
Qs: What are the REAL REASONS 許志安 cheat? Is 黃心穎 a total slut? What will happen to Sammi? How about the poor little boy 馬國明?

Well brother, these are ALL irrelevant Qs you shouldn’t ask yourself. As you will see, almost 99% of articles/videos will be based on ENTERTAINMENT that adds zero value to your life.

It’s about making you feel emotional, adding drama to the mess so that there are more views. Afterall, that’s what news/media do.

Therefore, in this video breakdown, we will NOT focus on the gossip. We will NOT stand on the moral high ground to judge what’s right or wrong.

My intention of using this material is to ADD VALUE TO YOUR LIFE as a man. I want you to take this as 學術研究 to see the TRUTH about sexual dynamics between men and women, to understand the difference between sexual desire and love, and OBSERVE your initial reaction towards this incident.

Because YOUR NATURAL REACTION already reflects whether you’re BETA or ALPHA lens to see the world.

I recommend you to watch my other video <你係Alpha定Beta?留意呢10大特質!> as reference.

Now, we will breakdonw into a few sections in this video:
#1 What you can learn from 許志安 as an extreme BETA
#2 How you should choose women – NOT Sammi, NOT 黃心穎
#3 The only thing 馬國明 should do
#4 Other BETAs you should avoid becoming – taxi driver, the staff in Apple, those who attack 許志安 in front of girlfriends.

#1 What you can learn from 許志安 as an extreme BETA

1) He got oneitis 真命天女症.

Beta believes in romantic ideals. He tries to find his one soulmate. And then he justifies his clinginess by saying he “loves her so much”.

-> Therefore you can see 許志安 always come back to Sammi after breakups in the past 30 years. Because when he was ~20 years old, he already thought Sammi was the one. That’s a classic idealizing love behavior.

2) Beta always WANTS to be hero, he wants to save a girl from her problems, he wants to treat her nice and takes responsibility of HER emotions/problems.

-> That’s why my guess is another reason why 許志安 stays with a woman who is KNOWN for her crazy ups and downs personality (like Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Madonna). He genuinely wants to fix Sammi’s emotional drama. He fails, but since he believes “committing” is what good man does, he continues living in such shitty relationship.

Now, let’s look deeper in the 記者會.

3) He keeps apologizing to everyone, to Sammi, to his fans etc. “犯這個錯誤起了色心,我覺得現在應該承擔後果。”

This implies he is SHAMEFUL towards his natural sexual desire for hot woman. Not only that but he is also apologizing being a MAN who likes to fuck.


He is ugly NOT because he cheats, every Alpha leader is history had multiple women at the same time until 100 years ago. He is UGLY because he is so weak/powerless that he needs to apologise to his REAL DESIRE as a MAN and he doesn’t have the BALLS to step up to OWN AND CLAIM his manhood.

4) “因為我自己做了一件不被原諒的事。” What does this imply? This is saying in the past 30 years, Sammi ALWAYS had the dominant frame in the relationship.

But since he is a nice guy, he TOLERATES that shit and keeps going back to Sammi until Sammi is good enough but choose him. At home, Sammi is the boss so 許志安 is always being emasculated. After years of marriage like that, there’s no way BETA won’t need a break and cheat for some younger, hotter girls.

5) “我最錯的地方是失去我自己。” “我這一刻是沒了靈魂的,我是一個壞掉的人。”


He emphasises so much on being BAD person, he loses his “real self” as being a good guy, being a morally upright dude in society.

That’s what BETA do. Beta always use the “I am a good devoted bf/ husband/ citizen” in society as a CARD to attract girls. But in reality, they are just pussies who keeps hiding away from the REAL ASPECTS of themselves – the ones that are deemed “bad” by society/religion/culture. They keep living in SHAME and that’s why betas have fucked up psychology.  

Now let’s briefly mention the other parties in this incident.

#1 As I have mentioned, Sammi is known for her ups and downs emotional personality. But betas love to act like Prince to save girls’ from her shit, to take responsibility of OTHERS shit, that’s why 許志安’s mistake from day 1 is to use “i will save girls” strategy to get girls, attracted sb he shouldn’t have touched, AND kept fixing a problem he can never fix.

