為何女人揀仔咁挑剔?男人唔冒險就無仔送終![十億個邪惡的念頭 Ep.08]

Welcome to <A Billion Wicked Thoughts/十億個邪惡的念頭> Ep.8,上集我哋講咗男人女人嘅性慾機制有咩唔同,今集就會解釋點解女人身體上同心理上嘅性慾喺分開,點解兩者有唔同激活性慾嘅途徑。


重點#1 喺好多醫學處理性功能障礙嘅個案裏面,『女人性慾低』喺最常見嘅個案。





所以你溝女時,唔好以為自己夠收入穩定,夠有照顧能力就代表條女對你有真實嘅性慾望;因為如果你缺乏其他特質嘅話,女人就只會當你喺一個Beta嘅撳錢provider,而唔係一個佢真心想屌嘅Alpha lover!)


重點#2 作者比喻女人挑選男人嘅機制,就好似解謎嘅偵探一樣,需要非常仔細/挑剔地睇勁多因素同證據,去將你一步一步拆解(記唔記得我講過話要維持自己神秘感嘅原因呢?)




重點#3 情感上嘅偵探方面,就係講緊女人會評估男人對自己嘅真實感受,去評估佢嘅『性格同心』,睇下佢係咩人,譬如誠實?真誠?細心?忠誠?慷慨?錫屋企人?





重點#4 至於社交上嘅偵探方面,就係講緊女人鍾意透過自己嘅社交網絡,去收集其他女人嘅意見,睇下特定潛在伴侶嘅評估,或者尋求關於愛情/性愛嘅意見。



重點#5 最後文化上嘅偵探,就係講緊女人比起男人對文化上嘅影響更加敏感。

根據另一名社會心理學嘅Roy Baumeister所講:『女人嘅性慾喺比起男人更加浮動,女人會較依賴社會嘅框架同文化條件,去為感情做決定。』



簡單講:呢一系列嘅文化資訊,都會令女人比較play it safe,比較安全穩陣地做人。



咁所以Roy Baumeister同我哋講:『如果男人跟住羊群play it safe人云亦云嘅話,你就基本上無仔送終!歷史上大部分嘅男人都係無後代,咁所以男人喺必須take risks冒險啲,喺未知數之中闖蕩,因為我哋都係曾經冒過險嘅男人嘅後代!』








男女性慾有何不同?挑起女人性慾好難?偉哥對女人無效?[十億個邪惡的念頭 Ep.07]

Welcome to <A Billion Wicked Thoughts/十億個邪惡的念頭> Ep.7,呢幾集我哋會講下呢本書嘅Ch.4:女人嘅性慾喺點樣形成?究竟女人嘅性慾點解唔同男人呢?


重點#1 Elaine Hatfield,1960年代美國社會心理學家,研究咗好多關於兩性吸引力 同愛情嘅題材,令佢最出名嘅就係一份關於男人性慾同女人性慾有咩唔同。

喺大學裡面,透過助手演員嘗試各自問陌生男女3條問題:#1 你今晚會唔會同我出街 #2 你今晚會唔會上我屋企 #3 你今晚會唔會同我同我上床。發現:


而且透過喺online dating網站OKCupid,當被問到『如果對方好快提及性,你會有咩反應』嘅問題時,只有15%女人喺有正面反應,而60%男人有正面反應;

而被問到『你會唔會考慮同對方初次約會上床時』,大部分女人say no,而大部分男人say yes。點解男人同女人嘅性慾咁唔同呢?

