
Do you know why rejection is such a BIG FEAR for us?


If you want to study more, you can watch a Ted Talk by Guy Winch “Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid”


Reason #1 Rejection feels so bad because it PHYSICALLY HURTS.

MRI study: The part of your brain that lights up when a man gets rejected = same part of the brain that lights up when he experiences physical pain.


So rejection = being punched/stabbed, your body tells you it HURTS.


Reason #2 Our brains are wired this way because of evolution

Back in caveman days, if a man gets rejected by social circle = he is alone to defend against wild animals = unlikely to survive


So evolution makes us FEEL the rejection pain so that we change our behavior and remain in the tribe to stay alive.


Reason #3 We tend to imagine that everyone notices our rejection/ppl are watching, thus exaggerates the painful experience.


In reality, most ppl are just stuck in their own thinking, and that’s why no one actually pays attention to what you do.


Solution #1: Stop all self-criticism

Stop saying “she doesn’t like me/ damn I said sth wrong/ I am not good enough.”

=> Instead, reframe this as “Haha, she likes me and that’s why she gives me shit tests.” Have this “she likes me”frame 100% time.


Solution #2 Write down the Top 10 Qualities every day

– Reinforce and speak out aloud everyday why you are WORTH IT to build your self-esteem.


Solution #3: Proactive Socializing

– Always be meeting new people, new women. Don’t be passive and let your frds find you. Be proactive weekly so that you always find people who accepts and loves you.


A lot of guys assume women want sex to last for HOURS “marathon sex”, but in reality it is NOT true.


Longer sex is NOT always better sex.


If you can give her orgasms, she is likely to love it no matter the duration of sex.


According to researchers in Penn State University/賓夕法尼亞州立大學  Eric Corty and Jenay Guardiani,


they conducted a survey of 50 sex professionals (doctors, psychologists, sex researchers) 1-2 mins is TOO SHORT,  3-7 mins as adequate, 7-13 mins as desierable, and 13-30 mins as too long


They are referring to PENETRATIVE sex without including foreplay.


So if you can last for 10+ mins, that’s already good to most women.


Conclusion: The key is to focus on the QUALITY of your sex, rather than quantity (how long it lasts).


Different women want different things in different situations, so STOP using a clock while fvcking!!


Q: Hi Manson,

I’ve fallen in love with my colleague but she obviously isn’t interested.

Everyone tells me it’s unlikely she’ll ever be interested otherwise she would’ve shown some hints before notwithstanding the fact she’s had boyfriends all the time we’ve known each other.

Should I write her off as a lost cause or work towards wooing her?  If the latter, what can I do? Thanks in advance. – CL


Answer is below:




Everyone knows that EXERCISE can improve your health physically, mentally and emotionally,


but do you know that certain exercises can also improve your sex drive and performance?


Below we’ll talk about what these exercises are, why they help boost your sex drive, and how you can reap the max. benefits from them.


#1 Running

-> Release endorphins, Runner’s high, feel euphoric


-> If you can get a girl to run with you, you 2 will attribute that high to each other, and thus lead to more passion in the bedroom


#2 Strength Training

-> Lifting heavy weights will boost your T. And more T = more sex drive


-> Also, when you have more muscles and STRENGTH, you can perform a lot more positions than being a weak skinny dude


#3 Stretching

-> Increase flexibility & blood flow, also increase awareness of your body, which means you can FEEL your body and sexual urges more strongly


#4 Yoga

-> This is sth I’m incorporating MORE in my life apart from strength training


-> I’ll say that almost ALL guys/girls who are great at sex DO YOGA.

-> Because practicing yoga give you more flexibility, body awareness, clam mind, core strength, stamina. Also helps RELAX your shoulders, hips, back which are main muscles for sex.


#5 Meditation

-> Although meditation isn’t a physical exercise, it trains your mental focus and emotional awareness.


-> Low Libido is NOT just a physical problem, many guys can’t get hard/lose sex drive because they are IN their fucking HEAD and THINKING TOO MUCH.


