
Welcome to another episode of weekly 溝女Q&A. As you know I only started doing this recently because I want to help as many bros as possible.

However, if you want more detailed, comprehensive, 1-2-1 interaction with me, you should consider joining our Insider family because you will get all the dating/sex/relationship management training inside, AND ability to interact with me live in our coaching calls and secret FB group.

If you are interested to get this 360 degree of help, go to www.manthefvckup.com/joininsider for details. Any Qs, just email us.


Angus: 你好呀,有聽開manthefvckup的觀眾 想有d野請你比點意見。

半年前因為玩音樂識左個女仔,兩個單獨夾band,果時知佢已經有男朋友,所以無咩信心追佢。當朋友算。 —> Warning! 追 implies you’re Beta.

但認識耐左我發現佢係我既target ,近3-4個月 我同佢大部份日子都有whatapp同ig inbox 。–> Warning: Too much texting = frds behaviors, you’re FZing yourself.

我多數找話題找佢 ,佢都會有時找我。雖然唔係傾得好長時間。我地有約大家出來食飯夾野吹水 —-> Yeah, chitchating like friends. That’s not seduction.

但呢一兩個星期 佢好怪 約我去唱k 之後又cancel 無左回事 約左夾野又話唔記得左 仲有一早約好睇演唱會之後又話同返佢男友睇。

—-> LOL. Aren’t these behaviors obvious? She dumping you but you still give her attention, do you think having zero self-respect is attractive?

呢幾日佢對我好冷淡大多數已讀我。係今日我約左第條女po ig 動態先回覆我。好多人叫我放棄因爲佢有一齊4年既男友,無機,但我都好想得到呢個女仔得唔到都想做知己or fwb 現在不知道應該點做。 放棄? 尊注返做自己野?me:a2 she:08

—-> Her bf isn’t a competitor at all. She’s hanging out with other guys even have BFs, I guarantee you she is or already has CHEATED her beta bf. Too bad that you are even more BETA than her bf, that’s why she ignored you.

Next, she has 8 bfs before, do you really think she is a quality girl? Wtf do you even consider being 知己 with this bitch? You’re settling for a r/p that isn’t sth you initially want.

A man doesn’t do that. If the current reality is that you can’t get her sexaully, that’s fine. You move the fuck on to other girls. But you don’t pretend to be her friend and hopefully someday she’ll slowly see how good you are. It won’t happen. Stop behaving like an unattractive beta.


Ethan C: 1.如果比心儀對象話我好小朋友,點算?似小朋友係好事定壞事?因為有好多阿叔講野成個細路仔甘都好多女仔同佢好好相處

–> Depends on the CONTEXT she’s saying this. What’s her tonality when saying this? Why suddenly this? What did you do/say before she said that?

Your thinking error, like so many men, is to take the literal meaning of what girls say and over-analyze that shit. Stop focusing on the surface, and start observing her behaviors. Who gives a fuck if it’s good/bad, if she’s attracted to you and accepting your sexual escalation, there’s no point to worry.


–> First, you don’t have to be a really EVIL/BAD-hearted man to attract woman. You can be a sexually attractive man even if you have a good heart.

Second, I don’t know that guy, I don’t know know how you met him, i don’t know that why you two suddenly chatted about this topic. But I do know that if you are not being a CHALLENGE to girls, if you’re too easy to get, girls will NOT have desire to want you.

Only scarce things are valuable. That might not mean you need to be “串”per se to get girls. “串少少” is just one possible way to let her know you are not worshipping her like Goddness. But there are many other ways to do so, which I already taught in many videos and in our Insider training.

3.  頭先我講,有女仔話對方似小朋友. 但我見好多男仔扮小朋友,都氹到好多女仔wor,仲話呢個男仔好玩得,究竟我應唔應該學呢個男仔?如果學左佢,又比人話成個細路甘,點算?

–> From your wording 氹, I already know your friend is a beta 暖男 and you’re asking me if you should follow him, you are also a classic nice guy beta. That’s okay, 90+% of young guys start there because they have been conditioned since young to behave like that.

