
Have you ever first kiss a girl after intense attraction & arousal, you left and find her next day, only to find that she is NO LONGER interested in you?


Well, there’s a reason.


Kisses are actually taste tests for our bodies to figure out if the person you are kissing is a strong genetic fit with your DNA.


A study by Oxford University researchers found that kissing helps in assessing potential mates through taste/smell, picking up on biological cues for compatibility, genetic fitness or general health.


Initial attraction may include facial, body and social cues.


Then assessments become more and more intimate as we go deeper into the courtship stages, and this is where kissing comes in.”


Other findings included:


* In short relationships, survey participants said kissing was most important before sex, less so during sex, was less important again after sex and was least important at other times.


In committed relationships, where forming and maintain a lasting bond is an important goal, kissing was equally important before sex and at times not-related to sex.


* In a companion paper in the journal Human Nature, the researchers report that women’s attitudes to romantic kissing also depend on where in their menstrual cycle and their relationship they are.


Women valued kissing most at initial stages of a relationship when they were in the part of their cycle when they are most likely to conceive.


=> Previous studies have shown that hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle can change a woman’s preferences for a potential mate. When chances of conceiving are highest, women seem to prefer men who display supposed signals of underlying genetic fitness, such as masculinized faces, facial symmetry, social dominance, and genetic compatibility. (ALPHA MALE!)  


It appears that kissing a romantic potential partner at this time helps women assess the genetic quality of a potential mate, the researchers say.