重點#2 原來喺1996年某藥廠為咗紓緩嚴重嘅心口痛,佢哋製造咗一隻新藥物,嘗試打開返心臟嘅血管。但係無意中,發現呢隻藥嘅副作用喺可以增加流去陰莖嘅血液,所以Viagra®威而鋼®(偉哥®)就係咁樣唔小心出咗世。



重點#3 加拿大嘅性科學家 Meredith Chivers喺2004年做咗一樣經典實驗,邀請唔同嘅女人入實驗室去睇唔同色情嘅圖片。


最重要係:呢啲『咸相』包括做運動嘅男人,做運動嘅女人,男同性戀嘅gay sex,女同性戀嘅lesbian sex,男女異性戀嘅sex,同埋矮黑猩猩搞嘢嘅sex。






所以重點喺:男人嘅大腦同身體,都會明顯直接地顯示佢有冇性慾,mind and body喺性慾反應喺一致。但係女人嘅身體有性慾時,佢心理上未必有感覺有feel有性慾;就算佢濕咗甚至高潮咗,有時佢嘅內心亦都未必喺享受enjoy緊,佢身體有反應唔代表佢大腦有反應。




我哋明白咗男女呢種性慾分別後,究竟點解女人嘅sexual body同 sexual mind會分開呢?我哋就留返下集講喇!




有private coaching client曾經問我:『Man神,我有次因為條女做咗某啲我唔鍾意嘅嘢,我勁嬲跟住爆咗佢一鑊,同佢鬧交。






但有一點你要注意:就係,你做呢樣嘢之前,你必須確保你已經建立咗一條baseline/基線,你要比佢feel到你本身喺一個『控制到情緒』嘅cool guy先;







但係女人嘅心理,喺需要其他好好壞壞嘅strong emotions,例如講八婆嘢,例如妄想下啲浪漫小說或者白痴肥皂劇,又或者透過佢嘅男人去比啲drama自己令自己生命無咁悶。




當然有,我喺YT/newsletter裡面都教過其他巴打:『學識說不,你溝女先得!』唔好為咗『和諧/和平』呢啲概念而下下對女人say yes,因為女人其實喺鍾意你對住佢say no!







歡迎你去加入我哋MTFU Insider嘅內部兄弟幫,因為我喺裏面每日都教導內部巴打比起今日更加高階嘅題材。

你有興趣話,就腥email去support@manthefvckup.com 索取章程啦,下集見!

男人的性慾是怎樣煉成?物化女人是正常![十億個邪惡的念頭 Ep.05]

Welcome to <A Billion Wicked Thoughts/十億個邪惡的念頭> Ep.5, 今集我哋會講下呢本書嘅Ch.3:男性嘅性慾喺點樣形成,究竟有咩因素令男人產生性慾等等。








Well,作者舉出咗個日本例子(zettai ryouiki/絕對領域),顯示男人對身體部位可以有幾瘋狂。



而『絕對領域』嘅fans,就會量度『短裙:大髀肌膚:膝頭以上嘅絲襪』嘅比例,劃分E-A等級,E = 太多肉太多裙,A = 少少肉極短裙;





重點#3:有兩位心理學家 Joseph Plaud +James Martini,佢哋做咗一系列實驗,將一個叫plethysmograph嘅儀器,綁喺男人嘅陰莖;


實驗目的喺去睇下男人嘅性慾望,係咪好似Ivan Pavlov/巴夫洛夫嘅古典制約/Classical Conditioning嘅原理一樣,可以慢慢將無關痛癢嘅嘢condition落男人嘅性慾到,令佢對一啲原本無性慾嘅嘢,都會變得有性慾。

最後發現:2/3嘅男人,最後會對錢罌產生性慾,顯示視覺嘅制約喺會影響男人嘅性慾。至於social conditioning/社會制約,就大部份時候唔會。



而且,幾乎所有嘅性癖好,都係出現喺男人青春期嘅時期,科學家稱果段黃金時間之為『critical period/關鍵期』。





女人竟然無興趣大JJ !? 終於有真相…[十億個邪惡的念頭 Ep.04]

Welcome to <A Billion Wicked Thoughts/十億個邪惡的念頭> Ep.4, where we will explore the CRAZY visual cues that arouses men. We’ll explore the remaining few points of WHAT kind of things men like to see in sex.