Your Q is NOT whether being a 細路 is good or not, a better Q is how can I have fun and enjoy myself so that girls can relax and have fun in my presence?

The only reason he’s attracting girls is probably because he is a fun guy to hang around with. If you could do the same and not worry about ppl’s opinion about you being like a kid, you too can become attractive. That’s first step.


女人咁對你,你仲笑騎騎同佢傾計!? 初次約會規則【溝女Q&Ax3】

Welcome to another episode of weekly 溝女Q&A. As you know I only started doing this recently because I want to help as many bros as possible.

However, if you want more detailed, comprehensive, 1-2-1 interaction with me, you should consider joining our Insider family because you will get all the dating/sex/relationship management training inside, AND ability to interact with me live in our coaching calls and secret FB group.

If you are interested to get this 360 degree of help, go to www.manthefvckup.com/joininsider for details.

Any Qs, just email us.


Q1 hi,阿man,我今日同條女第一次單獨食飯,食到大約8點,我話去食糖水,條女話之後約左其他朋友,咁我就馬上埋單各自散,佢話約左朋友是否好明顯拒絕信號,second date是否冇機會 – Mr. Chan


STOP doing dinner dates as your first date. Dinner/Movies are the worst ones because you’re spending too much time eating like friends and it doesn’t have the sexy feeling.

First date must be quick and short, < 1 hr, you want to qualify the girl to make sure she meets your standards, so try a coffee date instead.


Q2 Hi Manson, 我係呀K, 之前問過你意見架 (女仔突然block咗我). 而家我覺得大家關係好咗少少, 有微笑打招呼, 亦都有傾幾句計, 過程中我就同佢分享咗自己某啲personal achievement, 佢反應唔熱唔淡咁.

不過whatsapp仍未解封, 我諗過考完試打俾佢約埋大家班fd一齊玩, 應唔應該咁做?


Girls don’t give a fvck about what you do, how much money you have, or how many countries you have travelled to. She cares HOW you make her feel when you’re there. She cares if you can arouse her and feel sexy to fvck.

Two, she’s being a bitch, blocking you. That behavior already says she is avoiding you, maybe because of your creepy beta attitude. Why the fuck are you smiling and saying hi to her? Why are you giving her attention to talk? And even tell me you want to play with her?

Fuck that bitch attitude. You fucked up before. She isn’t interested now. Cut ALL your communication. Ignore her. Move the fuck on.


Q3 我叫Marco,我今次係第一次send信比你,因為我覺得得你可以幫到我。



   佢始終無買到慈善卷,為咗keep contact我就托佢問佢阿媽,佢講ok,問問。11月,老師開始催,而我每次問佢都唔應我,終於就憤怒了,同佢講「快D la,老師催緊a」,然後佢就封鎖我(WhatsApp),

後一日,我咁啱約咗個二十多歲嘅男士,我問佢,佢就話「緊係la,人哋幫你,你催乜春」,並叫我每日打電話2次,打咗兩星期,佢無接,然之後又同佢喺訊息道歉a,bili bala咁,直到E加12月,無起息(佢其實有覆2句,不過唔關原唔原諒我事),個男士都叫我放棄但我又放唔低。



Marco, you are so young so naive, but that’s okay, we all have been stupid. Here are the facts and mistakes you’ve made:

#1 This girl isn’t interested in you at all, that’s why she gets another 2 beta dicks with you so she has 3 losers give her free attention.

#2 Is your 20+ friend on9? Tell you to call her 2 times a day for 2 weeks? He is on 9 and you are on 9 believing what he says. You’re like harrassing the girl, no wonder she ignores you.

#3 Sorry for what? Stop apologizing about your actions to women. She is being a dickhead, so FUCK THAT BITCH, IGNORE HER FOREVER, and move on.

This is not about giving up the girl, this is about NOT giving up your self-respect that is making you so beta, emotionally weak and acting so needy.