I am not saying Sammi is a bad person, but I am saying when it comes to choosing what kind of women you want to put next to your side, you must be RUTHLESS like you’re having a billion dollar business deal.

#2 How about 黃心穎? Before I analyze about her, I want you to notice how SOCIETY is going to slut shame her as chicken, especially women.

Why? Because that’s a psychological battle played between female species. Even a woman herself loves sex and sucks dick, she IS going to slut shame other women who are competitors. This is to ensure that the best gene goes to her instead of the other girl.

As regards choosing women, 許志安 probably isn’t the first guy she wants to hook up with. She probably has been fvcking other guys behind 馬國明, who is another extreme beta.

However, even if her reputation is tarnished, many betas will still want to be her bf or even marry her. So the best strategy to handle these girls if you meet one? Just fvck her but never be serious.

#3 Now, what should 馬國明 do? Well, he is a famous nice good guy who always seem to be ignorant of what’s happening and willing to get his balls cut.

If he’s NOT ruthlessly dumping a cheater IMMEDIATELY, you will know why 馬國明 deserves to be cheated again and again.

Finally, I want you to see the BIGGER PICTURE about the whole incident.

#1 The real reason why the taxi driver reports to Apple is probably NOT JUST about money, even though he may get a few thousands or more for this juicy story.

The real reason he does that is probably because: He is JEALOUS that 許志安 is going to fuck a hot girl he can never FUCK.

This taxi driver probably has a tiger wife at home, nagging him all day and all he can do is to cheat in mainland.

But seeing a celebrity can get better pussies? He is pissed, so he is going to DESTROY 許志安 secretly to feel better about himself.

No matter how he justifies that – feeling unjust for Sammi, hating pretty girls like 黃心穎 who never will fuck him, want to help 馬國明 know the truth – becoming a justice warrior and ATTACKING powerful beta is the only way they can do to pull down a higher status beta.

2) How about the staff in Apple Daily?

As I said, the media only cares about profiting your EYEBALLS. They are not to help Sammi or 馬國明, they are not to destroy 許志安 黃心穎, they will just find creative ways every day to get your ATTENTION and earn profit from it.  

If you want to know what the news is about, just read Ryan Holiday’s <Trust me, I am not lying>.

3) The last point of today is that: I want you to OBSERVE your initial reaction towards this incident.

Did you leave a comment to 網絡公審 許志安? Did you HATE women like 黃心穎 because they are so sexual BUT they are not sexual towards you?

Did you feel sympathy for Sammi immediately EVEN THOUGH you have no idea who is suffering in that 30-year relationship? Did you laugh about 馬國明 because he is such a naive dork who always get taken advantage of?

Most importantly, when you talk about this with other women (gf/wife) in public, are you trying to shame 許志安 like most people are doing now?

If you do, you need to be careful. This is a strong signal that you too are operating in BETA MODE, trying to stand on the side of women and trying to portray a “I am good morally upright guy” image to attract girls.

This video is NOT for you to 食花生,this video is helping you to SEE whether you actually is just another less powerful, less famous, less affluent 許志安 – who is doing similar things with a similar beta mindset in regards to sex and relationships.

Cheating in relationships is NEVER the real problem, the real problem is always CHEATING YOURSELF and not facing what you truly want in life, and then settle in mediocre relationships, UNTIL that doesn’t work and EXPLODE one day that harms everyone.

What would you do if you were ruthlessly honest about your sexual desire?

What would you do if you knew that sexual desire and love are 2 different biological things that most people are confused?

What if you never have to apologize for being a man who gets what he wants in life without worrying about ppl’s opinions?

What if you STOP buying into the lies of Hollywood/DIsney romantic love and see the truth about male-female sexual dynamics?

I share much more details on how to achieve that life in MTFU Insider, if you’re interested, send an email to support@manthefvckup.com and let us know.

I hope today’s video has enough valuable nutrition to help you grow. LIKE this video and subscribe to MTFU so that you won’t miss out the upcoming videos.

If you like this kind of breakdown, leave a comment below and let me know.


就今天的記者會的目的是真的好想親口、 衷心向大家說聲對不起。












