7種男女傾計最致命嘅錯誤!(Part 4 of 7) [溝女]

Yo! 我喺MTFU嘅Man神啊,歡迎嚟到新一集嘅ManTheFvckUp,






Mistake #4: 進入面試/Interview Mode!


Conversations should NOT feel like a job interview,


that’s why dinner dates as the first 1-2-1 date SUCKS,


it puts so much pressure on both of you to keep the conversation going.


Then you start asking Qs


e.g. what do you do for a living?


What do you do for fun?


Where do you grow up?


What kind of music do you like?


It’s not the questions themselves that KILL you, it’s the rapid firing of questions after questions after questions.


The stream of fact-based answers DESTROY any chemistry you have.


Conversations should have a FUN vibe back and forth.


Creating Chemsitry?


-> Imagine there’s a spotlight shining over the conversation, chemistry happens when the spotlight happens BOTH of you.


-> So when you keep ask Qs, you put the spotlight on her answering Qs, and that’s uncomfortable.

e.g. just like speaking in front of a camera


Don’t put her in that spotlight,


keep it focused on BOTH of you for as long as possible.


Tip: Questions are great for coaching/helping/inspiring, but Questions never lead to chemistry.


Statements DO!


Action Step: Change from asking Qs to making statements


E.g. What she does for a living?


->So, I bet you are a nurse


=> Why do you think I am a nurse?


=> etc.


Now you two are vibing and makes things back and forth,


more emotional, more fun, more interesting, more chemistry.

