你現在定的目標,你肯定係你真正想要? [人生智慧]

I was recently having lunch with an old friend who is very successful in society’s standard – very wealthy, make multiple millions, have a great pretty gf, can travel anywhere anytime he wants –

and we stumbled upon the discussion on how to know whether our goals are SOMETHING WE REALLY WANT instead of what people want for us?

Take a second to think about this:  Is your goal right now something YOU want, OR society/marketing forces tells you to want it?

Your next car? Your next house? Your job? Your girlfriend? Your possessions? Your places to go because you heard it can take nice pics for your IG?

Then, we discussed the 1 Q we can ask ourselves to distinguish the REAL thing and the FAKE thing, and that is…

“If no one in the world knows what you do/ what you have, OR if you cannot show off what you do/what you have to the world, would you still continue doing it?”

Boom, can you see how liberating this Q is?

E.g. If you can’t show off that Red Ferrari or green Lamborghini to the world, would you still try to own it?

If you can’t show off this HOT SEXY MODEL to the world, would you still choose to attract her, keep her as a girlfriend OR like hanging around with her?

If you can’t tell your parents/relatives that you are a doctor, lawyer, judge, government top official, investment banker, would you still LOVE DOING THIS JOB?

If no one in the world sees that you can sing/dance/act, would you still join the entertainment industry and try to be famous?

I want you to ponder on this Q today and reflect on what you have been trying to do/ get/ be…

…it will LIBERATES you from all the social bullshit and toxic ideas as to what you really want to DO/HAVE/EXPERIENCE in your life 🙂