7種男女傾計最致命的錯誤!(Part 3 of 7) [溝女]

Yo! 我喺MTFU嘅Man神啊,歡迎嚟到新一集嘅ManTheFvckUp,






Mistake #3: 太落力去扮晒cool/扮晒型/扮晒冷酷


Sometimes you have this little voice in your head that says you may not deserve her,


and you’re thinking how you can STAND OUT from other guys in the environment,


and you try to offer sth SPECIAL that others can’t.  


=> This makes your brain paralyzed,  


Brain freeze, you search for things to SAY that make you seem COOL, seem FUNNY


=> This makes you so damn NERVOUS, can’t even compose a normal sentence, mind go blank;


OR you try too hard to be funny


Trying to be cool = try hard


TRUTH: You DON”T always have to be cool


If you can manage to show her in the first few mins of talking to her, that you are at least the SAME social level as her, you  don’t need to pretend to be COOL,


you can just focus on  having a FUN, NATURAL conversation that makes YOU feel good, which will makes her FEEL good.


Imagine: If you don’t need to wear this social mask of being COOL,


how easy, effortless, relaxed will conversations be?


Concentrate on staying in the MOMENT, and HAVE FUN with small talk.


Rmb: Women don’t need you to be COOL all the time,


as long as you are having FUN yourself, they want to hang around you because of the good positive emotions.


You are just being yourself having FUN for yourself.


That’s sexy!

