你已經冇追女, 但點解條女唔追你!? 謎底已解開! [溝女]

Hey bro, I’m going to teach you something more intermediate about attraction today. So if you are a total beginner, you might understand what I say later when you progress.  

So, you do remember the importance of NOT being a nice guy right?

And if you stop buying girls drinks for free, complimenting her, or being too agreeable, you do find girls start to treat you differently right?

If you have been applying what you learn from MTFU, you should notice that girls no longer treat you as a beta nice guy whom they can control/bully…

however, do you wonder why some women still don’t chase you even when you are a challenge to them?

#1 The answer is this: Stop presenting yourself as a nice potential bf is the first step, you did well.

BUT, if you’re not enjoying more sex, it is because you had shown TOO MUCH disinterest/coolness in her that she starts to think you are NOT interested in her!!

Most beginner guys focus too much on expressing disinterest/acting aloof, and they don’t even show her any interest indicators that makes a girl notice them.

#2 But you gotta understand: Attracting girls does NOT mean completely hiding your desire and pretending to be indifferent to her.

It’s more about expressing your desire for her with your nonverbals (occasionally verbals), BUT you are indifferent to the outcome/result.

So what you wanna do is to let the girl feel that you find her sexually attractive, but she also feels that you have a ton of other sexual options that if she doesn’t start to chase you, she is going to lose your attention.

#3 Next time when you’re gaming, I want you to notice the moment when you’re talking to girls and you sense that some flirting is going on, then at that moment try to use a statement to express your desire for her.

E.g. When you’re screening for her inner qualities and she is qualifying herself at the connection stage, you can look at her and say, “Ah…你唔單止性感啊下,原來你都算幾有愛心架喎”, with a smirk.

At that moment, you are building sexual tension and she will either giggle, become shy, or say something. After that, go back to talking normal stuff to release ST.

When you do that, you are using a statement of desire to increase sexual tension/attraction and inspires her to chase you.

That is one of the ways to escalate via your words, if you’re interested in learning more, email support@manthefvckup.com for more details about our advanced program MTFU Insider.