#1 Breasts are the most popular body part in sexual searches in every country, and the most popular category exclusive to heterosexual men.

A study in France used a padded bra to test how often men would approach the same researcher with an ABC cup when she was at a bar: A: 18 B: 28 C: 60

Although no mention of D-G cup, normally larger breasts are popular.

However, there are NO nipple-size websites or COLOR of nipples. Those are not influential visual cues in men.

#2 Men from a broad array of cultures prefer small feet on women. There are 276 foot sites on the Alexa list, and only one hand-focused one (Glove Mansion).

Why are men attracted to feet even though women decorate their fingernails with manicure to draw attention? -> Maybe searching for foot erotica are highly correlated with searches for bondage and submission porn. e.g. some men fantasize licking a woman’s feet

#3 Now, the common Q comes: Do women prefer bigger dicks?

Well… the answer from data is: men are more interested in penises than women + men are much more interested in large penises than women !

Academic Survey: 15% of women are dissatisfied with their partner’s penis size. 45% of men are dissatisfied with their own penis size.

Eye tracking study: When men and women looked at non-erotic images, men consistently direct gaze to male crotch, women rarely do so.

In romance novels, it’s rare to detail a man’s penis size. Only in porn does the penis is always under the spotlight.

9% of women wish they had smaller breasts; just 0.2% of men wish they had smaller penises. -> For men, penis can never be too big.

Why men care penis size so much, check out others and show off their own?

-> In apes, penis is a social tool. The erect primate penis is used as a sign of male-male aggression, to mark territory, and as a sexual invitation to females.

#4 One very popular erotic art in the world is Japanese anime porn (“hentai”).

The typical anime female is a high school teenager. Her voice is extremely high-pitched. She frequently wears school uniforms, complete with pleated skirts, vests, and saddle shoes.

She is often sexually inexperienced and reacts with embarrassment at the mention of sex (indicated by reddening cheeks).

Yet, despite all these vivid cues of youth, she is drawn with impossibly large breasts, a perfectly round and firm butt, a low waist-to-hip ratio, and small feet.

It’s most popular visual erotic art because is SUPERCHARGE all male visual cues, so that’s why men love to watch animated porn.

Now that we have a better understanding of what men like to look at, we can ask—why? That’s what we will attempt in the NEXT video.

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男人鍾意的性幻想…變態嗎?[十億個邪惡的念頭 Ep.03]

Welcome to <A Billion Wicked Thoughts/十億個邪惡的念頭> Ep.3, where we will explore the Main visual cues that activate male desire i.e. WHAT kind of things men like to see in sex. There are 6 major points of this section.

#1 Male 獼猴 are willing to trade juice to view pics of female monkey’s butts (monkey porn), rather than powerful males or friendly female faces.

Similarly, the most popular adult pay sites attract 75% men, 25% women. BUT

Only 2% of porn subscriptions are billed to credit cards with female names.  

Meaning: Willingness to pay for porn indicates men’s motivation to see images is STRONGER than woman. E.g. many high level management or government staff us taxpayer money to see graphic sex, even it risks public shame or lose jobs.

#2 AGE dominates sexual searches, adult website content, and porn videos.

Most common ages = 16 + 18. Then 50, 40 (MILF) 60 (GILF).

The single most popular search term in Pornhub is “Mom”

Why males desire older women!? -> It’s said that cougars are more aggressive at pursuing sex than younger women.

2010 study found that women age 27-45 have more sexual fantasies, a greater willingness to have one-night stands, and a greater willingness to have casual sex than women in other age ranges.

So 1/4 men who search for teens also search for moms.

How about GILF? 2 countries showing the highest interest in “granny porn” are Kenya (where young people are encouraged to discuss sexual matters with their grandparents rather than their parents) and UK (where many schoolboy’s first contact with a grown woman occurred when older schoolmarms spanked them).

#3 Bro, you do like slim women instead of fat chicks right? In fact, many sex scientists believe that a woman’s waist-to-hip ratio (0.7) is most appealing.

