7種男女傾計最致命的錯誤!(Part 2 of 7) [溝女]

Yo! 我喺MTFU嘅Man神啊,歡迎嚟到新一集嘅ManTheFvckUp,






Mistake #2: Being too agreeable/過份同意佢講嘅嘢


Some men commit this when they go on dates with girls, tried so damn hard to be agreeable


e.g. a girl mentions a band/movie/book, they search their mind trying to find sth positive about it;


OR even if you mention sth you like, when she says she doesn’t like,


you change your mind and says “Yeah, maybe it’s not that good.”


=> almost afraid to DISAGREE with women!


OR if your female friends badmouth a good frd of you,


you don’t stand up for your friend and take her side, saying your frd is a jerk!?


That’s NOT the way to win a girl over!


If you don’t tell her your true opinions, because you think that might mean you two are incompatible…


…if your goal is to show her how much you two HAVE IN COMMON, you are so perfect…


…if you hide how you feel/ changing your personality to please her…


It’s time for you to MAN THE FVCK UP, this NEVER works!


Understand this: Liking you is DIFFERENT than attraction,








事實上,she doesn’t have to like you to be attracted to you,


女仔係冇需要去鍾意你,之後先至被你吸引。(talk about this in later episodes)


Counterintuitive TIP: Disagreement/ asserting your different opinion, CAN be an attraction switch.


Because you disagree = push her away, agreeing = pulling her in.


So blindly agreeing with women = keeping pulling a girl towards you= make her suffocated and run away


The more uncertainty, the more intrigued, the more drama she feels during an interaction, the more ATTRACTION she can feel.


Hence, push-pull, confusing her, sparking intrigue.


ACTION STEP: Do not be afraid to express your opinions, disagree with her, call her out on her bullshit


-> differentiate yourself from other guys


-> Sub Communicate: I am not afraid to lose you, this is ATTRACTIVE to women.


They want things a lot more if she isn’t sure if she can have you.


Also this is much easier to begin flirting with a girl when you disagree with her, disagreement provides the ammunition you need to TEASE her


E.g. if she tells you she likes a movie that you thought SUCKS,


you can make fun of her “Wow, that movie? You have such bad taste, no wonder we won’t get along with each other.”


Another danger of being too agreeable:


You’re so UNSURE of yourself, you’re almost looking for women to give you permission/approval for you to lead the conversation.


=> super unattractive! Attraction disappeared!


***Women will follow whatever TONE you set for the conversation.


If you set a fun flirty vibe, she will follow.


Even if she isn’t interested in the topic YOU CHOSE to discuss,


she still RESPECT you more for taking initiative THAN if you sit there and only talk when she wants!

