


Do you want to know the best positions for deeper penetration so that your girl feel truly satisfied?


Most men just go for the same missionary or doggy style, but if you want deeper penetrations, there are many positions you might try.


If you want to learn more, like this video, comment below and let me know!




How to arouse women with words & subtle touches?


Do you know how to spark ST and make them feel desired and thus desire you?


Mistake: Most men approach women just to have “good conversations” or just talk for the sake of talking.


Truth:  Attracting women = play with sexual tension


ST = make her FEEL special chemistry, so it doesn’t really matter what you say


#1 Make Extra Eye Contact

– Look into her eyes for extra 2-3 seconds

– Trick: when she talks, you agree while you’re thinking “Your pussy is mine.”

– When you feel aroused, she will feel aroused EVEN when you two talk about normal stuff


#2 Touch Her Slightly More

E.g. An extra long handshake, a 1-sec longer on her shoulder, play with her hair/jewelry/clothes


#3 Increase Physical Proximity

– Increase degree of body language facing each other, and increase closeness from several feet to just a foot


Bonus #4  Move conversations from platonic, to sexual innuendos

E.g. You love German sausages? OMG,  you are such a naughty girl, I can’t stay too close with you.




You may know that different alcohol can affect your sexual performance, but do you know what’s the ONE alcohol that can heightens your sexual desire, improve performance and boost satisfaction levels?

According to a few research studies – 2012 Nutrition Journal,


2009 US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health,


2016 The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,


they explained why red wine can enhance your sexual experience.


#1 It boosts T-level.


#2 Increases blood flow to women’s erogenous zones, leads to more sexual desire and way more lubrication.


#3 Decrease instances of erectile dysfunction by 14%.


Watch video for details:




How do you know if your woman isn’t FAKING her orgasm?


How can you make sure she is enjoying and loving sex with you?


What will REALLY happen when a woman orgasm that is NOT like AV?


#1 Honestly, the easiest way to really know is to ASK your partner whether she is having a real orgasm and loving it.


If she feels SAFE with you, she will tell you the TRUTH of your performance.


Most women only fake orgasms because they don’t know how to let you know and communicate their pleasure/dissatisfaction with you.


So if you make her feel SAFE and NON-JUDGEMENTAL, and you two have deep TRUST with each other, she will tell you.


#2 Uncontrollable contractions that happen inside her.


You’ll feel PULSATIONS震動 in her vagina, her deep muscle tissues, and her abdomen.


Every woman is different, so you always need to OBSERVE her natural reactions.


E.g. If you are just stimulating her clit for a min and she cums, most likely she is faking it like AV girls.


Stop watching so much AV because many sex inside give both men/women UNREALISTIC expectations of what SEX is like.


These “OMG OMG”are mostly just acting, a scripted scenario, fake like a wrestling show.


Every actor/actress inside is magnifying their facial expressions and expereinces.


#3 Other real signs include having goosebumps over her body, deep heavy breathing, a sigh of relief after a good full body orgasm,


or she feels that her body can’t move and need to rest for a while,


OR when she asks you “DON”T STOP… don’t stop…” because that means she is close to having an orgasm.

[溝女] 抄牌後,如何令女仔再想見你?



Have you ever had a good conversations with girls, gotten her #, but she stopped responding via Whatsapp?


Are you frustrated that you spend so much time playing these text games but only to find out that these girls will never go out with you?


Do you know the best way to make sure these # are valid to work?


#1 One of the most common mistakes men make when meeting women is that they focus TOO MUCH into getting a girl’s #,


wasting hours on the phone to attract her or get to know her, and then try to get her out UNTIL she suddenly ghosts.


How do you solve this problem?


Easy, you must do some PRE-work to make sure it is a GOOD # before you get her #.


#2 新識嘅女仔唔覆你Whatsapp/唔肯同你之後約會最大嘅原因,(就算佢當時肯俾電話你),


並唔係因為你嘅text game唔夠勁,而係因為你喺錯嘅時候攞佢電話。










#3 第一,喺你落佢#之前,請你確保你哋之間有鞏固嘅attraction。




你一定要同佢已經有互相揶揄嘅teasing,並且大家一早已經喺having fun,having a good time,




If there’s no attraction between you two and you get her #, it’s just a waste of time.


