[溝女QnAx3] 好耐冇見的女同學唔再show我,點算?


Man神 我中意左學校一個女仔,之前都幾好傾,亦都有少少普通身體接觸,但後尾佢整親放左好耐(2個月左右)病假。


e排都佢返返泥都有傾下一兩句,我前幾日搵到佢fb同ig add左佢。但佢有update都吳accept我,仲有fb今日將某d相private左。




#1 Well, there must be a REASON why she doesn’t want to accept your IG, or PRIVATE her fb photos.


Very obviously, she doesn’t want you to see her stuff because she still hasn’t trusted you enough yet.


Not sure what you have done before, but probably not something great.


You can’t persuade her to change her mind now. All you can do is to REFLECT on your behaviors on where you have become needy/desperate/creepy in the past. Learn from your mistakes, and stop all these chasing.



Hi man神 其實我一直有睇開你既youtube channel.


最返有個問題好困擾我, 因為我前排識左一個女仔. 學校臨完sem識, 好遲先主動approach佢. 出過一次街睇戲, 但之後我想再約佢又話唔得閒, 話要7月先得wor.


跟住我嬲嬲地whatsapp左d說話佢聽, 佢又嬲左, 仲話都想認識我呢個新朋友, 被friendzoned埋..


唉! 而家斷斷續續仲有whatsapp.. 但我自己覺得機會不大, 應否繼續? 再約佢? 猛追返等佢知我真係對佢有興趣? 跪求解答! 唔該你! - M



#1 What the fuck did you tell her in Whatsapp? You pretend to be a fake Alpha 『狠狠調教佢』話佢懶高竇吊高來賣?OR you keep demanding her to find time to go out with you ASAP? lol


#2 Well you have screwed up, not just because you’re being passive aggressive when a girl doesn’t want to see you as quickly, but because you said “應否繼續 再約佢? 猛追返等佢知我真係對佢有興趣?


What the fuck is that? Bro, haven’t you watched my videos before?


I don’t even want to explain 追女仔 means, if you are a good student, you will now go and WATCH ALL of my videos in the past and immerse yourself with my teachings.


They are free, so you have no excuses not to learn. It’s up to you now, if you want to know what to do next, go watch more videos.


man神,我想問下我而家想追一個好有個性, 好自我同埋好獨立既女仔,我可以點做?同埋我唔識點打開話題,求教。-S



Mr. S, based on what I have just said now, what mistakes do you think you have made?


To all of my bros, this channel is MTFU, and that means you MTFU, take responsibility for your own life, and do your research when you discover great stuff from me.


Stop asking me the same questions because most likely, I have already answered them in the past.

Research in my playlist and immerse yourself in these free learning. Done.