Go immerse yourself in 10 MTFU’s videos/day to brainwash yourself away from the beta mindset. You’ll learn so much from these free content in such a young age that I didn’t have.


Anyway, if other bros want to ask Qs, make sure they are in 50-100 words when you send email support@manthefvckup.com to us.

If you want more detailed, comprehensive, 1-2-1 interaction with me, you should consider joining our Insider family.

Go www.manthefvckup.com/joininsider for details. See you all in the next Q&A.


Not sure if you notice, I have not done 溝女Q&A series for almost 7 months because I was so busy in helping my private clients and students in MTFU Insider.

We had a lot of fun in our trainings, our coaching calls and FB interactions. And I love to see how they are crushing in their love life and professional life.

So if you want such 360 degrees support and live interaction with me, you should join our elite Insider family.

Anyway, I’ve decided to do some charity work and answer a few short easy Qs or 1 quality Q per week – whether I got it in YT, IG or emails.

These answer I give you will NOT be as detailed/intimate/comprehensive as those I do for Insiders. But if you like this kind help, LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to support MTFU.

If you want to send Qs to me, make them as SHORT as possible (50-100 words) for me to read.


Hi Man神, 我叫HY, 最近係Youtube發現你既channel,覺得你既哲學好岩,溝女的確係一門學問,而且需要技巧.


覺得同女仔溝通難左,自己本身講野唔太叻, 見到陌生人都有d怕羞…最近就有個難題, 希望Man神可以解答:

事緣除夕個晚跟左個fd去K party玩同倒數, 我淨係識個fd同佢女友, 其他都係再搭上搭唔認識, 所以我超級緊張..==

係party入面有個女仔俾佢吸引住, 都係個種啦 個樣唔差 斯文有禮型, 但好玩得投入 一齊飲酒猜杖玩, 我亦順利拎左佢電話,  不過我自知個晚表現麻麻 唔夠fun吸引唔到佢 傾既話題偏悶 更加冇問及佢既興趣…

問題就黎啦…….之後有嘗試whatsapp佢 佢都係例牌既hea答...試過send d可愛貓貓相 希望製造下話題 點知原來佢dislike cat….及後我都冇搵佢 唔想係甘send野俾佢chur住佢

Man神, 有咩方法可以同佢係whatsapp有多d交流? 我有唸過搞一大班人行山/踩單車,順便邀請個女仔 甘又得唔得呢? 同埋最重要既係, 我自身方面可以有咩進步? Thank you so much!! - HY


#1 You spend too much whatsapp time on talking useless shit. These rapport based chit chat won’t get you laid.

Always aim for progression in every contact you have with girls. In this case, after getting her laugh or positive response 1-2 times, get her to a quick coffee date.

#2 Your improvement in dating is to drastically MEET MORE GIRLS. I bet you don’t meet girls regularly. So you must increase the volume, whether via online, day/night game, or meeting girls via social activities you enjoy.

Until you do that, you will always operate in scarcity mindset like now, and fixating on one girl trying to get her only. No, you need a lot more experience with girls before you know what to choose and look for, even if you want a relationship.


HI MAN神. 有樣野想請教你,我想拎個新女同事電話. 因為我地24號就上完TRAINING,之後就去不同地方工作,無乜機會見番面.所以打算黎緊就行動. TRAINING果陣我坐佢附近,哩段時間都有同佢交流下上堂既內客.休息果陣都幾個同事圍內吹下水甘.

我想問點樣拎佢contact先唔會覺得唐突? 我留意到佢有抄notes既習慣, 我打算問佢借notes著手.例如借黎番去抄? 聽日還比你,留個whatsapp? 睇唔明可以問下你.  定係貼張有whatsapp紙仔入佢本notes等佢加好呢? 謝謝man神指教 – Alex H


#1 I don’t recommend gaming female colleagues, it’s a mess and anything that happens between you 2 can fuck up your career.