Truth: If you can’t attract her in real person with all your senses, it’s 20X harder to attract her relying on your phone.


#4 第二,喺你落佢#之前,你亦都需要建立某程度上嘅信任同rapport。










你哋之後whatsapp傾計或者約佢出嚟先至會更make sense/容易。


#5 咁做完呢啲pre work之後,你點樣攞佢電話呢?Easy, I have 2 favorite ways…


Method #1 喺你哋傾計嘅情感高潮位/emotional high point嘅時候,




『喂,我差唔多夠鐘要 [做一啲high value嘅嘢 e.g. call a client), 但係我哋keep in touch或者遲啲出嚟 [Low Pressure meeting e.g. 飲咖啡/食甜品]啦,你有冇帶電話?』


有 -> 『好呀,咁我哋交換contact啦。』


無 -> 『Ok,我有帶。』,跟住隊自己電話去佢心口,佢好自然就會入自己電話。


When it’s done, continue the conversation for just a minute or two and then end the conversation.


#6 Even better way,


Method #2 喺你哋傾計嘅情感高潮位/emotional high point嘅時候,




『哈哈,係咩?咁你遲啲whatsapp我囉,或者我哋可以[Low Pressure meeting/ invite her to your fun social event]嘅。』




Benefits: You are screening away who are not interested and only letting girls who are interested to CONTACT YOU first.


If she wants to involve in your life,


she will text you and you can invite her out for some FUN social events that you WILL be doing anyways.


This is one of the most powerful ways to screen out time wasting girls and only focus on quality leads.


#7 Conclusion: When you have built attraction + emotional connection when you get her #, you will be so much more likely succeed in getting her out!

[男女感情] 長期做Alpha好攰?最有吸引力嘅男人原來喺佢!

Do you find that sometimes your old needy self are creeping back to your behaviors?


Do you feel tired of always having to be an alpha male and prevent yourself from being a nice guy?


How can we be more emotionally strong so that we aren’t easily brought down by negative emotions?


Hey Manson, 我係你既忠實聽眾四XXX。我同女朋友都識左差唔多年幾,自從聽左man the fvck up之後,我發覺自己變Charm左好多,由原本佢當我fd去到產生吸引力。


大約半年前我地就一齊左。呢段關係既開始我諗man the fvck up真係佔左超過七八成。咁我同佢而家仲好passionate,但時不時我一唔為意就會滲番我以前D needy小男孩personality出黎,而我一意識到就會即刻收番埋。但係時間一耐左,條alpha防線就開始失守。




佢係俾佢話我太溫柔個一刻,我就諗番自己跟左Manson你學咁耐做alpha、唔做nice guy、但係最尾都係打回原型、徒勞無功。我當時控制唔到我既情緒,係佢面前喊左出黎。





我唔係冇我女朋友唔得,但係迫住自己長開alpha mode真係好攰好辛苦。請Man bro指點下迷津。


可能而家多左Q&A,發覺你以前D片俾到我多D inspiring,我得閒拎出黎聽番又會有動力左諗通到D野。


同埋好掛住intro同outro既edm lol。作為你既忠實聽眾,希望你更上一層樓! Peace! Regards, 四XXX


Thanks for being honest and sharing your true feelings.


#1 It takes time to get rid of our neediness, because we all are BORN NEEDY as a baby who craves LOVE and CARING from our parents.


So over 10-20 years of this needy behavior, it takes conscious effort to GROW from a boy to a man.


Don’t be too harsh on yourself, MOST men are still needy in their 40s, 50s or even their whole fucking life being weak beta male who is like a quiet chicken with a tiger woman.


Being in MTFU, you have more self-awareness than most men already, so pat yourself on that.


#2 Again, the outcome of getting rid of neediness is a process of thinking critically and deeply about your Values and Principles, Boundaries, and Investing in yourself first, having a clear passionate purposeful life.


