

如果你想要更加詳盡嘅答案同埋同我一對一對答嘅機會嘅話, 你可以考慮加入我哋MTFU Insider嘅大家庭,因為你喺裡面喺可以得到所有關於溝女/約會/性愛/感情嘅訓練課程同埋支援。

你有興趣嘅話,就腥email去support@manthefvckup.com 索取詳情啦。


Wong Tak (YT): 師兄你好,我同我女朋友拍咗兩年幾拖,依家散咗;分手果時話我做人處事,態度唔好,雖然佢話我有改過但係改得唔好。

—> Who is approving who here? Who is the authority here? Who is accepting who here? If you can answer these, you know who CONTROLS how to relationship go and the WEAK PARTY got dumped.


—> Well, he may have fvcked her even when you two are in r/p. You didn’t say a word from Day 1 allowing another guy to spend private time with your girlfriend, that paves way for him to fvck her.  


—> Of course she lied and that is NOT the first time. I bet she has spreading these bullshit lies on you those 2 years and you never detected shit.


—> Why the fvck do you still LIKE her when she probably has cheated? She was with him after 1 month ONLY BECAUSE she doesn’t want others to shame her as a slut.

So not only you shouldn’t get her back, BUT ALSO you couldn’t. Your mistakes didn’t happen at the end of r/p, it happened DURING your relationship and you need to reflect the MOMENTS where possibly things went wrong.

Do your homework, go find out 10 little/big incidents how you behaved like a weak Beta who allows her to disrespect you, and you will know WHAT to do in future relationships and move on.


Ethan C: 我果刻明白李小龍,特朗普果d,佢地既都係囂同串,點知結果就成功左,成為左名人。


#1 The reason why super confident/arrogant people like Bruce Lee, Donald Trump, Michael Jackson SUCCEED is NOT just because of their polarizing character, it’s their overwhelming self-belief that they can get shit done, AND they put in the HARD WORK & HOURS to do what it takes to get the results.

In other words, they back up their Big Mouth with massive actions & results!

When they’ve created results, that boost their confidence more and they talk BIG again and play a BIGGER GAME. That’s an upward spiral to legendary status.

So if you want to talk a big game, make sure you put in the HARD WORK & TRAINING, TAKE ACTION TO GET RESULTS, so you back up what you say.

#2 You’re right 心地善良 does NOT guarantee you will succeed, and being aEVIL bad guy does NOT mean you will 有報應。

Because “做好人” and “做強人” are DIFFERENT attributes.

You must to be STRONG, SKILLFUL, COMPETENT if you want to be successful. And you can be a tough successful badass whether you do it in a ethical/moral 好人方式 or evil bad 壞人方式.

Just like Thanos, he is an evil bad guy, but no one doubts his ability to get shit done. So he is a STRONG capable motherfvcker.

Likewise, Ironman is a smart, strong, competent guy who gets shit done. But his heart is to help humanity, not to wipe out half of them.

Of course I recommend US to be a GOOD person. But being 好人 does NOT give you an excuse to stay WEAK.

Your goal is to be not just a 好人 BUT also a strong, competent, skillful LEADER so that you can combat the EVIL but tough people like Hitler in the world. That’s the REAL WAY to help the world to be a better place.

EVIL does not care if you’re good or kind. If you are weak, you are eliminated.

So you have a DUTY to yourself to grow strong, to stay tough and focused on what matters, and to be POWERFUL & INFLUENTIAL so that evil doesn’t gulf the entire world that’s filled with WEAK people.  

Don’t be a good-hearted sheep waiting to be slaughtered, be the strong sheepdog to protect the sheep from the wolves.  



如果你想要更加詳盡嘅答案同埋同我一對一對答嘅機會嘅話, 你可以考慮加入我哋MTFU Insider嘅大家庭,因為你喺裡面喺可以得到所有關於溝女/約會/性愛/感情嘅訓練課程同埋支援。

你有興趣嘅話,就腥email去support@manthefvckup.com 索取詳情啦。


小弟18歲 中四開始冇讀書 出咗來做飲食,宜家喺某名牌珍珠奶茶店做分區助理經理。最近喺某分店認識咗一位新同事,佢做野幾勤力,又中意藝術幾吸引到我。


—–> That’s normal bro, don’t worry about such small shit.


我對上一次拍咗5個,傷得我好深,同埋想問應該點樣同尼個女仔展開話題。佢中意睇戲,游水,畫畫 小朋友等等。但我驚有時無啦啦揾佢就好明顯係想溝佢咁,因為小弟喺尼間公司被認為係狗公,但我真係唔係,我究竟可以點。


As I said in yesterday’s video, you need to 顯示性意圖 in order to attract her. If you try to hide your sexual attraction towards her, you are like a 純品乖仔 who can’t arouse her. So who cares if people say you are 狗公?

