獵食者如何玩弄你為獵物?求生不得求死不能![FBI教你危險人物 Ep.024]

By now you should understand that 獵食者為咗滿足變態慾望,佢會不擇手段將你嘅生命搞到翻天覆地,摧毀你嘅夢想與願望,因為可能你就係擋住佢嘅障礙物。


If you happen to feel 唔舒服 in front of certain ppl,可能係因為你身體發出警告訊號,話你知面前有一個侵略性嘅獵食者,令你不自主地發抖,毛骨悚然,甚至出現反胃嘅感覺。

If you feel that, you are lucky and you should BE SUPER ALERT about that person, so that you could avoid a hazardous disaster!

Rmb:唔好假設社會上每個人都係善良美麗,唔好忽略你直覺發出嘅任何警號,因為人類嘅intuition好多時會有智慧地引導你離開危險嘅領域,so pay attention。



Now,if you have to have any sorts of r/p with 獵食者, you have to understand that 獵食者與獵物(你!),係無平等可言。

因為獵食者專門取得別人信賴與滋長,好似寄生蟲一樣附係你身上吸乾你嘅血,滿足自己所有需求,然後消滅寄主,so any relationships with 獵食者 can be lethal.

Even if they have kids, they would either be absent/abuse them/harm them, OR they will train children to steal/cheat/lie/fight/break rules.

So by now, you probably know what 獵食者 are like. Where will we meet these 獵食者? Well, they are everywhere in our society.

E.g. women who are alone are easy targets -> those who got beaten up and robbed by some PK 南亞裔人

E.g. sexully rape children -> MJ, BBC TV host of children show Jimmy Savile

E.g. some are corporate predators -> 2008 financial meltdown, 獵食者製造高風險貸款,進行對沖交易,。

E.g. 希特拉,史太林,薩達姆等等極權政體,以酷刑毒氣等殘暴屠殺人民。

-》 領導人嘅使命:無所不用其極地繼續掌握大權。



You must be vigilant to OBSERVE if the person’s behaviors is TOXIC, irresponsible and intrusive. It’s your responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.