The feminine wants to relax and lean on something strong; desires reassurance, stability, protection, attention; yearns to be filled.


The masculine stands tall and strong like a mountain; provides reassurance and protection; finds fulfillment in himself.


So in order to be ATTRACTIVE forever, it is your DUTY to fulfill yourself without women.


Because healthy relationships can only be had between two individuals who are complete and full in themselves.


So apart from the obvious fitness fix, style fix and building your lifestyle,


you must craft a LIFE PURPOSE for yourself, which will be your guiding light through your life and love challenges.


#3 As regards your gf wanting your beast mode during sex, understand that women want BOTH side of you.


Meaning, sometimes women will want the strong, dominant, hardcore, animalistic, sexual, masculine Alpha warrior-leader who takes control, lead her and fuck the shit out of her so that she can be SUBMISSIVE and SURRENDER to you and her arousal…


but sometimes women will also want the soft, vulnerable, sweet, loving, caring, feminine lover side of you where you two have intimate connection slow sex where she can feel and share a connection with you.


When you develop these soft/hard, 陰陽 side of you to fulfill every feminine need she craves, then her needs as a woman will be met and it’s hard for her to leave you.


So it’s totally okay to drop your tears in front of your woman when you are vulnerable,


it’s an attractive trait to be vulnerable and you don’t need to discard that side of you.


But that’s just half piece of the puzzle,


you also need to develop your STRONG WARRIOR SELF who can be tough, hardcore who takes no shit and be a BEAST when you need to be.


Develop these dual-personalities/energies and you will be the most addictive man she will ever meet.

[男女感情] 你的伴侶偷情了?留意3種不忠徵兆!



Do you know that infidelity means different things to different people?


Have you ever discussed with your gf/spouse whether an emotional attachment with a close friend without anything physical is considered cheating?


Do you know that psychologists have spent YEARS studying the science of infidelity and have discovered some shocking truths?


Today, let me share a few interesting research studies about cheating and see if they apply to your own relationship.


#1 你要留意對方嘅歲數。


偷食/不忠對唔同人都會有唔同定義,有啲人覺得拖下手仔就係committed relationship,
















#2 第二樣你要留意嘅:就係對方嘅情感/Emotions。


喺2013年進化心理學出版嘅研究發現:肉體上嘅出軌 i.e. 自己嘅女人被其他冇感情嘅男人屌,係會令男士更加憔悴;




意思即係話:一個男人就算同另一個女人冇性關係,但係如果佢成日同其他女人whatsapp或者hang out得好密嘅話,




調返轉,女士們有時可能覺得自己同其他男人上床只係為咗玩下或者想有個人留意自己, 但係就算佢同對方完全冇感情連繫,大部分男士都會覺得自己被背叛/戴綠帽。


咁所以各位聽緊嘅男士:如果你留意到你條女同某個男人係咁text,以『朋友嘅身份』係咁同對方好親密,過分信賴佢某一個異性gay best friend…




#3 最後第三樣你要留意嘅:就係對方以前嘅歷史紀錄。


睇2017年Archives of Sexual Behavior嘅研究,研究人員發現如果你喺第一段關係曾經不忠cheat過,呢啲人就會比起冇cheat過嘅人有三倍更大機會會偷情!






So that’s why I never recommend you BEING the guy who makes a girl CHEAT on her bf,


because even when you do it successfully and even get her,


you are just attracting the WRONG person with questionable morality/ethics/character to stay with you.


Of course you can just fvck her and dump her like many fvckboys will do,


ultimately whether you do it is up to your personal character.  

[人生問題] 對老母極反感,點算!如何由男孩成長為男人?

Are you annoyed with your parents at home or caretakers?


Do you feel that their negativity are drowning you?


Do you feel misunderstood when you’re growing yourself but those who love you are not supporting you or bringing you up?


I want every brother to listen this Q with patience, compassion and curiosity.


DO NOT judge this brother’s behavior OR the woman’s behavior and impose your moral values on them.


Think deeper about the underlying problem inside.


