
Have you ever labelled certain women as “pure, innocent, gwai, clean” while others as “bitch, sluts, snakes, chicken”?


If you have, that’s normal because this slut-shaming has been happening for CENTURIES, and it is pathetic that certain countries are STILL operating in such fvcked up mode and women are stoned to death…


However, do you know why if you slut-shame, or if you hold a DOUBLE STANDARDS, it actually hurts YOUR ABILITY to attract women and sex life?


#1 Reason: Most girls you meet probably have this FEAR of being labelled as chicken, so most are forced by society to repress her natural sexual urge and PRETEND to be a sexless lady for better “healthy”image.


So women have developed an ABILITY to notice any sexual uncomfortability/ shame from you whenever she does/says/slightly mentions sth about sex.


#2 If she notices that you have NEGATIVE association with sex, she is NOT going to feel safe to open her sexual side with you.


On the other hand, if you can create a safe environment/space for her to be open with ZERO judgement, she will feel accepted and want to explore sexuality with you – whether verbally or physically.


#3 So the lesson is: Sex is natural, sex is what makes us alive, women love sex as much as men do, and it’s totally OKAY to accept sex yourself and then accept HER sexuality.


Stop labelling women as either slut or clean, SHAME is a toxic weapon that many societies/cultures/government/religious organizations try to control you.  


Fvck that sh!t, embrace your sexulity, and be a sexual being who ACCEPTS our nature!