Of course I never advocate you to date colleagues, and I don’t mean to chase every girl you are interested in, and immediately show sexual interest by verbalising it. But all you need to do is to DATE HER and stop chatting like a friend.

Who cares about the other guy who has broken up? If she is interested in you, she will let you date her. So to simplify everything, just get her out for a drink and see she reacts!


Man Sir!  我叫阿Tim! 自從睇你Youtube之後,去重新認識自己,希望塑造成为一個有自信有魅力嘅男人,但喺有個問题 Man Sir:  有人(男士)同我講你太型太做作系無咩用,而男最重要喺事業、金錢。其實系唔系自己問题或者其他事?每天了除睇Man Sir YouTube片段還有增值自己,希望成你最有吸引嘅成功男人。


Thanks for saying that I am 太型, I totally agree that I have a more edgy personality than ppl. They are right, CAREER & MONEY are important factors when it comes to LONG TERM attraction cues. If you want women to STAY with you, you gotta be able to provide her with resources and good lifestyle. Money gives you MORE access to girls and access to higher status people.

However, all healthy long term relationships start from short term casual fun. Why? Because as I said yesterday, 『緊張/性慾/性愛嘅急切性』,係高潮前嘅狀態;但『舒服/信任/放鬆』嘅感覺,係高潮後嘅狀態。

You must be able to AROUSE a girl and make her want to fvck you FIRST, have sex and THEN talk about relationship. Otherwise, you are just a provider where the girl isn’t excited to have sex with you.

So apart from focusing on your mission and making big money, which I strongly recommend, you should also make sure you are a hot good-looking guy with a confident + playful + challenging personality.

If you can develop these, you will get girls both in the short term and long term.


Man神, 我想問如果條女平時要番工,放工或者放假都要搞startup,日日24-7都好撚忙好撚忙,點約都真心唔得閒,佢連佢自己d friends都唔得閒見,Whatsapp又好耐先覆,咁我可以點炒起個氣氛。就算我有好玩既social events佢都冇可能會join, 咁我可以點date,係米應該move on?呢d女係米唔值得溝? – BL


If she is really that 好撚忙 and doesn’t care about everything else, there is NO WAY you can influence her at this moment.

Understand that sometimes TIMING & CIRCUMSTANCES matters. Maybe she needs big money to treat her parents, maybe she just doesn’t care about r/ps.

No matter how attractive you are, we are playing HALF of the equation. Seduction is like dancing, if a girl doesn’t want to dance & participate, you can’t force her to do so. Otherwise everything is UNENJOYABLE.

So let her go, she isn’t worth your time. Make sure you are hot enough, make yourself a priority, and then get other happily datable girls!



如果你想要更加詳盡嘅答案同埋同我一對一對答嘅機會嘅話, 你可以考慮加入我哋MTFU Insider嘅大家庭,因為你喺裡面喺可以得到所有關於溝女/約會/性愛/感情嘅訓練課程同埋支援。

你有興趣嘅話,就腥email去support@manthefvckup.com 索取詳情啦。


Q1 我已經睇咗manthefvckup 半年,我覺得你整嘅片幫咗我好多!話說我哋一開始係朋友,但係漸漸變咗噯昧(4月開始),我哋每日都有傾計同身體接觸,因為我哋都係同班所以每日都見到。

每日放食飯時,我見到佢同佢個男仔friend  (個男仔鍾意佢)一齊玩,有時候仲佢哋兩個自己係班房,我就冇去同佢傾計,我就好明顯見到佢對個男仔忽冷忽熱,但係對我好好,所以我冇咁擔心。

我嘗試約佢出街,但是好多次佢都冇答,會唔會因為佢係宅嘅問題?我諗住學期完時表白,我知道你講過唔可以表白,但係我哋只係中二學生,冇可能屌完佢再問佢我哋嘅關係,有冇其他方法去問佢我哋嘅關係,係唔係剩係得表白?Thx so much -Oscar


#1 She 對我好好 but doesn’t want a date? Bro, that only means she’s NOT interested in you in a sexual/romantic way, NOT about the location way lol.

#2 If you can’t fvck because you’re under 18, at least you need to kiss each other. That means you still need to get her out, get her in a private place, make things nervous/exciting, and KISS.

That’s a minimum thing you should do as a young teen. You NEVER ask about the r/p, you ALWAYS let the girl initiate!