#2 Assuming you have another chance to meet girls in some events in future, don’t act what you did. Right now, you’re obviously shameful with your sexual intent on her, that’s why you feel the need to “secretly get her #” super indirectly and “slowly attract her”. But that’s like a beta pussy who is scared to fuck girls.

So if you intend to get girls’ #, you should first spark attraction by playfully teasing her/challenging her and build some tension. If she responds positively/negatively, good, you’re doing it right. Then have minimal chit chat to “know who she is” to see if there’s qualities you like about her.

#3 If yes, compliment on that and then say well “I like how open-minded you are, most people are like sheeps, too group-thinking. Anyway, we should grab a coffee sometime and chat more. You use whatsapp?”

Mostly she says yes, and then you say “Great, what’s the number?” Then you type her phone in. OR you can do it other ways.

These mechanics of how to do is NOT that important, the point is you should always aim for progression when you give her attention. Otherwise, you’re getting friendzoned.

點令女友忠誠於自己?+ 應否讀大學?【溝女人生Q&A】

Not sure if you notice, I have not done 溝女Q&A series for almost 7 months because I was so busy in helping my private clients and students in MTFU Insider.

We had a lot of fun in our weekly trainings, our coaching calls and FB interactions. And I love to see how they are kicking ass in their personal life, professional life and love life.

So if you want such 360 degrees support and live interaction with me, you should join our elite Insider family.

Anyway, I’ve decided to do some charity work, by answering a few short easy Qs or 1 quality Q per week – whether I got it in YT, IG or emails.

These answer I give you will NOT be as detailed/intimate/comprehensive as those I do for Insiders. Because we won’t have any live interactions to clarify your points, and I can only give you pointers on the direction you needa go.

If you like this kind help, please LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to support MTFU’s channel growth.

If you really want to send Qs to me, make them as SHORT as possible (50-100 words) otherwise they are too long for me to read.


Yi Myth  處景題:女朋友問我鍾意佢d咩 我點答好?


#1 Why is such a difficult Q to answer? Why would such Q even bother you?

This implies your lack of frame in your relationship and I suspect you are leading the relationship at all, OR whether you had actually fvcked her at all.

#2 If this truly happens, you can do it playfully, “That’s a really good Q. Let me take some time to think about it, what do you like about me then?”

-> This implies you aren’t even thinking about WHY you like her, meaning you aren’t that serious beta longing for a bf/gf r/p, and letting her qualify you.

But also, if she really really loves you, if she is complying to every request you make during the r/p, if she has PROVEN her worthiness as a gf, then you can give her some truth on WHY you like her.

-> Tell her the external + internal QUALITIES you like about her (e.g. I like how hot you are when you dress like this, I like how obedient and loyal you are to me, I like you take care of your health and body, I like how we fvck each other every time, I like the way you suck my coack). Reinforce the behaviors you like so she continues doing those.


Andre L: man son 其實我地都交流過好多次 經過你一連串video教學同問題解答 係溝女方面雖然唔夠你咁厲害 但都足以ko百分之80既男人 係呢度真係首先多謝你先

問題來喇 好多人dse畢業都係18歲 順順利利嗰d即刻升大學 呢一大片人可以係22-26畢業然後平穩感過一生 但亦有好多人冇咁順利 有時因為好多因素 去到20出頭甚至係20幾歲先入到 而仲應唔應該去讀?係黃金時間比人地少左幾年 代表住儲首期 儲銀帳戶裡面既數字既時間亦都會比人少好多甚至係冇時間(現今香港呢d功利主義社會30歲人冇錢比首期 冇錢結婚都比人標籤成loser)係感既情況下應該如何自救?thank for your reading and explain i am A


#1 Yes, most “grade A-B” students can get a good job and 平穩過一生. But to me, their trap is settle into the predetermined life “normal job, normal wife, marriage, kids, retirement, die”. If you want that, that’s fine. But MTFU is about being the Top 1% and getting the BEST you want, so average/mediocrity is NOT our goals.