-> Thus, spend 15-20 mins a day meditating will GROUND you back into your body and increase your awareness of sex drive.




How do you know if your woman isn’t FAKING her orgasm?


How can you make sure she is enjoying and loving sex with you?


What will REALLY happen when a woman orgasm that is NOT like AV?


#1 Honestly, the easiest way to really know is to ASK your partner whether she is having a real orgasm and loving it.


If she feels SAFE with you, she will tell you the TRUTH of your performance.


Most women only fake orgasms because they don’t know how to let you know and communicate their pleasure/dissatisfaction with you.


So if you make her feel SAFE and NON-JUDGEMENTAL, and you two have deep TRUST with each other, she will tell you.


#2 Uncontrollable contractions that happen inside her.


You’ll feel PULSATIONS震動 in her vagina, her deep muscle tissues, and her abdomen.


Every woman is different, so you always need to OBSERVE her natural reactions.


E.g. If you are just stimulating her clit for a min and she cums, most likely she is faking it like AV girls.


Stop watching so much AV because many sex inside give both men/women UNREALISTIC expectations of what SEX is like.


These “OMG OMG”are mostly just acting, a scripted scenario, fake like a wrestling show.


Every actor/actress inside is magnifying their facial expressions and expereinces.


#3 Other real signs include having goosebumps over her body, deep heavy breathing, a sigh of relief after a good full body orgasm,


or she feels that her body can’t move and need to rest for a while,


OR when she asks you “DON”T STOP… don’t stop…” because that means she is close to having an orgasm.

[性知識] 男士做愛時三大錯誤!第二點最常見…

[性知識] 男士做愛時三大錯誤!第二點最常見…


#1 去得太快

– Problem of fast sex is that you MISS the DETAILS.


– It’s like you’re using 2X speed to listen to Ed Sheeran’s Perfect


– The slower you play, the more you digest it, the more you can FEEL each other


– So stop just pounding away and try to get off


#2 太過focus去令自己高潮

– Sex is not an itch that you just have to scratch


– When you are hungry, you don’t go to a French Restaurant and stuff food in your mouth


– When you try to get orgasm too fast, then there’s no time to savor experience


– You have wanted sex for so long, why the FUCK are you rushing through the experience? Otherwise, the experience ENDS before you know it.


#3 太過想令到女人高潮

– Most men feel the need to get women off e.g. squirt/big explosion


– This is because that makes a lot of men feel POWERFUL


– However, if you focus on that outcome too much and NOT being present to her sensations…even though you hear her moan, many women will FAKE their orgasms even when they don’t enjoy the sex.


– Many women just don’t want to hurt your ego when your sex sucks OR they just don’t want to bother telling you how WRONG you’re doing.


So these are the mistakes: going too fast, focusing on yourself too much, and trying too hard to get her to explode.


Takeaway #1: Slow down 3-5 times at your current pace,


#2 Engage in communication during sex.


#3 Stop emphasizing your orgasm and don’t just focus on hers.

[溝女Q&A] 被拒絕後/分手後令我很灰,點算?如何脫離別人的閒言閒語?


Hi Manson, Thanks for the explanation, I think I understand it better now.


Just want to give you an update: this summer, I have been hanging out and talking to my new and old friends. I really appreciate all of them and their support system. I tried out some new activities as well and it was a fun experience.


However, I still feel some emptiness in myself sometimes.


I still think about that girl who rejected me couple months ago. I thought I could distract myself with all these new people and activities, but I just seem to not be able to  get over her. Should I just give it more time?


I still talk to her from time to time (maybe 1/2 messages a week), but I haven’t seen her for about a month now, even she asked me out. Maybe I should go radio silence with her.


Also, I think I need to learn how to not give a fuck for things that are out of my control.


I still think about from time to time why she would choose nerdy guys over me. But at the end of the day, all of these thoughts are useless and not helping me in any way.


Thanks, Mr. H



#1 Must cut ALL communication in order to get over her. These contacting are emotional TRIGGERS that make you feel like “you aren’t good enough to deserve her.”