Hi Man神,開始睇你d片既前幾日,係club識佐個女仔,我地一開始有講有笑又會互相撩下大家咁,到後尾都有小小身體接觸,我拖住佢佢趬住我,走個陣摟佐摟佢仲主動錫佐我一下。

到傾message個陣,傾傾下佢唉佐聲,我問佢咩事,掛住我?佢話有小小,傾佐陣其他野佢就冇覆我,隔佐一日我又再搵佢,之後我覺得佢係對我有feel既,可能變得有小小chur, 到之後佢就block佐我。 我想問一開始佢係味係真係對我有feel既,但到後尾就冇佐,係味佢覺得我太煩太chur 同埋覺得我d溝通技巧有問題先搞到咁。大概就係咁。thx Man 神, By PP


#1 Remember, NOTHING means shit until you have sex with a girl. Do not be fooled by the seemingly fake interest or positive response when she whatsapp you, you gotta penetrate her to lock her down.

#2 Your mistake is you keep whatsapping her AS IF she is your gf whom you have fvcked. NO she is not. So when you do that, you are overinvesting. The only purpose of whatsapp is to get her OUT and see her. Get a date and then bang. Otherwise, you are wasting your time entertaining a fantasy thinking she likes you.

#3 Many potential reasons why she blocks you. Maybe she regretted kissing you that night. Maybe you became needy just like a BF afterwards. Maybe she feels that you’re indecisive and NOT dating her. What a pussy, so BLOCK 9 you.

Learn from these mistakes above and keep gaming new girls.


Hi, 我是jacky 看完第一集資料好好。介绍自已jacky,喜歡在一個女仔,已經是朋友關係,但是好似你咁講升级做女朋友。曾经有表白過不成功,被拒絕,但是都可以做返朋友同事,想進一步又發展。女仔都有好感,可以点做。女仔已離婚的但是好啱傾,谢 請指教點做一步。


Bro, watch every video I have produced in the past 6 months, you have no clue how many mistakes you have made and toxic beta ideas are in your brain right now.

All I can quickly say is that: You have ZERO chance to get her now. You are a gay friend, you were rejected and you kept staying as friend, and you still want to get her back. That’s the ultimate BETA sign.

No strategies I work will help because your software has virus. Get rid of them by watching ALL videos in 2019 and then come back to me and tell me what’s wrong with the above. Now go save yourself!


有一个感情的问题想请教你,我希望可以重新让一个喜欢的女生,再一次对我有好感,认识了一个月多了。- Austin

LOL. I don’t need to address this Q. Every bro hearing this, can you tell me the real PROBLEM of this Q? Leave a CM below and let Austin know!


與內地女明星對弈?面對剝削你的女人,點保護自己同朋友? [溝女兩性Q&Ax2]


如果你想要更詳盡嘅答案,擁有同我一對一對答嘅機會嘅話, 你可以考慮加入我哋MTFU Insider嘅大家庭,因為你喺裡面喺可以得到所有關於溝女/約會/性愛/感情嘅訓練課程同埋支援。

你有興趣嘅話,就腥email去support@manthefvckup.com索取詳情啦。好,今日我哋就會好快go through最近YouTube上嘅留言問題。

#1 Allyn Ho 【女人是如何心理操控男人?小心防範!】

“Hello Man神, 多謝你條影片,好高質!呢一年嚟,我就係正正處於種情況。 有條控制慾好強嘅女(唔係我女朋友) 一直操控我並且剝削我所有嘢。包括我身邊嘅朋友。佢哋全部都信曬佢,並且選擇幫佢隱瞞佢嘅惡行。

一個星期前我決定咗,唔再同任何人玩,亦都暫時唔想再識新朋友去保護自己同防止佢繼續自把自為。請問怎樣做啱唔啱?有冇更加好嘅解決方法?  Thank you!”


第二,You get what you tolerate. 你容忍女人點對你,佢哋就會點樣對你。所以你話某條女操控剝削你同你班朋友所有嘢,佢係咪用枝槍指住你哋逼你呢?定係因為你哋個個都因為想取悅條女,甚至暗地裡想屌佢,你哋先會淪為條女嘅棋子呢?你自己坦白諗下。





#2 Wings (China Email) “Man神你好, 我好欣赏和向往你的心态和对女人的了解。我是在刚同女朋友分手后的几个月开始睇你的片,我发现我一直都做错了才导致被她beta化。而我仲一直想用在你这里学到的知识去用短信text她,想去挽回她和我保持关系。我认为我可以挽回她也是一个挑战。


