[溝女問題] 女朋友同其他男人曖昧!?玩完女好空虛?

Have you ever worried if your girlfriend is flirting with other guys?


Are you considering to break up with your current GF because you suspect she is cheating with another guy behind you?


If this happened, have you later tried to be an asshole 周圍玩女 just to 填補心靈空虛, but only to find that you’re just numbing your deep pain and don’t know what to do in future relationships?


Hi man神😂廢話吾多講,我以前有一個女朋友分左手差吾多兩年,我個時知道佢有同一個男仔有曖昧的WhatsApp,我知道左之後問佢,佢話佢男仔系阿哥(代號A)冇野,但係晚晚傾電話中間A都有打黎。





=> #1 Understand, if you are not being HONEST in a relationship


i.e. “我要面,緊係話冇野啦 while you actually don’t like it”, this relationship will NOT work.


A partner, if she is a good one, can’t understand you if you are not courageous enough to be vulnerable and let her know your feelings.


Many people fail in relationships because both parties are NOT being HONEST with each other and they try to PRETEND everything is fine when its’ not.


Thus, little problems grow until they accumulate so big that they explode one day and eat both of you alive.


Yes, you want to develop your emotional strength and fortitude to handle shit in life.


But before you train yourself and reach that level, you two gotta be honest with each other so that the GOOD PARTNERS can help each other.


So next time when you are in a relationship and you are NOT cool with something, you need to speak to your partner.


Tell her your fears with honesty and see if she is a good person who tries to understand you and help you overcome that.  


#2 Reflect on WHY she wants to 曖昧 with another guy.


Is it because you become complacent after getting her and don’t give her enough attention at all?


Is that because you act too NEEDY that overwhelm her too much?


OR is it just because she is emotionally immature and she just wants as much attention from guys she wants and feel worthy as a girl?


If she is, then that means you need to LEARN how to distinguish what kinds of girls are READY for a relationship.


過咗一個禮拜左右,佢就同A一齊左,我以為自己可以放低,但系呢兩年始終放吾㡳,佢都拍過兩次拖 (Ps佢而家有仔)


我自己就周圍玩女去填補空虛,但系自己仍然好愛佢好想再黎過,每晚睇返D相都喊,我同佢分左手後,佢好憎我成日po IG鬧我。


呢兩個月開始成班朋友傾計,佢都有答爹傾左兩句咁,佢有個好朋友話大家個心仲有大家,但係大家一起吾講要面,Man神我應該點我想重新開始,thx 多謝你D片教既野🙏 By TT


#1 If you want to heal from breakups, you MUST cut all communications with your ex at least for a period of time e.g. 1 year


I bet during these 2 years, you are constantly trying to see her UPDATES and how she is going.


That’s why when you see her having fun and having other guys, while you are being single and lonely, you feel miserable and you miss the “good times” with her.


Thus, you gotta put away the old pics/videos that trigger the PAIN and memories between you and her. She has already moved on, it’s time for you to MTFU, love yourself more, and move on for yourself!


#2 You don’t heal your wounds by using other women to fill you, you heal yourself by fulfilling yourself.


If you rely on other girls/friends to approve your self-worth,


you are always at the mercy of low self esteem when people don’t approve/love you anymore.


The biggest fear of humans are the fear of not being good enough and the fear of not being loved.


To start with, you must learn to accept and love yourself unconditionally FIRST, which is the cornerstone of a solid healthy self-esteem.


If you want to start again, learn to love yourself, take care about yourself, do fun things for yourself FIRST while you’re single.


That’s the FOUNDATION for you to start any new positive healthy relationships that  can magnify the positive human experience with a girl.