HOWEVER, data says that for every search for a “skinny” girl, there are three searches for a “fat” girl.  On the Alexa Adult List, there are 504 sites dedicated to heavy ladies, and only 182 to skinny ones.  

Why? It might be because  Many BBW (Big, Beautiful, Women) pornhave low ratio due to their excessive hip size.

But one thing is clear: toothpick-thin model women are rare in male targeted porn.

Q: Do you like play with breasts, legs or ass? Do you know which ONE body part that you’re paying attention to when you watch porn that might make you gay?

We’ll reveal some even more crazy data next time that may shock you!

If you like this series, LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to MTFU to avoid missing out!

男人vs女人鍾意睇咩咸片? [十億個邪惡的念頭 Ep.02]

Welcome to <A Billion Wicked Thoughts/十億個邪惡的念頭> Ep.2, where we will understand what do men and women REALLY like and the difference sexual cues we have.

#1 It is very hard to study the differences b/w men vs women sexual interests because it’s hard to ACQUIRE DATA. Direct observation is best, but people don’t like to be asked about their private lives (feel guilty) +hard to get funding from govt or institution (taboo).

But authors used Dogpile.com (not in use now) , a meta-engine that combine result from Google, Yahoo, Bing etc., to get  400 million searches July 2009 – 2010 as source data.

In the unfiltered search, they find stuff like shemales in prom dresses 人妖, Twilight slash Edward and Jacob 吸血新世紀, wives caught cheating on cam, best romance novels with alpha heroes, kendra wilkinson sex tape, spanking stories 調教打屁股, free gay video tube etc.

#2 In cases where the search was ambiguous, the researchers used the AOL search histories released in 2006 to distinguish whether the terms typically appeared with other sexual searches.

MILF = 熟女/Mother I’d Like to Fuck

So a total of 55 million of the searches were classified as sexual.

And interestingly, the top 20 interests search = 80% all searches
Top 35 top interests = 90% of all searches

Meaning: Most ppl’s desires are actually MORE COMMON than you think. Our sexual desires are shared by many other people.

#3 The most popular erotic web sites reflect interest of men & women’s sexual brains:

Meaning: Men’s and women’s tastes are radically different.

On the web, men prefer images, graphic sex. i.e. sheer lust, physical gratification, no courtship/commitment/relationships. Minimum plot line, focus on the sexual acts, a lot of female bodies – face, breast, genitals.  

Women prefer erotic stories of romance relationships i.e. the heroine identify, win the heart of and marry the one man who is right for her, not just sex.

They seek out different MODES of stimulation. Men prefer to watch, women prefer to read and discuss.

#4 Authors theorize that men and women respond to different sexual cues.

Our mind’s taste software responds to 5 perceptual inputs: sweet, salty, sour, savory香, and bitter.
E.g. sweetness detects sugar, imply energy, so we like it.
E.g. bitterness detects alkaloid 生物鹼 substance, normally toxic plant, unplesant

Same as our sexual desire, we have evolved psychological mechiansm to detect + assess mate value.

And the next episodes will help us understand specific innate cues that trigger desire in women and men.

If you LIKE this series, please LIKE this video and subscribe to MTFU so that you don’t miss out the value.

男女黑暗的性慾望?必看此書![十億個邪惡的念頭 Ep.01]

Have you wondered why it is so HARD for men to stop masturbating with porn even though they know it’s harming their body and mind?

Have you wondered why women are so obsessed with romance novels like <Twilight><吸血新世紀/暮光之城>, <50 Shades of Grey><格雷的五十道陰影>?

Are you interested in understanding the differences of male & female minds towards sexuality and how they are differently aroused?

Well bro, I am starting this new book series <A Billion Wicked Thoughts/十億個邪惡的念頭> and will start to explain to you the differences, according to very extensive HARDCORE DATE from online searches.