Hi Man神,溝女問題暫時解決曬 , 家陣我同屋企人相處都好有問題,尤其是我老母! 我對老母的行為極其反感並盡力克制言語。


是咁的,我老母嘅 personalties 仲衰過 typical 嘅港女,放完工返到屋企淨係識「怨」,又鬧類似「我好攰呀」「俾我抖下啦」、「好撚煩呀」…




就係因為咁我就有一次鬧佢,點知佢幾日唔睬我,好啦,唔睬就唔睬對我冇乜影響, 仲撚離譜嘅係瞓覺半夜三更發脾氣,係咁打張床




好啦算啦, 見佢冇得救我都廢事理佢. 前幾日先火都嚟,喂大佬,我去圖書館溫書有乜問題,仲叫「陪我啦」,咁我當然冇理佢同堅持出街,跟住佢又嬲。


屌,我前幾日陪你唔夠?你真係無野做?夜晚仲喺張床度喊,你咪喊囉,自我中心到咁嘅人就係咁,you are the goodest.


所以呢幾日我都同佢冇講嘢,同埋一眼都唔望佢唔 show佢,Man神,我以後都唔想同佢講嘢、來往,


佢再嚟料我真係直頭會當自己無咗吖媽,同一個性格衰到咁撚樣嘅人一齊我好辛苦…… 唔知你有冇類似經歷?


Thx for reading my email. – M


There’s so much happening in this situation and I can totally how much PAIN you are going through as a teenager or young adult.


I can absolutely relate to you because I have experienced similar feeling when you feel like your parents/loved ones are bring you down, spreading negativity and they DON’T understand you.


Here’s what I want to share and what I learn over the years.


#1 If we truly don’t care about someone, we would naturally be apathetic about their behaviors.


The reason you, me or others feel PISSED, ANGRY, ANNOYED by our caretakers’ behaviors is because deep down we still love them…


we still care about them and that’s why we feel so FRUSTRATED when they behave in a way that we don’t like, and when we know that they can DO MUCH BETTER than they could at that moment.


So M, I believe you still care about your mother, otherwise you wouldn’t have accomplished her.


It’s just that her behaviors are negatively bringing you down and you’re struggling to balance loving her and loving yourself.


#2 I don’t know why your mum is always bitching, moaning, whining about life, and it is SAD that she isn’t taking responsibility with her EMOTIONS and SITUATIONS and woman up to grow to become a better, stronger, more capable her.


Maybe she has tried, but it’s still not enough.


However, despite she needs to woman up and become a leader of her life, she is screaming her shit because she ALSO is in DEEP PAIN.


She is crying for help and she needs someone she trusts to help her, and that’s why she naturally wants her husband and son to listen to her and understand her, although she isn’t aware that constant BMW is NOT how you solve your shit problems.


#3 As a mature grown up human being, we all need to understand one truth:


Before we seek to be understood, we need to first understand.


So many people are desperate to be understood by others, which is natural, that they forget to FIRST UNDERSTAND OTHERS.


Most people are so NEEDY that they need others to validate/accept themselves that they forget to validate/accept/love themselves first.


Thus, if you want to learn how to influence others, first try to understand them without judgement BEFORE you try to make them understand you.


#4 The very sad truth is that sometimes those who love us the most are those who fuck us up the most, even when they have good intentions for us.


To grow up from a boy to a man, it’s in our human psyche that we NEED to go through an initiation stage,


where we CUT the TIES with our primary caretakers, be taken away by the elderly figures and be CHALLENGED in the tough world, AND THEN come back with a new identity as a transformed man.


Especially if you want to take care of your family,


you MUST first leave your home/parents ASAP, build a life/kingdom for yourself, before you can give back to them in greater/bigger/better way.


Thus if you want to grow faster to become a man, you must find a way to LEAVE HOME as your #1 priority, learn to build a life for yourself, before you can support your caretakers.


So you might consider LOVING your loved ones from a distance for a while,


to protect your mindset/environment when you’re in a vulnerable stage of growing and building your life,


and THEN contribute back and spending more time with them when you’re successful.


