情緒不穩人如何變態玩殘你?[FBI教你危險人物 Ep.012]

Book Ref:

<Dangerous Personalities> Joe Navarro

#1 Since they are extremely needy + worship you, you will feel mentally & emotionally drained by their constant ups and downs outbursts.

The closer you get with them, the more they will ATTACK you while they say they love you.  => 焦慮症,嚴重抑鬱。

#2 They may escalate verbal to physical violence E.g. destroy things, hit/slap you, harshly punish children.

Why? Because they are extremely afraid of being ABANDONED.

If you can’t have you, they will make sure others can’t have you…CREEPY!

#3 They really wish to merge with you, so they flirt heavily and SEX might be mind blowing and you as a man might get addicted.

But again, they are super emotionally needy, they want you to be extremely loyal so they might HARASS you via parents/frds/social media. They will stalk you, they will scold you public to make sure you don’t leave.

So narccissts want 主導地位,but emotional unstable ppl want STABILITY and want to feel ADORED. But even if they get what they want from you, they still have an EMPTINESS you cannot fill. Thus super demanding.

#4 Bro, have you experienced anyone like that? Parents? Boss? Girl?

Parents -> damage kids psychological health -> Effect: repressed emotions, ignored needs, expect to be hurt, can’t say no, won’t stand up for himself, feel useless and worthless…-> might become bully to 先發制人 -> might want your parents die

Boss -> Devil Wears Prada Miranda -> Impossible to work with, because you can’t please her, you can just survive. -> you never get acknowledgement, you are scared to report bad news…

Girls -> She might give you crazy sex, you might want to stay there to fvck her. But you’ll find that she is super unstable, almost crazy emotionally, you want to fix her problems but it is NOT possible. So when you encounter these crazy bitches, LEAVE & don’t even fvck her. She will find ways to destroy you when you stay.

#5 Conclusion: Most cases happen in private closed doors, so they are relationship destroyers.

If you notice sb who violates social boundaries, is super temperamental, causes people to feel inferior, who easily argue & fight for small stuff… ALERT!