—> Bro, 如果你唔肯將自己放返做第一位,你唔肯花時間精神增加自己嘅交配價值嘅話,你喺無辦法就咁所謂『挽回返條女』。





—> 第一,佢31歲呢個年紀,就係當佢意識到自己嘅吸引力下降緊,需要盡快收復一個有錢有資源但情感弱智嘅Beta男階段。

而你之後話佢原來係一個有家室嘅女人,佢同你發生關係,更加驗證咗好可能係純粹覺得你表面顏值同身材唔錯,純粹想同你casual地have fun玩下。



所以我唔理條女表面上keep得幾好,係咪女明星,呢啲絕對只係可以屌,但永遠唔會將佢封為正印relationship material嘅忠誠女人!

咁所以內地呢位巴打,move the fvck on. 我相信國內係有無限俾呢條女內外更加高質嘅索女。





有咩問題, 下面留言比我知啦,我哋下集見!

你留咗言?解答一系列MTFU粉絲問題! [溝女兩性Q&Ax3]


如果你想要更詳盡嘅答案,擁有同我一對一對答嘅機會嘅話, 你可以考慮加入我哋MTFU Insider嘅大家庭,因為你喺裡面喺可以得到所有關於溝女/約會/性愛/感情嘅訓練課程同埋支援。

你有興趣嘅話,就腥email去support@manthefvckup.com索取詳情啦。好,今日我哋就會好快go through最近YouTube上嘅留言問題。

#1 G. Gekko [女人話唔想浪漫住,咩意思?]:”真空期後,應該重新causal approach, 定或是其他方式approach? 少少重新flirt會否令女有戒心?”

[如何挽留女人?分手後點溝返條女?[溝女Q&Ax3]: “請問,在沒有ig,fb下,得wtsap, 有約過幾次,feel到佢開始冷淡想放棄曖昧關係。你另外有片教你應主動出擊更冷淡(但太遲了)。宜家佢打左1段拒絕我的,點樣真空期後re approach,力度timing如何唔會令佢立即有戒心?”

Ans: 一,所謂嘅真空期,就係講緊我哋製造時間同空間唔好理條女一段時間,因為好可能你feel到自己fvck up咗少少嘢,同埋前提係你係一個『高價值有選擇嘅大忙人』,所以你唔會好似friend咁搵佢純粹chitchat。




咁所以坦白講,G巴打你再透過whatsap chur呢條女都只會令你變得越嚟越cheap,短時間内你喺無辦法扭轉你嘅負面形象。


#2 Luk Luke 自戀者如何殘害你身心?法律都約束唔到! [FBI教你危險人物 Ep.005]:


Ans: 第一,定義一下咩叫『變咗人格』?姐係唔得閒理你呢個阿哥?






#3 patrick233563 為何女人揀仔咁挑剔?男人唔冒險就無仔送終![十億個邪惡的念頭 Ep.08]: “Man神 我想問下透過女性朋友比tel去加條女個WhatsApp o唔ok 利申:正係同佢見過幾次面 我同佢地都讀緊同一間u 但唔同major thanks“

感覺麻麻地,亦都好視乎你同果條mutual frd女仔A嘅關係。但就算你同呢條女仔A好friend,佢超級正面地稱讚你有幾好有幾筍盤,你估下另外條女仔B會諗咩?









如果你想要更加詳盡嘅答案同埋同我一對一對答嘅機會嘅話, 你可以考慮加入我哋MTFU Insider嘅大家庭,因為你喺裡面喺可以得到所有關於溝女/約會/性愛/感情嘅訓練課程同埋支援。

你有興趣嘅話,就腥email去support@manthefvckup.com 索取詳情啦。


G. Gekko: 如果初時texting至第1次興鬆見面後,都做到alpha male,感覺到係佢追我。 但第2次睇電影食飯後(由於a0,開始緊張同dead air)。之後texting之間感覺開始感覺變左beta,由感覺submissive(好呀)變左唔再被我lead(無所謂呀,ok囉)。但佢都繼續send平時出街食咩野之類d相。可以點做返alpha呢?我知道send呢段野某程度上變左beta


#1 Stop doing movie dinner date shit, that’s what FRIENDS do or already-fucked-couple do.

#2 If she says “ok lor” and still send shit to you, you still haven’t lost everything. Your goal is to get her in bed in your 3rd date. You MUST keep progressing to SEX in order to secure the attraction. If you don’t escalate, you are putting yourself into sexless friendzone.