I know this message is controversial,


I know this pill is tough to swallow for many parents,


I know it’s easy to judge this behavior as 不孝 to many traditional families,


But this is CRUCIAL step for boys to grow up as men,


that’s been a LONG ritual 成人禮 that has been forgotten by modern society.


Read Robert Bly <Iron John/鐵約翰> for more reference,


it’s  一本關於男性啟蒙的書, highly recommended.

[溝女] 幾時先抄女仔牌?毒L如何變得更有吸引力?

Have you wondered WHEN and how to get girls’ number?


Are you worried whether you are being a leader and having 主導權 when you interact with girls?


How do you get rid of your 毒L habits and become the MAN you dream yourself to be?



如題, 返工識左個女仔好合眼缘,份工返左冇幾耐姐(同個女仔第3日一齊返),冇同個女仔build大多rapport,




情况如下: 我就放工個時 1.我無eye contact甘行過佢







5.我話你接受到個種程度個種 <–(因為我都覺拎tel.no快左d,先識左個3日,而且想respect返佢作為女仔既矜持 —>  但後尾發現唔對路!

我竟然將主導權比左佢!冇左男人既feel!!! 想問下尼點佢有冇扣我分)




7.我拎左之後走之後轉身話: 我今晚揾你 (微笑)


8.但其實我諗住今晚拎唔記得左 , 完全唔揾佢:’)    (要用man sir你教個招😈)



=> Biggest Mistake: You haven’t qualified her before you get her contact.


She hasn’t earned any shit from you and you give access to her. So it’s a bit too player feel when you said “抄個靚牌ah~遲日出尼食下飯”.


Has she even earned the right to dine with you?


If you don’t screen and qualify herself and invite her out TOO EARLY on, she won’t cherish the opportunity to spend 1-2-1 time with you.


And stop thinking“抄牌”is what you must do.


When you have the right attraction and connection, it’s so common that girls will ask you for your contacts to further connect with you.


I don’t want to discourage you from taking action, but you GOTTA be more patient to make her feel that SHE CAN”T wait to meet you, see you, date you.


講左個人狀况先: 我係肥仔(有肚腩 但不是超肥) 面有好多暗瘡,樣子不討好。但剪左類左man sir你既haircut,有少少陽光feel。


=》 You gotta get rid of your 暗瘡 as much as possible because CLEANIESS/ APPEARANCE  does matter.


You don’t want to make people feel that you are a lazy dirty dude who doesn’t take time for self-care.


最近開始減緊肥 ,每日放工返家都有做5-6組workout,持续左1 week till now,但個人除左打機冇乜hobby。


=》Bro, MTFU. You are BETTER than just playing video games!


因為睇MAN D 片,前係不折不扣死毒L,但依加有意識去dominate own path ( MAN 可否教下路)。只係冇從入手, 諗住遲下跑下步,create hobby先!

個女仔A0  我都係


=》The first thing you need to do is to EXPLORE more hobbies that make you feel excited, alive, fun and can’t wait to do it weekly. If you don’t have an active lifestyle, it’s hard to inspire women to follow you.

E.g. do some sports/workout training, try yoga/dancing, explore places, read books to cultivate your mindset, attend classes that help your future



  1.  想問下我拎女仔contact比主導權佢選擇是錯誤嗎?
  2.  若果個女仔聽日都唔揾我,我可以主動揾佢嗎?(約她食飯)
  3.  若果個女仔聽日都唔揾我,是否代表我不夠attractive?
  4.  毒撚可以如何 dominate own path ?(具體上)

pps.我未睇wtsapp game d video  今晚補下習先:) THX MAN!!!



#1 There’s no right or wrong to get girls contact or give her yours.


Personally, I just LOVE to give my contacts girls out after I’ve qualified them and let them find me.


Yes you may never hear from her, but what you sub-communicate is that you DON”T need her and you won’t chase her just like every pussy beta male dogs…


And if they DO find you, it means she is interested and a qualified girl, you are in a higher position with control to move things forward.


#2 I won’t give my valuable time or an opportunity to eat with me SO EASILY to girls who are NOT interested or qualified.


#3 Maybe you aren’t attractive, maybe you are attractive but you did things wrong, maybe she is just unavailable or blind.


