[溝女QnA] 女朋友床照被Ex威脅!點算!?


Hi Manson 你啲片越來越到肉 希望之後個啲可以更好 加油


件事係咁嘅 我條囡(已經符合Manthefvckup嘅準則放心)XD


Anyway,佢俾佢個Ex煩住曬,係咁話要番8000蚊,話咩之前用黎氹佢嘅禮物錢,我心諗又一個Beta male,分左手仲搞埋黎啲野。






個ex仲要有佢啲肉體照威脅佢,話唔俾8000蚊就send曬俾伯母,仲要見 我Send左就一定GG,個Ex有一堆電話號碼 block唔曬。


我地應該點做?同佢傾?定同警察叔叔講?囡又唔想搞大件事 有咩解決方案 ?


Thx Man 希望早啲睇到 – P



#1 Don’t use my standards and values to choose girls.


Although you do want a committed, responsible, independent,  compassionate, empathetic, mature girl with a growth mindset to have a successful long term relationship , YOU gotta decide what you want.


#2 Well, don’t just blame the guy for being a weak beta male who’s trying to get $$ back to “save some face” in order to feel better about himself.


Yes, he has an extreme low self esteem, and he is doing these ugly stuff because he feels hurt.


BUT, a deeper problem is that very likely, the girlfriend you now have is very likely to be at the same caliber.


Otherwise, she would have the SUBSTANCE, SELF ESTEEM and WISDOM to know what kind of guys to be close with.


So bro, although she’s your gf now, I urge you to SCREEN CAREFULLY whether she truly fulfills the high quality traits I mentioned before.


Otherwise, it’s NOT the right relationship to enter into.


#3 As regards the 8000蚊 shit, and the crazy 伯母 who hits her daughter (WTF!?!?), there’s a few options you can choose:


– Continue to ignore that hurt animal, continue to block the numbers with patience, but this may lead him to do even crazier things.


– Give him $8000 directly, but he may use the pics as a means to further get more $$


– (Requires a lot of courage and maturity) Your girlfriend invites him out for a drink to talk about this issue.



Because Right now, this guy is deeply hurt, he is doing stupid things to get the attention from a LOVE he has lost, although on the outside he is angry and rude.


However, if your girlfriend can get him out, and have the self-control to LISTEN to his fears, pains, hurt and concerns,


WITHOUT trying to argue or explain herself, and if needed APOLOGIZE to him that she might have done something wrong too in the relationship that leads to a breakup…


….that tough guy WILL melt like a baby, feels that HE IS UNDERSTOOD and HEARD, and if he can MTFU, he will be reasonable and not further damage the relationship.


I know This is HARD to do, it requires a lot of courage, empathy, and emotional maturity,


but this is the BEST thing for both parties to HEAL from the mistakes they have made in the past.