你好我叫asd,  Man神我睇你啲片應該有了一星期至兩星期,雖然我睇你的片有一半都唔明,因為我d friend 冇好似你咁樣做,他們都是叫我去同我鍾意的女仔單對單例如送他返屋企她,上她公司等她放工再送她返屋企以上我都有做,但不是單對單而是同friend一齊,所以我不知道什麼方法先可以行得通。

—> How are those methods working out for you? lol


就開始爆出嚟,之後全世界就知道了包括她。—> What kind of PK friend is that?

之後放復活節我d friend好好人,他們都幫我約她出嚟。例如一齊睇戲[一齊包括我d friend。但我問題你之前話不要約條女行街睇戲食飯,但我原本同d friend一齊去睇戲咁就應唔應該約她去。雖然最後她都冇去},最後今天她的friend好突然同我講他已有男朋友。

第一條問題咁我想問 她 是不是講大話? 第二條如果講大話我仲有冇機會?


Well bro, instead of answering your Qs, let me help you ask BETTER QUESTION.

#1 Now that you have 送佢返屋企, wait her after work, dated her for movies and dinner and she didn’t even fucking come, do YOU think this is effective?

#2 Now that you have followed what your “good friends” taught you and even asked them to date the girl, does this work? Are they really helping?

#3 Now that you realize what you secretly share with your “friend” will be exposed to the world including that targeted girl, do you still believe this friend is behaving in a way that serves your interest?

#4 Now that you’ve done everything I told you NOT TO DO, and then you fucked up big time, who actually understand how to play this game!?

Answer these Qs and you’ll know where to seek advice.


Halo,我有個追女仔既問題想請教你,我而家追緊一個女仔,但佢本身分左手幾個月未想拍拖,之前我都有拖過佢手同錫佢不過佢後尾話唔想咁快又拍拖就叫我唔好咁急,而佢本身都有人追緊既,追佢既人佢如果約佢佢都會應下或出下街,我有表現過唔開心, 但佢就覺得未係情侶關係, 唔想人管佢亦都覺得同男仔出街無咩野,因為佢口講就話暫時對個d人無咩野。

—> How many mistakes do other brothers see here? Why the fuck are you 表現過唔開心? Who the fuck are you? You haven’t even fucked her, you really think you have authority over her? lol



—> Bro, you have a VERY WEAK mental state that I am guessing you are a 13,14 year old kid who is trying to park tor.

There are WAY TOO MANY mistakes you are making that I suspect you haven’t watched much MTFU videos in the past year. Your description reflects that you fail to grasp what I teach especially in the past 6 months.

If any other brothers listening FAILS to understand why he fucks up, I urge you and him to watch at least the recent 100 videos as HOMEWORK and level up your mindset about dating.

Without those foundations, me telling you what to do now not only wastes your time, but also WASTE MY TIME!!!



如果你想要更加詳盡嘅答案同埋同我一對一對答嘅機會嘅話, 你可以考慮加入我哋MTFU Insider嘅大家庭,因為你喺裡面喺可以得到所有關於溝女/約會/性愛/感情嘅訓練課程同埋支援。

你有興趣嘅話,就腥email去support@manthefvckup.com 索取詳情啦。


Jun T:Hey Manson, 我想問你既問題就係如何同喺職場上識既女仔相處?我知道你講過唔推薦喺公司亂搞男女關係、搞到自己又搞到人、咁係咪即係對住佢地要保持non sexual? Thanks.  

#1 Yes, because if you care about your work or income, screwing with female colleagues only harm you. One, it’s impossible to separate private matters with company matters, any problems in r/p will cause problems at work.

Two, your other male colleagues or bosses are always a threat. Especially if you got a hot colleague, they are going to tease you and bully you at the work level. Your boss is NOT going to promote you as revenge. Too much drama, doesn’t worth it.

#2 Yes, just treat the girls as strictly colleague, nothing more. In fact, don’t even think she’s your friend because she is just a competitor.

You should always get girls elsewhere, most guys resort to female colleagues because they DON’T meet girls outside work. Just let other desperate dudes to chase while you make bigger money and meeting girls outside.


J:  溝 (吸引)條女時點樣可以係Neediness同暗示對條女有興趣取得平衡?

太needy, 條女會覺得個男仔太低價值太易得到。太non attach, 時間拖太耐唔表示對條女有興趣, 條女又會覺得個男仔對佢無興趣而move on

如果同條女相處時有肢體接觸或增加sexual tension, D女又會唔會sense到個男仔其實暗地裡想溝佢而輸左呢場對弈呢 ? 想知當中點取得平衡


Good Q. General rule is that you NEVER show interest verbally, but you keep escalating via your actions/behaviors.  