Stop blaming yourself so easily because 60-70% of the interaction depends on HER situation while you can control only 30-40%.


#4 You dominate your path by having a LIFE PURPOSE that is BIGGER than yourself and LARGER than just fucking more women.


When you are spending your major time accomplishing your MISSION that matters to you,


and being a light, playful, fun, challenging, adventurous, sexual leader during social time with girls, you are the fucking man that every woman craves.

[溝女問題] 女朋友同其他男人曖昧!?玩完女好空虛?

Have you ever worried if your girlfriend is flirting with other guys?


Are you considering to break up with your current GF because you suspect she is cheating with another guy behind you?


If this happened, have you later tried to be an asshole 周圍玩女 just to 填補心靈空虛, but only to find that you’re just numbing your deep pain and don’t know what to do in future relationships?


Hi man神😂廢話吾多講,我以前有一個女朋友分左手差吾多兩年,我個時知道佢有同一個男仔有曖昧的WhatsApp,我知道左之後問佢,佢話佢男仔系阿哥(代號A)冇野,但係晚晚傾電話中間A都有打黎。





=> #1 Understand, if you are not being HONEST in a relationship


i.e. “我要面,緊係話冇野啦 while you actually don’t like it”, this relationship will NOT work.


A partner, if she is a good one, can’t understand you if you are not courageous enough to be vulnerable and let her know your feelings.


Many people fail in relationships because both parties are NOT being HONEST with each other and they try to PRETEND everything is fine when its’ not.


Thus, little problems grow until they accumulate so big that they explode one day and eat both of you alive.


Yes, you want to develop your emotional strength and fortitude to handle shit in life.


But before you train yourself and reach that level, you two gotta be honest with each other so that the GOOD PARTNERS can help each other.


So next time when you are in a relationship and you are NOT cool with something, you need to speak to your partner.


Tell her your fears with honesty and see if she is a good person who tries to understand you and help you overcome that.  


#2 Reflect on WHY she wants to 曖昧 with another guy.


Is it because you become complacent after getting her and don’t give her enough attention at all?


Is that because you act too NEEDY that overwhelm her too much?


OR is it just because she is emotionally immature and she just wants as much attention from guys she wants and feel worthy as a girl?


If she is, then that means you need to LEARN how to distinguish what kinds of girls are READY for a relationship.


過咗一個禮拜左右,佢就同A一齊左,我以為自己可以放低,但系呢兩年始終放吾㡳,佢都拍過兩次拖 (Ps佢而家有仔)


我自己就周圍玩女去填補空虛,但系自己仍然好愛佢好想再黎過,每晚睇返D相都喊,我同佢分左手後,佢好憎我成日po IG鬧我。


呢兩個月開始成班朋友傾計,佢都有答爹傾左兩句咁,佢有個好朋友話大家個心仲有大家,但係大家一起吾講要面,Man神我應該點我想重新開始,thx 多謝你D片教既野🙏 By TT


#1 If you want to heal from breakups, you MUST cut all communications with your ex at least for a period of time e.g. 1 year


I bet during these 2 years, you are constantly trying to see her UPDATES and how she is going.


That’s why when you see her having fun and having other guys, while you are being single and lonely, you feel miserable and you miss the “good times” with her.


Thus, you gotta put away the old pics/videos that trigger the PAIN and memories between you and her. She has already moved on, it’s time for you to MTFU, love yourself more, and move on for yourself!


#2 You don’t heal your wounds by using other women to fill you, you heal yourself by fulfilling yourself.


If you rely on other girls/friends to approve your self-worth,


you are always at the mercy of low self esteem when people don’t approve/love you anymore.


The biggest fear of humans are the fear of not being good enough and the fear of not being loved.


To start with, you must learn to accept and love yourself unconditionally FIRST, which is the cornerstone of a solid healthy self-esteem.


If you want to start again, learn to love yourself, take care about yourself, do fun things for yourself FIRST while you’re single.


That’s the FOUNDATION for you to start any new positive healthy relationships that  can magnify the positive human experience with a girl.