[溝女] 幾時先抄女仔牌?毒L如何變得更有吸引力?

Have you wondered WHEN and how to get girls’ number?


Are you worried whether you are being a leader and having 主導權 when you interact with girls?


How do you get rid of your 毒L habits and become the MAN you dream yourself to be?



如題, 返工識左個女仔好合眼缘,份工返左冇幾耐姐(同個女仔第3日一齊返),冇同個女仔build大多rapport,




情况如下: 我就放工個時 1.我無eye contact甘行過佢







5.我話你接受到個種程度個種 <–(因為我都覺拎tel.no快左d,先識左個3日,而且想respect返佢作為女仔既矜持 —>  但後尾發現唔對路!

我竟然將主導權比左佢!冇左男人既feel!!! 想問下尼點佢有冇扣我分)




7.我拎左之後走之後轉身話: 我今晚揾你 (微笑)


8.但其實我諗住今晚拎唔記得左 , 完全唔揾佢:’)    (要用man sir你教個招😈)



=> Biggest Mistake: You haven’t qualified her before you get her contact.


She hasn’t earned any shit from you and you give access to her. So it’s a bit too player feel when you said “抄個靚牌ah~遲日出尼食下飯”.


Has she even earned the right to dine with you?


If you don’t screen and qualify herself and invite her out TOO EARLY on, she won’t cherish the opportunity to spend 1-2-1 time with you.


And stop thinking“抄牌”is what you must do.


When you have the right attraction and connection, it’s so common that girls will ask you for your contacts to further connect with you.


I don’t want to discourage you from taking action, but you GOTTA be more patient to make her feel that SHE CAN”T wait to meet you, see you, date you.


講左個人狀况先: 我係肥仔(有肚腩 但不是超肥) 面有好多暗瘡,樣子不討好。但剪左類左man sir你既haircut,有少少陽光feel。


=》 You gotta get rid of your 暗瘡 as much as possible because CLEANIESS/ APPEARANCE  does matter.


You don’t want to make people feel that you are a lazy dirty dude who doesn’t take time for self-care.


最近開始減緊肥 ,每日放工返家都有做5-6組workout,持续左1 week till now,但個人除左打機冇乜hobby。


=》Bro, MTFU. You are BETTER than just playing video games!


因為睇MAN D 片,前係不折不扣死毒L,但依加有意識去dominate own path ( MAN 可否教下路)。只係冇從入手, 諗住遲下跑下步,create hobby先!

個女仔A0  我都係


=》The first thing you need to do is to EXPLORE more hobbies that make you feel excited, alive, fun and can’t wait to do it weekly. If you don’t have an active lifestyle, it’s hard to inspire women to follow you.

E.g. do some sports/workout training, try yoga/dancing, explore places, read books to cultivate your mindset, attend classes that help your future



  1.  想問下我拎女仔contact比主導權佢選擇是錯誤嗎?
  2.  若果個女仔聽日都唔揾我,我可以主動揾佢嗎?(約她食飯)
  3.  若果個女仔聽日都唔揾我,是否代表我不夠attractive?
  4.  毒撚可以如何 dominate own path ?(具體上)

pps.我未睇wtsapp game d video  今晚補下習先:) THX MAN!!!



#1 There’s no right or wrong to get girls contact or give her yours.


Personally, I just LOVE to give my contacts girls out after I’ve qualified them and let them find me.


Yes you may never hear from her, but what you sub-communicate is that you DON”T need her and you won’t chase her just like every pussy beta male dogs…


And if they DO find you, it means she is interested and a qualified girl, you are in a higher position with control to move things forward.


#2 I won’t give my valuable time or an opportunity to eat with me SO EASILY to girls who are NOT interested or qualified.


#3 Maybe you aren’t attractive, maybe you are attractive but you did things wrong, maybe she is just unavailable or blind.


Stop blaming yourself so easily because 60-70% of the interaction depends on HER situation while you can control only 30-40%.


#4 You dominate your path by having a LIFE PURPOSE that is BIGGER than yourself and LARGER than just fucking more women.


When you are spending your major time accomplishing your MISSION that matters to you,


and being a light, playful, fun, challenging, adventurous, sexual leader during social time with girls, you are the fucking man that every woman craves.