E.g. Verbally, you can tease her for being stupid/weak, challenge her for being a boring girl with no passions, tell her why you don’t think you guys are good fit, When escalating joking say that “Hey be nice, you can’t get me on bed with that attitude.”+ takeaway.

But PHYSICALLY, when you’re on the surface NOT showing too much interest, you are getting her to dates, you are ESCALATING – touching her + isolating her + trying to fuck her + flirting with her sometimes.

That’s the kind of communication women enjoy. It’s okay to let girls feel that you’re trying to fuck her AS LONG AS you’re smoothly escalating, BUT also calibrating according to her reactions to see if you need to step back sometime for a while, and try it again.


Daniel W:  最近同女朋友分咗手,一直以嚟我太focus自己 無乜點去care佢 到最後佢同我講話好大壓力好辛苦 想做返朋友 有feel再做couple

—> Such fucking bullshit excuses lol.

佢為我犧牲咗超多 亦都超愛我 超專一 分手後雙方係嘢講 三日後我有搵返佢 同佢講好多謝佢同我走過呢段旅程 會尊重佢意見 無刻意挽回佢。佢到依家都好嬲我,但佢啲fd話,佢短時間內唔想同我講嘢,會做返朋友,可以fol返佢ig,我想同返佢一齊 點做好

#1 Damn bro, you actually ARE doing things right. You SHOULD be focusing on yourself, and the fact that she is PISSED that you don’t 挽留佢 means that you ARE doing the right thing.

HOWEVER, what did she specifically do for you? You said she loves you a lot, why did she sacrifice at all? Girls who REALLY love a guy almost always cannot leave him at all.

#2 Her friends are fucking you up. “can follow her Ig” WTF? Sounds that you are begging for that and she PERMITS you to do that?

DO NOT fall into this trap. She and her friends are trying to change the game. You had the upper hand before, but now you are losing. You should not have told her “thank her, respect her stuff”.

#3 If you now chase, you LOSE EVERY attraction point. Keep ignoring her, and let her follow your IG LATER, and IGNORE her friends toxic advice.

If she wants to be your gf, she NEEDS to obey and comply to your rules. Maybe you should pay more attention to her slightly, but DON”T make her your focus.

Keep focusing on yourself, that’s how you attracted her on day 1!



如果你想要更加詳盡嘅答案同埋同我一對一對答嘅機會嘅話, 你可以考慮加入我哋MTFU Insider嘅大家庭,因為你喺裡面喺可以得到所有關於溝女/約會/性愛/感情嘅訓練課程同埋支援。

你有興趣嘅話,就腥email去support@manthefvckup.com 索取詳情啦。==================

Tim C:  Hello Man,睇咗你段片一段時間,都令我對同女性相處多咗了解。我想請教一下你,想要D意見,關於我嘅情況:我依家知對象係中學識,但我同佢係畢業之後D飯聚先熟近呢一兩年比較親密。但係佢半年前轉咗新公司,識咗個best friend,就少咗約出嚟同傾計。

嗰時不自覺表現咗D Needy嘅行為,例如問佢幾時先同我出嚟。最近發現佢block咗我ig story (冇block到post),同埋覆whatsapp都好hea,想避開我咁,就知自己那野,自己變得過份監控同控制佢。

睇咗你D Video就話最好先俾真空期大家,亦唔好俾佢嘅行為影響自己情緒,改善自己狀態先,變得更alpha再搵佢。雖然可能已經Fail咗,但我都想請教嘅係

1. 改變自己之後應該點樣約佢出嚟?電話?whatsapp?2. 有冇方法重新吸引到佢?

Man如果方便的話可以拍片Youtube回應。 Thank you


#1 You’re right, from her behaviors – block IG story +hea whatsapp – she is already telling you that she is NOT interested in your advance.

She wants to avoid you. And very possibly it’s because of your creepy 『想溝又好似唔係溝』嘅朋友過渡去情人行為behaviors.

#2 Yes, you have set a bad impression of yourself and thus you need a SPACE. If you are truly changing, you are NOT doing for her but you are doing for YOURSELF. So you should even consider “how to get her back”.

All you need to do is to increase your sex appeal as a man and keep meeting new interesting girls. Keep having fun and building your lifestyle as a man and post cool pics in IG.

Then any girls in your IG, including her, will be intrigued and start to pay attention to you. When she likes/DMs you again, you know this girl is interested in you. Play it cool at first and then invite her out if she keeps showing you interest.


