, i teach you how to CHANGE that in our Insider family.

If you are interested, email us support@manthefvckup.com and let us know that you want to join.

LIKE this video and COMMENT below your thoughts and let us know how this JBY idea has been affecting your life all these years.


Welcome to another episode of weekly 溝女Q&A. As you know I only started doing this recently because I want to help as many bros as possible.

However, if you want more detailed, comprehensive, 1-2-1 interaction with me, you should consider joining our Insider family because you will get all the dating/sex/relationship management training inside, AND ability to interact with me live in our coaching calls and secret FB group.

If you are interested to get this 360 degree of help, go to www.manthefvckup.com/joininsider for details. Any Qs, just email us.


Angus: 你好呀,有聽開manthefvckup的觀眾 想有d野請你比點意見。

半年前因為玩音樂識左個女仔,兩個單獨夾band,果時知佢已經有男朋友,所以無咩信心追佢。當朋友算。 —> Warning! 追 implies you’re Beta.

但認識耐左我發現佢係我既target ,近3-4個月 我同佢大部份日子都有whatapp同ig inbox 。–> Warning: Too much texting = frds behaviors, you’re FZing yourself.

我多數找話題找佢 ,佢都會有時找我。雖然唔係傾得好長時間。我地有約大家出來食飯夾野吹水 —-> Yeah, chitchating like friends. That’s not seduction.

但呢一兩個星期 佢好怪 約我去唱k 之後又cancel 無左回事 約左夾野又話唔記得左 仲有一早約好睇演唱會之後又話同返佢男友睇。

—-> LOL. Aren’t these behaviors obvious? She dumping you but you still give her attention, do you think having zero self-respect is attractive?

呢幾日佢對我好冷淡大多數已讀我。係今日我約左第條女po ig 動態先回覆我。好多人叫我放棄因爲佢有一齊4年既男友,無機,但我都好想得到呢個女仔得唔到都想做知己or fwb 現在不知道應該點做。 放棄? 尊注返做自己野?me:a2 she:08

—-> Her bf isn’t a competitor at all. She’s hanging out with other guys even have BFs, I guarantee you she is or already has CHEATED her beta bf. Too bad that you are even more BETA than her bf, that’s why she ignored you.

Next, she has 8 bfs before, do you really think she is a quality girl? Wtf do you even consider being 知己 with this bitch? You’re settling for a r/p that isn’t sth you initially want.

A man doesn’t do that. If the current reality is that you can’t get her sexaully, that’s fine. You move the fuck on to other girls. But you don’t pretend to be her friend and hopefully someday she’ll slowly see how good you are. It won’t happen. Stop behaving like an unattractive beta.


Ethan C: 1.如果比心儀對象話我好小朋友,點算?似小朋友係好事定壞事?因為有好多阿叔講野成個細路仔甘都好多女仔同佢好好相處

–> Depends on the CONTEXT she’s saying this. What’s her tonality when saying this? Why suddenly this? What did you do/say before she said that?

Your thinking error, like so many men, is to take the literal meaning of what girls say and over-analyze that shit. Stop focusing on the surface, and start observing her behaviors. Who gives a fuck if it’s good/bad, if she’s attracted to you and accepting your sexual escalation, there’s no point to worry.


–> First, you don’t have to be a really EVIL/BAD-hearted man to attract woman. You can be a sexually attractive man even if you have a good heart.

Second, I don’t know that guy, I don’t know know how you met him, i don’t know that why you two suddenly chatted about this topic. But I do know that if you are not being a CHALLENGE to girls, if you’re too easy to get, girls will NOT have desire to want you.

Only scarce things are valuable. That might not mean you need to be “串”per se to get girls. “串少少” is just one possible way to let her know you are not worshipping her like Goddness. But there are many other ways to do so, which I already taught in many videos and in our Insider training.

3.  頭先我講,有女仔話對方似小朋友. 但我見好多男仔扮小朋友,都氹到好多女仔wor,仲話呢個男仔好玩得,究竟我應唔應該學呢個男仔?如果學左佢,又比人話成個細路甘,點算?

–> From your wording 氹, I already know your friend is a beta 暖男 and you’re asking me if you should follow him, you are also a classic nice guy beta. That’s okay, 90+% of young guys start there because they have been conditioned since young to behave like that.

Your Q is NOT whether being a 細路 is good or not, a better Q is how can I have fun and enjoy myself so that girls can relax and have fun in my presence?

The only reason he’s attracting girls is probably because he is a fun guy to hang around with. If you could do the same and not worry about ppl’s opinion about you being like a kid, you too can become attractive. That’s first step.