#1 Before this study came out, the only BIG sex study was done in 1950s by Alfred Kinsey, where he and his team interviewed >18,000 people with 521 Qs about sexual interests.

Those were very old data and the methods were limited because it relies on self-report AND it’s mostly educated, middle class Caucasians.

But the authors in this book are neuroscientists, they examined >400 million different searches and the search history of more than 650,000 people, providing a vastly more detailed and improved answer to the Q: what do men and women really desire?

#2 So why is this book a much STRONGER data that reflects more TRUTH about human sexuality?

Because billions of people are FREE to search their most secret erotic desires in a totally anonymous way.

They are in private settings, they are NOT censored and NOT afraid to reveal their trustest desires. So these datas are reflect the truth in a non-judgemental way.

#3 So bro, I plan to use about 10 episodes (5-7 mins)  to reveal the MOST important findings in this book, and explain to you HOW you can utilize these data to your advantage when it comes to dating/sex.

If you LIKE this, please LIKE this video now and SUBSCRIBE to MTFU so that you don’t miss out the updates.

#4 What you need to know now is this: By analyzing the secret desires of tens of millions of men + women, AND explaining the mechanism behind that, you will discover some DARK sides of human sexuality.

We are penetrating through people’s mind with ZERO filter. The sexual brain is NOT politically correct, NOT socially conservative, NOT morally upright.

If you want to become good with women or sex, I invite you to cast away all the moral/religious/social/familial/cultural IDEAS or beliefs about SEX, and use an objective lens to observe the harcore TRUTH.

You may feel offended, feel sad, feel angry, feel crazy, feel negative about certain stuff, but that’s just the statistics and it’s up to you to see them or not.

I hope you will enjoy this <十億個邪惡的念頭> series, if you have any Qs or anything you want to say, leave a CM below and let me know.

We will start Ch.1 in the next video so I will see you there!


Qs: What are the REAL REASONS 許志安 cheat? Is 黃心穎 a total slut? What will happen to Sammi? How about the poor little boy 馬國明?

Well brother, these are ALL irrelevant Qs you shouldn’t ask yourself. As you will see, almost 99% of articles/videos will be based on ENTERTAINMENT that adds zero value to your life.

It’s about making you feel emotional, adding drama to the mess so that there are more views. Afterall, that’s what news/media do.

Therefore, in this video breakdown, we will NOT focus on the gossip. We will NOT stand on the moral high ground to judge what’s right or wrong.

My intention of using this material is to ADD VALUE TO YOUR LIFE as a man. I want you to take this as 學術研究 to see the TRUTH about sexual dynamics between men and women, to understand the difference between sexual desire and love, and OBSERVE your initial reaction towards this incident.

Because YOUR NATURAL REACTION already reflects whether you’re BETA or ALPHA lens to see the world.

I recommend you to watch my other video <你係Alpha定Beta?留意呢10大特質!> as reference.

Now, we will breakdonw into a few sections in this video:
#1 What you can learn from 許志安 as an extreme BETA
#2 How you should choose women – NOT Sammi, NOT 黃心穎
#3 The only thing 馬國明 should do
#4 Other BETAs you should avoid becoming – taxi driver, the staff in Apple, those who attack 許志安 in front of girlfriends.

#1 What you can learn from 許志安 as an extreme BETA

1) He got oneitis 真命天女症.

Beta believes in romantic ideals. He tries to find his one soulmate. And then he justifies his clinginess by saying he “loves her so much”.

-> Therefore you can see 許志安 always come back to Sammi after breakups in the past 30 years. Because when he was ~20 years old, he already thought Sammi was the one. That’s a classic idealizing love behavior.

2) Beta always WANTS to be hero, he wants to save a girl from her problems, he wants to treat her nice and takes responsibility of HER emotions/problems.

-> That’s why my guess is another reason why 許志安 stays with a woman who is KNOWN for her crazy ups and downs personality (like Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Madonna). He genuinely wants to fix Sammi’s emotional drama. He fails, but since he believes “committing” is what good man does, he continues living in such shitty relationship.