Johnson: 如果個女仔係A0但又覺得單身冇問題可以點算。睇完本書之後先知自己有咁多問題,獲益良多

—> Well, it sounds that EITHER she isn’t looking for a relationship, but she is having casual sex secretly with some Alphas, OR it’s JUST that YOU are not attractive enough and she just uses some bullshit to 打發你.

Whatever the case, you shouldn’t worry about such 拍拖Q and discuss with girls. What girls say are useless, just pay attention to her behaviours and you know the truth.


Mark L: 想問如果個女仔突然Whatapps寫一段嘢話想做返朋友,唔想有romantic relationship住。但我哋之間最多都係平時聚會見面傾計同埋WhatsApp,但冇講過我鍾意佢等等東西。想問個女仔其實諗緊乜?

—> That means she is bullshitting you. All she is saying is that she is NOT sexually interested in you. You are NOT arousing her desire to make her want to fuck you and beg you for a relationship.

You didn’t’ tell her anything but she SENSED from your BEHAVIOURS that you really really like her.

So that’s why she wants to preemptive strike you and PREVENT you going further and bothering her.

The fact that you’re sending email to ask me about HER shows me that you CARE ABOUT what she thinks about you, right? 😉



Welcome to another episode of 溝女Q&A, where I help MTFU fans weekly to briefly solve their dating problems.

If you want more comprehensive answers AND 1-2-1 interaction with me,

you may consider joining our Insider family because you will get all the dating/sex/relationship training materials inside.

If you are interested, go to www.manthefvckup.com/joininsider for details. Any Qs, just email us.


Jacky W: 你好!我最近同女朋友分左手,我好想挽留她但她的性格比較任性,或者我在她身上沒吸引力了。她話唔想在比任何野束博,她覺得拍拖會阻住她做不到她想做的野。


#1 You can NEVER force a woman to stay in a r/p. If she doesn’t want to stay in your world, let her go. Be totally OPEN and always let them have options to leave.

That’s the most contradictory way to KEEP a girl who has genuine desire with you.

#2 Stop making women like you, start making them RESPECT you. Women don’t always fvck a guy they like, but they always fvck guys they RESPECT.

The real reason you FAIL is because you ONLY treat her well, and I bet you treat her well even when she did nothing to EARN IT or DESERVE IT.

From now on, if you ONLY treat women well when they have earned it,

AND if you only choose women who OBEYS to your rules/boundaries, I guarantee you will be able keep most quality women.


Gag L:你好!Man神,我呢排就透過ig page到識到幾個女仔,但係問題就係交換到電話傾左幾句之後,就吾知講咩好,因為我又吾想好似見工甘係甘問佢問題,所以對於一個未見過既女仔可以講啲咩吾會令到佢反感呢? 令到佢更加會對我有興趣而會出黎我?感謝.


Purpose of meeting girls online/real person and getting their # is to get her out on a quick date to see if you two vibe and meets your standards.

So once you have some basic info about her, and she seems interested in you, then you gotta get her out for a quick short coffee or drink.

You’ve not met her yet, you don’t know what she is like in real person, doesn’t make sense to waste time chatting because you IMAGINE she is cool.

So after a few exchanges of whatsapp, you’re teasing her and making her laugh, then seed for date by asking if she likes XYZ or not.

Regardless, invite her out and you will see if she REALLY is interested in you.


Ken K:  Manson 上個月 我同一個拍左拖一個月既女生分左手 因為我經常唔信任佢 管住佢, 仲有我同佢一齊既時候唔會拒絕其他女仔同我傾計。

–> That’s good. If she is not entering your world and accepting your rules. She is gone. No girls is worth changing yourself for her.


—> Wrong move. Stop being friends with girls, they don’t deserve your attention. Ignore girls who are NOT giving you want you want.

之後佢就將我block左 但我依家仲有聯絡方法可以聯絡佢(例如IG) 但搵佢既時候佢會已讀唔覆我

—> Told you. IGNORE HER. You are LOSING

所以我都冇chur住佢 但係我依家都仲係好鍾意佢 好愛佢,真係很想佢繼續做我女朋友。我應該點做先可以令佢做番我女朋友呢 係咪應該要製造真空期 (但我平時番學都會見到佢 雖然唔同form) 唔該manson幫下我 pls

—> That’s not fucking love, that’s neediness. And you say you like her BECAUSE the reality is that you DON’T have other girls as options.

What you do is to COMPLETELY IGNORE HER and DISAPPEAR, get OTHER girls, get her jealous, let her finds you again, give her minimal attention UNLESS she obeys, and you will WIN the battle.


Welcome to another episode of weekly 溝女Q&A, where I help MTFU fans weekly to briefly solve their dating problems.

