[男女感情] 長期做Alpha好攰?最有吸引力嘅男人原來喺佢!

Do you find that sometimes your old needy self are creeping back to your behaviors?


Do you feel tired of always having to be an alpha male and prevent yourself from being a nice guy?


How can we be more emotionally strong so that we aren’t easily brought down by negative emotions?


Hey Manson, 我係你既忠實聽眾四XXX。我同女朋友都識左差唔多年幾,自從聽左man the fvck up之後,我發覺自己變Charm左好多,由原本佢當我fd去到產生吸引力。


大約半年前我地就一齊左。呢段關係既開始我諗man the fvck up真係佔左超過七八成。咁我同佢而家仲好passionate,但時不時我一唔為意就會滲番我以前D needy小男孩personality出黎,而我一意識到就會即刻收番埋。但係時間一耐左,條alpha防線就開始失守。




佢係俾佢話我太溫柔個一刻,我就諗番自己跟左Manson你學咁耐做alpha、唔做nice guy、但係最尾都係打回原型、徒勞無功。我當時控制唔到我既情緒,係佢面前喊左出黎。





我唔係冇我女朋友唔得,但係迫住自己長開alpha mode真係好攰好辛苦。請Man bro指點下迷津。


可能而家多左Q&A,發覺你以前D片俾到我多D inspiring,我得閒拎出黎聽番又會有動力左諗通到D野。


同埋好掛住intro同outro既edm lol。作為你既忠實聽眾,希望你更上一層樓! Peace! Regards, 四XXX


Thanks for being honest and sharing your true feelings.


#1 It takes time to get rid of our neediness, because we all are BORN NEEDY as a baby who craves LOVE and CARING from our parents.


So over 10-20 years of this needy behavior, it takes conscious effort to GROW from a boy to a man.


Don’t be too harsh on yourself, MOST men are still needy in their 40s, 50s or even their whole fucking life being weak beta male who is like a quiet chicken with a tiger woman.


Being in MTFU, you have more self-awareness than most men already, so pat yourself on that.


#2 Again, the outcome of getting rid of neediness is a process of thinking critically and deeply about your Values and Principles, Boundaries, and Investing in yourself first, having a clear passionate purposeful life.


The feminine wants to relax and lean on something strong; desires reassurance, stability, protection, attention; yearns to be filled.


The masculine stands tall and strong like a mountain; provides reassurance and protection; finds fulfillment in himself.


So in order to be ATTRACTIVE forever, it is your DUTY to fulfill yourself without women.


Because healthy relationships can only be had between two individuals who are complete and full in themselves.


So apart from the obvious fitness fix, style fix and building your lifestyle,


you must craft a LIFE PURPOSE for yourself, which will be your guiding light through your life and love challenges.


#3 As regards your gf wanting your beast mode during sex, understand that women want BOTH side of you.


Meaning, sometimes women will want the strong, dominant, hardcore, animalistic, sexual, masculine Alpha warrior-leader who takes control, lead her and fuck the shit out of her so that she can be SUBMISSIVE and SURRENDER to you and her arousal…


but sometimes women will also want the soft, vulnerable, sweet, loving, caring, feminine lover side of you where you two have intimate connection slow sex where she can feel and share a connection with you.


When you develop these soft/hard, 陰陽 side of you to fulfill every feminine need she craves, then her needs as a woman will be met and it’s hard for her to leave you.


So it’s totally okay to drop your tears in front of your woman when you are vulnerable,


it’s an attractive trait to be vulnerable and you don’t need to discard that side of you.


But that’s just half piece of the puzzle,


you also need to develop your STRONG WARRIOR SELF who can be tough, hardcore who takes no shit and be a BEAST when you need to be.


Develop these dual-personalities/energies and you will be the most addictive man she will ever meet.