Now, let’s look deeper in the 記者會.

3) He keeps apologizing to everyone, to Sammi, to his fans etc. “犯這個錯誤起了色心,我覺得現在應該承擔後果。”

This implies he is SHAMEFUL towards his natural sexual desire for hot woman. Not only that but he is also apologizing being a MAN who likes to fuck.


He is ugly NOT because he cheats, every Alpha leader is history had multiple women at the same time until 100 years ago. He is UGLY because he is so weak/powerless that he needs to apologise to his REAL DESIRE as a MAN and he doesn’t have the BALLS to step up to OWN AND CLAIM his manhood.

4) “因為我自己做了一件不被原諒的事。” What does this imply? This is saying in the past 30 years, Sammi ALWAYS had the dominant frame in the relationship.

But since he is a nice guy, he TOLERATES that shit and keeps going back to Sammi until Sammi is good enough but choose him. At home, Sammi is the boss so 許志安 is always being emasculated. After years of marriage like that, there’s no way BETA won’t need a break and cheat for some younger, hotter girls.

5) “我最錯的地方是失去我自己。” “我這一刻是沒了靈魂的,我是一個壞掉的人。”


He emphasises so much on being BAD person, he loses his “real self” as being a good guy, being a morally upright dude in society.

That’s what BETA do. Beta always use the “I am a good devoted bf/ husband/ citizen” in society as a CARD to attract girls. But in reality, they are just pussies who keeps hiding away from the REAL ASPECTS of themselves – the ones that are deemed “bad” by society/religion/culture. They keep living in SHAME and that’s why betas have fucked up psychology.  

Now let’s briefly mention the other parties in this incident.

#1 As I have mentioned, Sammi is known for her ups and downs emotional personality. But betas love to act like Prince to save girls’ from her shit, to take responsibility of OTHERS shit, that’s why 許志安’s mistake from day 1 is to use “i will save girls” strategy to get girls, attracted sb he shouldn’t have touched, AND kept fixing a problem he can never fix.

I am not saying Sammi is a bad person, but I am saying when it comes to choosing what kind of women you want to put next to your side, you must be RUTHLESS like you’re having a billion dollar business deal.

#2 How about 黃心穎? Before I analyze about her, I want you to notice how SOCIETY is going to slut shame her as chicken, especially women.

Why? Because that’s a psychological battle played between female species. Even a woman herself loves sex and sucks dick, she IS going to slut shame other women who are competitors. This is to ensure that the best gene goes to her instead of the other girl.

As regards choosing women, 許志安 probably isn’t the first guy she wants to hook up with. She probably has been fvcking other guys behind 馬國明, who is another extreme beta.

However, even if her reputation is tarnished, many betas will still want to be her bf or even marry her. So the best strategy to handle these girls if you meet one? Just fvck her but never be serious.

#3 Now, what should 馬國明 do? Well, he is a famous nice good guy who always seem to be ignorant of what’s happening and willing to get his balls cut.

If he’s NOT ruthlessly dumping a cheater IMMEDIATELY, you will know why 馬國明 deserves to be cheated again and again.

Finally, I want you to see the BIGGER PICTURE about the whole incident.

#1 The real reason why the taxi driver reports to Apple is probably NOT JUST about money, even though he may get a few thousands or more for this juicy story.

The real reason he does that is probably because: He is JEALOUS that 許志安 is going to fuck a hot girl he can never FUCK.

This taxi driver probably has a tiger wife at home, nagging him all day and all he can do is to cheat in mainland.

But seeing a celebrity can get better pussies? He is pissed, so he is going to DESTROY 許志安 secretly to feel better about himself.

No matter how he justifies that – feeling unjust for Sammi, hating pretty girls like 黃心穎 who never will fuck him, want to help 馬國明 know the truth – becoming a justice warrior and ATTACKING powerful beta is the only way they can do to pull down a higher status beta.

