唔靚仔點溝索女?Your face your fate 的社會謊言![溝女]

One of the most common fears guys tell me is that they think “你的樣子如何你的日子也必如何”, so they think they can never get girls because they have average looks.

I am not gonna lie, your fashion/style/sexiness DOES matter because first impression lasts. Look at how thirsty women are when they got a chance to touch A&F models.

But does that really mean average looks = lonely forever? And do you know why you are force fed this idea of “Your face your fate”?

Can you see how believing into such bullshit is going to affect your mindset, action and results in life? CM below and let know your thoughts.

So if you ask me, I’d say fvck YFYF because there are certain things you can do to drastically increase your chance.

#1 If you are really worried, then get your ass out and change what you can.

Let’s face this, if you dress like like a dirty beggar OR like a safe boring vanilla good boy, that is NOT going to arouse women.

Arousal of women is based on TENSION, so your style needs to conveys edginess +I am not fvcking average. If your presentation conveys “I am safe and risk-averse”, that will NOT spark attraction.

So always upgrade your haircut, your style that is not based on fashion but timeless good-looks, your body type, your smell, your skin, your body type.

Those are the easy things that you can DO to change ppl’s perception.

#2 Whatever beliefs you keep telling yourself or excuses you keep using , you are going to live in such reality.

Once you have taken ACTION to change the external and stop behaving like a keyboard poison kid, then you gotta take charge of your self-talk.

Because when you repeat a story in your brain, your mind are going to focus on finding evidence that only support that belief and reject evidence that doesn’t support that.

This is called Confirmation bias 確認偏誤。

#3 So knowing that our brain has a tendency to 選擇性地回憶, why don’t you use that bias to HELP YOURSELF?

Assuming you HAVE taken action to change your style/body/external factors, you SHOULD create a new story like “I love how girls love how sexy I am.””Women just love how hot I am and they want me to talk to them. ”

Instead of being biased against the -ve factors about yourself, you can use the same tool to be biased FOR the +ve factor about yourself.

I agree that good-looks, especially for women, have tremendous effects on how people judge you. And I also agree that sometimes you may overestimate your hotness.

But if nothing change, you now at least have the BALLS to pull the fucking trigger and say hi to the girls you have always scared to meet.

Doesn’t this just simple act increase your success with women?