女人咁對你,你仲笑騎騎同佢傾計!? 初次約會規則【溝女Q&Ax3】

Welcome to another episode of weekly 溝女Q&A. As you know I only started doing this recently because I want to help as many bros as possible.

However, if you want more detailed, comprehensive, 1-2-1 interaction with me, you should consider joining our Insider family because you will get all the dating/sex/relationship management training inside, AND ability to interact with me live in our coaching calls and secret FB group.

If you are interested to get this 360 degree of help, go to www.manthefvckup.com/joininsider for details.

Any Qs, just email us.


Q1 hi,阿man,我今日同條女第一次單獨食飯,食到大約8點,我話去食糖水,條女話之後約左其他朋友,咁我就馬上埋單各自散,佢話約左朋友是否好明顯拒絕信號,second date是否冇機會 – Mr. Chan


STOP doing dinner dates as your first date. Dinner/Movies are the worst ones because you’re spending too much time eating like friends and it doesn’t have the sexy feeling.

First date must be quick and short, < 1 hr, you want to qualify the girl to make sure she meets your standards, so try a coffee date instead.


Q2 Hi Manson, 我係呀K, 之前問過你意見架 (女仔突然block咗我). 而家我覺得大家關係好咗少少, 有微笑打招呼, 亦都有傾幾句計, 過程中我就同佢分享咗自己某啲personal achievement, 佢反應唔熱唔淡咁.

不過whatsapp仍未解封, 我諗過考完試打俾佢約埋大家班fd一齊玩, 應唔應該咁做?


Girls don’t give a fvck about what you do, how much money you have, or how many countries you have travelled to. She cares HOW you make her feel when you’re there. She cares if you can arouse her and feel sexy to fvck.

Two, she’s being a bitch, blocking you. That behavior already says she is avoiding you, maybe because of your creepy beta attitude. Why the fuck are you smiling and saying hi to her? Why are you giving her attention to talk? And even tell me you want to play with her?

Fuck that bitch attitude. You fucked up before. She isn’t interested now. Cut ALL your communication. Ignore her. Move the fuck on.


Q3 我叫Marco,我今次係第一次send信比你,因為我覺得得你可以幫到我。



   佢始終無買到慈善卷,為咗keep contact我就托佢問佢阿媽,佢講ok,問問。11月,老師開始催,而我每次問佢都唔應我,終於就憤怒了,同佢講「快D la,老師催緊a」,然後佢就封鎖我(WhatsApp),

後一日,我咁啱約咗個二十多歲嘅男士,我問佢,佢就話「緊係la,人哋幫你,你催乜春」,並叫我每日打電話2次,打咗兩星期,佢無接,然之後又同佢喺訊息道歉a,bili bala咁,直到E加12月,無起息(佢其實有覆2句,不過唔關原唔原諒我事),個男士都叫我放棄但我又放唔低。



Marco, you are so young so naive, but that’s okay, we all have been stupid. Here are the facts and mistakes you’ve made:

#1 This girl isn’t interested in you at all, that’s why she gets another 2 beta dicks with you so she has 3 losers give her free attention.

#2 Is your 20+ friend on9? Tell you to call her 2 times a day for 2 weeks? He is on 9 and you are on 9 believing what he says. You’re like harrassing the girl, no wonder she ignores you.

#3 Sorry for what? Stop apologizing about your actions to women. She is being a dickhead, so FUCK THAT BITCH, IGNORE HER FOREVER, and move on.

This is not about giving up the girl, this is about NOT giving up your self-respect that is making you so beta, emotionally weak and acting so needy.

Go immerse yourself in 10 MTFU’s videos/day to brainwash yourself away from the beta mindset. You’ll learn so much from these free content in such a young age that I didn’t have.


Anyway, if other bros want to ask Qs, make sure they are in 50-100 words when you send email support@manthefvckup.com to us.

If you want more detailed, comprehensive, 1-2-1 interaction with me, you should consider joining our Insider family.

Go www.manthefvckup.com/joininsider for details. See you all in the next Q&A.