#2 Whether you should get into Uni depends on what you wanna do in life. If you want to be a professional (doctor/lawyer/accountant/engineer), then YES you need those qualifications. If NOT, I don’t see the value of wasting 4 years of time and money getting a certification, then get a mediocre job repaying debts.

Everyone has different risks tolerant, I would choose to build my own path based on my strengths, but no everyone is destined for entrepreneurship, so you need to consider your own situation.

#3 So fucking what if ppl labels you are loser? Are you really living your life according to their terms? You live because you beg for their approvals?

Fvck that. Find your own path, do things that make you happy, fvck the social norm of what’s acceptable/normal/safe path.

What do you fucking want? How can you add value to people life in exchange of money? What can you learn to increase your personal value in the marketplace? What skills do you have?

Answer these questions and you’ll know how to make money in your unique way instead of only relying on a company or JOB. (although they can be a platform to start with)


Hey bro, it’s Q2 of 2019 already, how have your seduction journey been?

Not sure if you notice, I have not done 溝女Q&A series for almost 7 months because I was so busy in helping my private clients and students in MTFU Insider.

We had a lot of fun in our weekly trainings, our coaching calls and FB interactions. And I love to see how they are kicking ass in their personal life, professional life and love life.

So if you want such 360 degrees support and live interaction with me, you should join our elite Insider family.

Anyway, there’s too many Qs I receive in MTFU channel and email that I just can’t reply all of them.

So I’ve decided to do some charity work, by answering a few short easy Qs or 1 quality Q per week – whether I got it in YT, IG or emails.

These answer I give you will NOT be as detailed/intimate/comprehensive as those I do for Insiders.

Because we won’t have any live interactions to clarify your points, and I can only give you pointers on the direction you needa go.

If you like this kind help, please LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to support MTFU’s channel growth.

If you really want to send Qs to me, make them as SHORT as possible (50-100 words) otherwise they are too long for me to read.

Alright, here’s Q1 by Angus:
“你好Man神, 我係Angus, 最近我同女朋友分咗手, 係因為覺得大家性格唔夾,話同我一齊好難開心, 佢仲話仲鍾意我,但係唔代表一定要一齊, 話大家做返普通朋友, 我已經幾日冇搵過佢 我想溝返佢應該點做好? Thx”

=> What she says is BS. Truth is she doesn’t want you sexually. She just wants you to give her free attention like a beta orbiter. Fvck that bitch, cut all contact, you can’t get her in any short term, move to next girl.

Q2 by Bryan:

“Man神,我之前同啲女set錯咗關係完全冇做到F+C 所以好多變咗無性關係,諗住做返一個alpha,點知就變到好奇怪要變返個半beta,點樣可以變返有性,仲有如果冇shit test 係咪就代表條女唔鍾意你定係覺得你係無性 Thanks ”

=> The initial impression you give a girl is CRUCIAL. So if you starts out as a beta base and sometimes become an Alpha, you seem FAKE to her. She won’t believe you.

So make sure that you always starts with an Alpha personality, and maybe later incorporate 10-20% Beta qualities to make her feel loved by you. But most of the time, especially BEFORE you have fvcked her, you must be strong and sexual.

Q3 by Mark:

“Man 神, 我日日搭同一部巴士返工, 都見到同一個女仔, 我地同一站落車, 但唔同站上車, 佢應該都知道我搭同一部巴士,  

我地坐巴士時唔係坐附近, approach 佢既時機只有落車同等落車既比較短既時間. 想問有咩方法/技巧/開場白 去approach 佢? 唔該哂Man神先!!! Thanks!! ”

=> When leave bus, tap her shoulder and say “Oh hey, I know this is a bit awkward, but do you take this bus often to go to school? I seem to have seen you a few times.”

Done for today.

If you want to understand the psychology/reasons why of what I teach, learn more advanced skills OR an ability to chat with me LIVE, you’re welcome to join our Insider family.

That’s the only place I create everything you need to succeed in your dating, sex, and personal life. If you’re interested, send us an email support@manthefvckup.com and let us know.

Until next week, keep going.