If you want more comprehensive, 1-2-1 interaction with me, you may consider joining our Insider family because you will get all the dating/sex/relationship training inside AND you can interact with me LIVE in our coaching calls and secret FB group.

If you are interested to get this 360 degree of help, go to www.manthefvckup.com/joininsider for details. Any Qs, just email us.


Alex L: 我最近中意左個細1年既女同學 之前有次集體活動同佢吹左一陣水 覺得佢好啱我口味 嗰日我同佢由差唔多系陌生人變成左fd 應該系比較淺層既嗰種fd  佢間唔中系我ig都有投下票咁 有次同佢見面仲對住我甜笑

咁係呢個禮拜2,我屎忽痕whatsapp問佢英文名(因為平時叫開佢中文名)問完之後我個fd 就用我部機打「哼哼我以後就咁叫你架喇😊」佢之後whatsapp覆得有啲冷漠

之後個日咁啱坐小巴坐佢前面 咁冇理由唔把握機會搭下訕啦 我feel到氣氛好似有啲尷尬 冇乜嘢講 我系咁搵嘢講 佢又有應既 都唔算冷淡

但其實自從星期2 佢再冇系我ig 投過票 佢系咪知道左我對佢有興趣 ?咁糸咪好大穫?我應該點做去挽救?Thanks man


#1 Not sure how old you both, but I bet that’s F.2-3. It’s good that you had chatted with her and got her IG/whatsapp, you had done most kids won’t.

BUT, what would you let your frd type shit to a girl you like? He is destroying your chance with her. That “I’ll call you XYZ” with a smily sound creepy.

#2 It’s super normal girls turn cold after being warm. That’s part of their game to shit test guy. But the real reason you’ve lost her is because you don’t ESCALATE to get a date with her + you keep talking random boring shit with her like a FRIEND.

Who cares if she votes on your IG? Who cares about these stupid 小學雞 game?

Rmb: Every time you give attention to girl, you need to pave way to escalate to the next stage. If you are not getting her out a date, you shouldn’t be contacting her. Got it?


Denny Y: Yo Man,Follow咗你都一段時間 覺得你講啲嘢都好有用 好正!

我有個問題, 其實Take imperfect action 同indifference嘅態度應該去到幾盡? 定係需要一個平衡點? 以上兩個方法…其實有少少似, 人無恥便無敵 . 因為佢可以無視自己本身一切, 而作出不斷的嘗試及練習 .但如果自己本身的條件未符合, 只是靠不斷的嘗試和練習, 亦未必會成功.

你教我哋的東西, 好多都不是能夠在一時三刻內完成的. 例如 self love 去完全接受自己唔完美的一切, 又例如朋友唔多, 冇自己嘅social circle, 又例如有時自己都唔係咁開心, 出去玩都未必可以話好自娛自己, 又例如最近身體比較差成日都病, 基本上要成日休息, 所以連出去玩的能力都. 如果呢啲問題未解決, 係咪唔好識女仔住呢? Thanks


Good Qs, I like that you’re self-reflecting on what you learn.

#1 “Taking imperfect action” = Understand we NEVER have perfect information to take a 100% perfect action. If we wait for the perfect day, we will NEVER accomplish anything – meet girls/build businesses.

It’s inevitable to make mistakes, so the best way to make sure you are making progress in life is to know 60-70% info of “what/how to do sth” and then take imperfect action to try it. Until you try, you never know what else you need or whether you will succeed.

#2 Indifference = care what you think about yourself MORE THAN what others think about yourself.

If you entertain everyone’s opinion about what you should/shouldn’t do, people will pull you into 360 directions and you will get TORN and get NOTHING done.

Indifference doesn’t mean you’re being 無恥 and exploiting others. Instead, it means you understand the importance of self-care, that you cannot HELP others before you help yourself, AND you can’t help others AS WELL before you help yourself.

#3 As regards “many things aren’t immediate”, OF COURSE. If everything is so easy and immediate, everyone will be a 千萬富豪 with 10 girls behind him.

However, difficult things don’t mean they are complicated. Every HARD skills or accomplishments can be broken down into basic fundamentals that you can learn, train and master.  

If there are so many good advice you learn from MTFU and don’t know which one to start with, just pick ONE THING to do that fits your current schedule most and improve your life the most.

E.g. If you’re physically weak, of course you need to get healthy and train yourself to have a strong body/mind first. If you’re broke and worry about money all the time, of course you need to get that handled before you have basic stability to game girls.

Know your priorities, make small changes and you’ll slowly UNFUCK your life.