[溝女問題] 唔好溝死一條女的真正原因!你ready好長遠男女關係?


Man 神,我依加终于明白点解你教我地唔好媾死一条女。因为我地真系唔知下一秒会发生滴咩事,尼一秒条女可以好爱你,可能下一秒就唔再爱你。


=》No that’s not the reason. You don’t invest NOT because you are scared that you will be fucked over by bad girls, and decide to close your heart.


The reasons of NOT overinvesting in one girl in the beginning are multifold:


– When you first meet a new girl and you are overvaluing on her, that tells both your subconscious mind and the girl that you operate at a scarcity level.


Your life lack women, so you are so scared of losing this only chance. When you have such mentality, your behaviors are NEEDY as fuck, and that’s NOT attractive as a man to a woman.

It’s easy for guys to overvalue a girl by just one glance.


So many boys have ZERO standards in choosing girls and they only care about their looks and whether that girl can make them LOOK GOOD in front of their friends.


So if you invest in her heavily too quickly, you are putting her in pedestal, and you will be in chasing mode just like every beta male loser.

– You aren’t objective if you only see 1 girl.


There are TRULY MANY options of high quality single women out there.


When you see only one girl at the beginning, you are having a myopic view of what is available in the marketplace.


Your decision will be shortsighted and blindfolded and you are likely to make a bad decision – whether the girl is truly good or not.


系唔同既阶段,我地所要既也都唔同,所以我地唔应该拿尼一秒既也去套用系下一秒既也。 爱情能唔能长久,真系唔到我地去控制,你教我地要终于自己先只系王道,女仔尼家也,真系唔可以放系第一位,他只是生命既点缀,唔系全部。




=> Yes, we cannot CONTROL whether a relationship will work in the long term. And yes, staying true to your path and not letting other people disturb you from your mission is important.


But that doesn’t mean you can LEARN to magnify/extend the passion and love within a relationship with women.


Do not use your path as an excuse to stay as a fuckboy, growing up as a man and learning to develop man-woman relationships (which will trigger you emotionally the most) is a journey MOST PEOPLE fail.


Attracting women is easy, being a fuck up hooking up is easy,


developing a long term relationship that is PASSIONATE, FUN, UNPREDICTABLE, where both parties understand each other deeply, where both are RELATE to each other, and HELP EACH OTHER GROW, is 100X harder!


Learn the reasons why, learn the psychology behind, and RISE ABOVE that challenge, instead of escaping from it.