男女黑暗的性慾望?必看此書![十億個邪惡的念頭 Ep.01]

Have you wondered why it is so HARD for men to stop masturbating with porn even though they know it’s harming their body and mind?

Have you wondered why women are so obsessed with romance novels like <Twilight><吸血新世紀/暮光之城>, <50 Shades of Grey><格雷的五十道陰影>?

Are you interested in understanding the differences of male & female minds towards sexuality and how they are differently aroused?

Well bro, I am starting this new book series <A Billion Wicked Thoughts/十億個邪惡的念頭> and will start to explain to you the differences, according to very extensive HARDCORE DATE from online searches.

#1 Before this study came out, the only BIG sex study was done in 1950s by Alfred Kinsey, where he and his team interviewed >18,000 people with 521 Qs about sexual interests.

Those were very old data and the methods were limited because it relies on self-report AND it’s mostly educated, middle class Caucasians.

But the authors in this book are neuroscientists, they examined >400 million different searches and the search history of more than 650,000 people, providing a vastly more detailed and improved answer to the Q: what do men and women really desire?

#2 So why is this book a much STRONGER data that reflects more TRUTH about human sexuality?

Because billions of people are FREE to search their most secret erotic desires in a totally anonymous way.

They are in private settings, they are NOT censored and NOT afraid to reveal their trustest desires. So these datas are reflect the truth in a non-judgemental way.

#3 So bro, I plan to use about 10 episodes (5-7 mins)  to reveal the MOST important findings in this book, and explain to you HOW you can utilize these data to your advantage when it comes to dating/sex.

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#4 What you need to know now is this: By analyzing the secret desires of tens of millions of men + women, AND explaining the mechanism behind that, you will discover some DARK sides of human sexuality.

We are penetrating through people’s mind with ZERO filter. The sexual brain is NOT politically correct, NOT socially conservative, NOT morally upright.

If you want to become good with women or sex, I invite you to cast away all the moral/religious/social/familial/cultural IDEAS or beliefs about SEX, and use an objective lens to observe the harcore TRUTH.

You may feel offended, feel sad, feel angry, feel crazy, feel negative about certain stuff, but that’s just the statistics and it’s up to you to see them or not.

I hope you will enjoy this <十億個邪惡的念頭> series, if you have any Qs or anything you want to say, leave a CM below and let me know.

We will start Ch.1 in the next video so I will see you there!