Also, it normally takes at least HALF amount of time to recover from “breakups”.


E.g. a 2 year relationship will take at least 1 year of zero contact to truly recover (of course it depends on other factors like what you are doing during those space time)


#2 How not to give a fuck about things you can’t control?


– When you give a fuck, you are in your HEAD THINKING and imagining certain scenarios that is NOT in the present moment.


Einstein “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”


The way to solve it is NOT to do it through LOGIC, which is at the same level as the problem is.


The way is to USE YOUR BODY to solve your mind problems.


The body is the mind, vice versa. When you have problems with your mind, solve it with your BODY by breaking your mental patterns


E.g. Get out and do a solid workout, go out and do some running, listen to high energy music and DANCE like crazy, SHAKE your body, BARK like a warrior king etc.


– Second way, is to DECIDE in advance what are the things you care so much and TRULY give a fuck about, focus on them so hard that you can’t give a fuck about small little stuff.

When you care about something so deeply WITHOUT forcing others to live your own philosophy,


and when you reserve the right to change your mind/opinion/philosophy at any time WITHOUT any prior notice for others, you are truly CAREFREE.


So for you, what actually MATTERS and what doesn’t? How are you going to live YOUR BELIEFS and VALUES in your own way?


If you develop a habit of being GRATEFUL every morning about the things you already have (food, people, your 5 senses, support etc.)


while you take action to grow bigger and better to serve a purpose BIGGER than your own benefit, you will not only succeed but also attain a heartwarming fulfillment.

[溝女] 做愛時點樣可以無咁早射?3招解決早洩煩惱!

[溝女] 做愛時點樣可以無咁早射?3招解決早洩煩惱!


KEY #1: Relax (physically + mentally)

1) Unclench your butt cheeks and anus: 


2)  Pay attention to her, don’t just focus on your pleasure


KEY #2 Slow The Fvck Down!  

1) Foreplay is important.Sex is NOT just penetration.




KEY #3 Biofeedback i.e. edging 留意自己高潮邊緣


Practice being aware when you are close to climax point, then CUT OFF stimulation completely.


“The point of no return”is like 85% orgasm, don’t go there

Reach 75% of climax and then stop all sexual contact with your dick.

[人生Q&A] 如何找到自己的道路?4條簡單問題…





所以自大學後期起,小弟就用咗好多年嘅時間去嘗試尋找我自己嘅life purpose,亦都花咗好多時間去為自己設計我嘅人生任務。




就係:我哋嘅life purpose其實就好似一個洋蔥咁樣,我哋係需要不斷一塊一塊咁樣撕開每一層;












重點就係:Life purpose係需要用好多年不斷嘗試不斷做實驗咁樣最後慢慢演化出嚟,而成個過程係需要不斷鼓起勇氣令自己升呢去到下一個階段。






#1  問題一就係:如果你100%肯定自己唔會失敗嘅話,你會想選擇做啲乜嘢呢?








#2 問題二就係:如果你知道你父母或者任何親戚朋友永遠都冇人發現發覺嘅話,你係有啲乜嘢個人目標好想去追隨達到㗎呢?










Well,我同你講:Fvck that!


因為世界上根本就冇一啲啱曬所有人嘅『教育制度』,根本就冇一啲專為你設計嘅career path 或者『筍工金飯碗』!














#3 問題三就係:你平時得閒嘅時候,有啲乜嘢書本,電影或者娛樂你喺會好有興趣自動自覺地去鑽研嫁呢?














#4 第四條問題就係:你做啲乜嘢係特別容易上手嫁呢?




正於正向心理學嘅始祖 Dr. Martin Seligman所講:






如果巴打你聽完以上啲嘢有興趣嘅話,我建議你去閱讀更多關於Martin Seligman分享嘅資訊。


#5 最後想講嘅就係:我哋每一個人細個十歲前嘅時候都有自己一啲遙不可及嘅夢想,












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