
As you all know, HK is the most expensive city to live in the world, so it is not uncommon for many young men to share rents with others or live with parents.

One Q I get asked from more established brothers is that whether they should share rent with their gfs i.e. cohab with their gfs?

What’s your instinct about that? Do you think it’s a GOOD DEAL to do so to consolidate your relationship?

The underlying reason for many men to cohabit with gfs is NOT just sharing rent, but the REAL reason is that they think by living together, he can has more SEX with gfs EVERY FUCKING NIGHT and his sex life will be happy.

Well, if you really think you will get a DAILY supply of sex, you totally don’t understand the sexual dynamics b/w men and women. Here’s why:

Cohabiting is like a preview of marriage, there’s not much difference between the two. So when you cohabit with gf, you are giving her EXTREME comfort and certainty.

Comfort = familairity = predictability

You have almost ZERO privacy and freedom. She knows everything about your schedule/what you are doing/who you are seeing. And you are actually legally committed to finishing the rent EVEN if the relationship turns bad.

When you have so comfort in a relationship, guess what you don’t have?

You don’t have elements that make her WONDER/THINK/MISS about you, you don’t have enough SPACE for her to IMAGINE what you’re doing, you don’t have enough DOUBTS in her mind that whether you’re seeing other girls.

Attraction requires passion, passion requires TENSION, tension requires the nervous feeling of the unknown – she not sure what you’re doing/ she not sure if other girls are competing for your attention/she not sure if you can have sex in other places/ she not sure if she has SECURED you yet!

So what are you actually doing when you cohabitate with any girls?

You’re destroying EVERY elements that makes you a sexually desirable man, you are destroying her emotional needs to worry that there are other women competing you outside, you’re destroying the SPACE for her to miss you.

Healthy relationship requires PHYSICAL SPACE and OPTIONS.

So if you don’t plan to get married, (which is a good choice), there is NO REASON for you to cohabitate with any chicks.

If you’re young and still building your dream, it’s much better to live on your own or share places with OTHERS who aren’t your sexual options, have the freedom to do whatever you want, and enjoy dating different women.  

If you need more help as regards to your dating/sex/relationship, we teach them in details in our Insider family. If you are interested, email us support@manthefvckup.com and let us know that you want to join.

Regardless, LIKE this video and COMMENT below to let us know your cohabitation experience, or how you would approach your rental issues.