
Bro, have you ever had some dudes criticizing you for “learning sexual dynamics” and said you should stop trying so hard and “just be yourself”?

Or have you tried to explain to your buddies why their way of handling women is WRONG, is leading them into a painful wrong path, BUT only to find that they defend by saying that “their girls are different”?

Well, a very sad truth is that: No matter how great MTFU becomes, there will ALWAYS have a bunch of unsavable BETAs who deeply trusts that “being a nice gentleman” is how you attract girls,

OR “patiently befriend a girl and she will fall in love with you someday”,

OR “There’s always a pure innocent good girl waiting for him somewhere in the world, it’s just a matter of time to meet her and get married”.

Yes, these are the so called 白馬王子Beta男, whose “get girl strategy” is to always side with women, protect their reputation, and try to ATTACK guys whom women are attracted to but complaining about,

IN THE HOPES THAT women somehow see “how understanding/caring/attentive he is” and will eventually choose to want him.

Do you know why these 白馬王子Beta男 are so invested in doing that?

It is because they have emotionally invested SO MUCH in the fake “assumed way of how female works” that thinking otherwise will HURT their ego.

Meaning: Their identity/behaviors have been built AROUND the belief of “always putting female first” that doing something opposite WILL makes them feel that “that’s not how life supposed to work”.

He then doesn’t even recognize the world he used to believe living in.

That is why 白馬王子Beta男 must defend his wrong beta mindset, must defend the girls who are complaining the Alphas, must repeat the same old mistakes until PAINFUL ENOUGH to wake him the fvck up.

So brother, when you’re transforming yourself into a new Alpha mindset, you will definitely encounter resistance from other majority of Betas.

They are like crabs in a barrel. As you leave the shit life inside and experience freedom outside,

they will use every way to pull you back down the hole and tell you “Just be yourself, she is just stupid not to see how good you are.”

Well, it feels comforting, but if you don’t want to settle to a random 5,6 woman who happens to fvck you when you’re drunk, don’t listen to their advice!