2) How about the staff in Apple Daily?

As I said, the media only cares about profiting your EYEBALLS. They are not to help Sammi or 馬國明, they are not to destroy 許志安 黃心穎, they will just find creative ways every day to get your ATTENTION and earn profit from it.  

If you want to know what the news is about, just read Ryan Holiday’s <Trust me, I am not lying>.

3) The last point of today is that: I want you to OBSERVE your initial reaction towards this incident.

Did you leave a comment to 網絡公審 許志安? Did you HATE women like 黃心穎 because they are so sexual BUT they are not sexual towards you?

Did you feel sympathy for Sammi immediately EVEN THOUGH you have no idea who is suffering in that 30-year relationship? Did you laugh about 馬國明 because he is such a naive dork who always get taken advantage of?

Most importantly, when you talk about this with other women (gf/wife) in public, are you trying to shame 許志安 like most people are doing now?

If you do, you need to be careful. This is a strong signal that you too are operating in BETA MODE, trying to stand on the side of women and trying to portray a “I am good morally upright guy” image to attract girls.

This video is NOT for you to 食花生,this video is helping you to SEE whether you actually is just another less powerful, less famous, less affluent 許志安 – who is doing similar things with a similar beta mindset in regards to sex and relationships.

Cheating in relationships is NEVER the real problem, the real problem is always CHEATING YOURSELF and not facing what you truly want in life, and then settle in mediocre relationships, UNTIL that doesn’t work and EXPLODE one day that harms everyone.

What would you do if you were ruthlessly honest about your sexual desire?

What would you do if you knew that sexual desire and love are 2 different biological things that most people are confused?

What if you never have to apologize for being a man who gets what he wants in life without worrying about ppl’s opinions?

What if you STOP buying into the lies of Hollywood/DIsney romantic love and see the truth about male-female sexual dynamics?

I share much more details on how to achieve that life in MTFU Insider, if you’re interested, send an email to support@manthefvckup.com and let us know.

I hope today’s video has enough valuable nutrition to help you grow. LIKE this video and subscribe to MTFU so that you won’t miss out the upcoming videos.

If you like this kind of breakdown, leave a comment below and let me know.


就今天的記者會的目的是真的好想親口、 衷心向大家說聲對不起。















I don’t know about your experience, but have you felt that women sometimes “just wanted to have sex with you but nothing more”?

I am talking about when you are able to seduce her to be physically intimate with you, but you wonder how come she doesn’t want to develop a further bf-gf relationship with you, and now you feel that you are being USED by her as a sex tool?

#1 Well brother, if you have such quality problem, first off congrats because 80+% of men out there NEVER experience such, so be grateful first :p

Second, the reason you are asking me this Q is because you are confusing sexual desire VS love.

If you are able to make women feel aroused, desired, lusty for you, you are creating man-to-woman sexual tension that signals to her primal brain to fuck.

#2 However, if you want a girl where you two spend time together, you both sweetly care for each other, and have a loving relationship,

you are aiming for another thing called “love”, which is a feeling of comfort, trust, nurturance, relatability etc.

So if a girl right now wants to “use you for sex”but not develop thing further, that means you ARE doing the right thing because being used for sex in the short term will actually LEAD to her wanting a relationship in the long term given the right circumstances.

#3 Now that you understand the differences sexual desire VS love, how do you transition that SP r/p into a bf/gf r/p?

Easy, you must remain conscious to keep things CASUAL for as long as possible!!!

DO NOT push for anything serious until she keeps asking for it. DO NOT stop dating/fvcking other girls until you are READY for a relationship.

If you move things too fast or force a romance, you will RUIN the feelings she is experiencing and that only lead to immature bad r/ps.

I understand you might long for a r/p,

but in order to keep her interested and aroused in you, YOU MUST remain as the exciting badboy for her to fvck and that is the only way she genuinely wants to become your gf!